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main topics
1.learn students names
2.keep the lesson moving
3.make the lesson intresting
4.catch problems as the start 
5.avoid confrontations
6.compliment good behaviour

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learn students name
knowing students name means that you care about them even if it is hard to remember them. it can increase students confidence as well it will help you personally if there is any problem. 

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ideas of how to remember the name
sometimes its hard to memorize students name speacialy if the class is big so here some ideas you can do
1. write them on cards and put it on their shirts ,desks.
2.ask the student to intereduce themselves or you can challenge your self before they say their name by chanting "you are"

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3.its okey to ask them to remind you with their name
4.during group work you can go around the students and recall their names and look for somthing special that identify the student such as : hair style , eye color.

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5.if the students dont know each other then some ice breaking activity would be usefull.
and that can happen by exchanging personal information between the students  while they are sitting in a circle .

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2. keep the lesson moving
the more fully occupied the students are during the class the more likely they are foucesd and work well.

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to keep classroom discipline you have to
1. have a clear and full lesson plan full with tasks and activities 
2.you should know what to do next with no gab in between becuase if you dont know what is the next move it will lead to lack of discipline

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3.the teacher should take a glance on the notes or the material before the lesson starts  so you could remember by heart and not look every few second on the notes along with to avoide boardem as well the teacher may appear as not confiednce or lost .

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4. prepare a reserve activity so if somthing takes less time than you though , and you had to change your direction and plan in class than you had prepared , you can countinue seamlessly to somthing without showing that you were left with unplanned gap.

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3. make the lesson interesting
if the students like what they are doing ,they are likely to stay on task and discipline .

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teachers can make the lesson intresting
1.plan your lesson including short activities
2.use pictures or other visuals to back up texts or tasks
3.use activities that involve all or most of the students.
4.use games .

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4.catch problems as they start
dont ignore minor discipline problems thinking they'll go away by themselves.they usually wont .

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for example
if you think it is not a big deal for two class mates to chat in class and you think they will quiet down on their own will you are wrong becuase penny learnd it the hard way she used to think that they hopefully would stop talking and becuase of that behaviour day by day it led to a loud noise and wont take the teacher seriously

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so the key is to react quickly as soon you notice the problem or the conversation that has been going on.
and you can stop it by 
an eye contact or by stopping and waiting ,with a hand gesture ,or ask them a quick request in order to keep them busy

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5.avoid confrontations
try not to get into public confrontations in class with a student or group of students who are creating problems.it can waste a lot of valuable lesson time and rarely leads to good solutions

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to avoide confrontations
1.set up a time to meet them privately and sourt out the problem without an audience.
if it is a big group or the whole class issue there are 3 options 
1.insist immediately and firmly on what you've decided and move on.

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2.give in, if you think they may be right .you wont lose a face so you can agree with them but dont do it to often 
3.postpone . tell them you dont want to discuss it now  but return to the problem in the next lesson that way the students will have calmed down and more ready to listen to you

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as well you would have had time to think about how you should solve the problem 

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compliment good behaviour
by the nature of things our attention is drawn to bad or unacceptable behaviour and we dont tend to notice when students are working quietly or cooperatively ,but we should

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instead of foucsing on chaty students or who play with their phones during the lesson we should look to the good side of the class and be aware of the good students who pay attention or even dont make a noise 

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by a verbal comment at the moment or at the end of the lesson another possiblities is to send an email or a note to the students themselves or even to their parents as well it is important to complement students who do not do well as a sgin of encourgment 

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thank you 

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