Lesson 1 Travelling

Welcome to English class!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome to English class!

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Test results

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Today we are going to...
- read online.
- learn new vocabulary about travelling.
- listen to an English conversation about a trip.

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Online reading
  • Go to www.sterkengels.nl.
  • Click on the STERK Engels student log in.
  • Choose ClearFluency (the left button).
  • Start reading.

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class...

- you have read online for 15 minutes.
- have improved your listening and learnt about travelling for teenagers.
- know new vocabulary about travelling.

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What do you already know about holiday and travel?
Write down the alphabet on the piece of paper.
Think of one travel related word for each letter.
Write this word behind the letter.


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Travelling vocabulary
- Go to page 294.
- Read the new vocabulary out loud.
- Go to exercise 3 on page 229 of your book.
- Do the crossword puzzle.

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Travel talk
- Go to exercise 2 on page 228 of your book.
- Make exercise 2a on your own.
- Now we are going to listen to 2 people talking about a trip.
Check your understanding in exercise 2b & 2c

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Review the lesson
So, what have we learned today?

- you have read online for 15 minutes.
- have improved your listening and learnt about travelling for teenagers.
- know new vocabulary about travelling.

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Homework & next lesson
Study the vocabulary on page 294 of your book.

Next lesson:

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