Chapter 14- Notes

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History12th Grade

In deze les zitten 32 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

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Chapter 14: Citizenship & Equal Justice

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Section 1: A Nation of Immigrants
Section 2: The Basis of Citizenship
Section 3: Equal Protection of the Law
Section 4: Civil Liberties Challenges

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Section 1: A Nation of Immigrants Vocab

- Amnesty
- Alien
- Resident Alien
- Nonresident Alien

- Enemy Alien
- Refugee 
- Undocumented Alien

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America & Immigration:
- America has been a melting pot of many ethnicities and races
for many years

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America & Immigration:
- Immigration is a continual political debate
- Immigration Reform & Control Act of 1986 (IRCA)
     - President Ronald Reagan (R) developed this act
          - Slow illegal immigration by punishing employers                    who hired illegal immigrants
          - Offer a way for longer- term undocumented                          immigrants to become permanent residents

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- in June 2007, President
George W. Bush committed himself to backing a bill  to address all immigration issues. Bush’s bill proposed  to fill short-term labor needs through a guest 
worker program and strengthened border control.  Yet Bush argued that his bill was also realistic because it did not propose to track down and deport millions of undocumented workers who were already here. The bill also would have fined undocumented immigrants and required them to fulfill certain
obligations before they could apply for citizenship— what the administration called “a path to  citizenship.” Many, especially Republicans, charged that the penalties were not harsh enough and the bill really amounted to amnesty, or forgiveness. In late June 2007, the Senate voted the bill down, ending any chance of solving the immigration issue during Bush’s presidency.
- During the 2008 presidential primaries, immigration  was a “hot-button” issue—political analysts called it a no-win issue
- The Republican Party tends to take a more restrictive  stance on undocumented immigrants
Section 2: The Basis of Citizenship Vocab

- Naturalization
- Jus Soli
- Jus Sanguinis

- Collective Naturalization
- Expatriation
- Denaturaliztion

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Determining Citizenship:
- Over the years American citizenship has changed significantly
     - The founders assumed the states would decide who           was and wasnt a citizen
- Dred Scott v. Sandford (1857) highlighted the issue of citizenship. Regarded today as the worst court decision

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The 14th Amendment:
- Post Civil War, the 14th amendment was one of three amendments passed
- Guarantees all citizens equal protection of the laws
- The 14th amendment overruled the Dred Scott decision and clearly established what constitutes citizenship at both the national and state levels
     - Makes state citizenship an automatic result of                       national citizenship 

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Gaining Citizenship:
- Birth on American soil, naturalization & being born to           an American citizen
          - Jus Soli: Law of the soil
Focuses on where you                      were physically born 
           - Jus Sanguinis: Law of blood

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Citizenship & Political Participation:
- The American ideal has always been to stress each citizen's duty to participate in political life
     - Voting is the most common way to do so 
              - Does my vote count? 

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Close Presidental Elections:

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What was the post Civil War amendment?

Slide 14 - Open vraag

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What is the easiest way to be politically active?

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Chapter 14: Citizenship & Equal Justice

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REVIEW: What was the post Civil War amendments (3)?

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REVIEW: True or false- If born in the US you have both state citizenship & national citizenship

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Section 3: Equal Protection of the Law
Section 4: Civil Liberties Challenges

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Section 3: Equal Protection of the Law Vocab

- Suspect Classification
- Fundamental Right
- Discrimination

- Jim Crow Laws
- Separate but Equal Doctrine
- Civil Rights Movement

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What is Equal Protection?:
- Unreasonable distinictions cannot be drawn by state and local governments among different groups
     - Three tests are done to determine this: 
             - Rational Basis Test: the court will uphold a state                    law that is based on a reasonable classification
             - Special Circumstances
             - Fundamental Rights

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- The key word is reasonable classification
- NOT REASONABLE: a law that people with red hair cannot drive
- REASONABLE: longer sentences for people who commit hate crimes or crimes motivated by prejudice 
Proving Intent to Discriminate:
- Laws that classify people unreasonable are said to be discriminatory 
     - Jim Crow Laws: State and local laws that required                racial segregation in places like schools, public                      transportation and hotels

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Landmark Supreme Court Cases:
- Plessy v. Ferguson:
      - Allowed separate but equal
- Brown v. Board of Education (1950s):
       - Overturned seperate but equal

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Civil Rights Movement:
- After the Brown v. Board of Education ruling, the civil rights movement began
- In 1964 and 1965 Congress passed 
key civil rights legislation


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Civil rights movement: To end segregation 
Martin Luther King Jr.- Led nonviolent protest marches and demonstrations against segregation
Section 4: Civil Liberties Challenges Vocab

- Affirmative Action
- Secuirty Classification System

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Affirmative Action:
- Set of policies developed in the 1960s to remedy past discrimination 


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Change Overtime:
- The Civil Rights Act of 1964 banned job discrimination based on gender
- In 1971 a historic change came in Reed v. Reed that said a law favored one gender over another
- 1972 Congress passed Titl IX providing equal athletic opportunities for boys and girls in schools

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Citizens' Right to Know & Privacy:
- The government keeps documents classified in order to protect national security
- Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) required federal agencies to give citizens access to declassified records on request
- The court can limit the right to privacy if the state needs to protect the larger society

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Citizens' Right to Privacy- Roe v. Wade:
- The courts have found the need to balance women's right as well as the unborn child
- Landmark case that is still debated today

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- landmark case (Roe v.  Wade) decision established a woman’s right to get 
an abortion during the first six months of her  pregnancy, but individual states could prohibit  abortion in the last three months.
Government Surveillance:
- War and the threat of terrorism can create tension in a democracy between citizens' privacy rights and national security needs
- The USA Patriot Act: Law that greatly increased the government's power to prosecute people suspected of terrorism

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- landmark case (Roe v.  Wade) decision established a woman’s right to get 
an abortion during the first six months of her  pregnancy, but individual states could prohibit  abortion in the last three months.
Test: Monday October 21
- Vocab due
- Notebook due

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- landmark case (Roe v.  Wade) decision established a woman’s right to get 
an abortion during the first six months of her  pregnancy, but individual states could prohibit  abortion in the last three months.