BS 1.3 en 1.7 smoking

Grab your stuff 
You have on your table:
- Your laptop (closed)
- Your book & notebook
- A pen

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 21 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 3 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Grab your stuff 
You have on your table:
- Your laptop (closed)
- Your book & notebook
- A pen

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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- What did we do last lesson?
- Goals
- Respiratory system
- Making some excersices
- Nasal- and oral cavity
- Homework 
- Making some excersices

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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What did we do last lesson?
- Photosynthesis
- Combustion
- Respiration

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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What is the formula of respiration (= combustion in your body)? 
Carbon dioxide

Slide 4 - Sleepvraag

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Combustion in your body = respiration
Getting energy from food 
  • Our fuel is glucose
  • Oxygen is needed to break down glucose (breathing)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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In plants 


CO2 + H2O + sunlight -> C6H12O6 + O2

CO2 = Carbondioxide 
H2O = Water
C6H12O6 = Glucose
O2 = Oxygen
In plants and animals

Combustion (cellular respiration)

O2 + C6H12O6 -> CO2 + H20 + energy

CO2 = Carbondioxide 
H2O = Water
C6H12O6 = Glucose
O2 = Oxygen

Where do we need the energy for?
And other animals / plants?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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BS 1.3 respiratory system 

After this lesson:
- You can name parts of the respiratory system with their features and functions.

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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Respiratory system = ademhalingsstelsel

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Slide 9 - Video

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Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Slide 13 - Video

moisture the alveolus

High oxygen concentration.

High carbon dioxide concentration.

one cell layer thick

cappilaries around the alveoli

oxygen goes into the red blood cells

oCarbon dioxide goes into the air

Red blood cell transport gasses

Slide 14 - Sleepvraag

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BS 7 Smoking - why is it bad?

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

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Slide 16 - Video
Lets make some excersices
What? Make excercise 1 t/m 6
How? For yourself (in silence)
Time? 10 minutes
Help? Use your book or raise your hand if you have a question.

Try to figure out why
breathing in through your nose
is healthier then through your mouth. 

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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The nasal cavity and oral cavity
When you breath the air comes in through the  nasal cavity or oral cavity.

The nasal cavity is a large, air-filled space above and behind the nose.

In the front part of the nasal cavity are the nasal hairs, they trap larger dust particles. 

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Nasal- and mouth cavity
Difference between nasal cavity and mouth cavity:

- The nasal cavity is covered with nasal lining.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

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Slide 20 - Tekstslide

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Make exercise 1 to 8 (unit 1.3) 
to = tot en met 

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

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