Writing 2 les 1

Writing 2 les 1

1 / 47
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

In deze les zitten 47 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Writing 2 les 1

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Writing 2            again.....
Welcome dear students:
- Planning
- Kahoot formal vs. informal writing
- Formal e-mail writing
- Memo 
- Assignment memo 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Planning period 6
Les 1
14-11 t/m 18-11
Writing test 1

Geldt alleen voor klas 2C
Les 1
21-11 t/m 25-11
Formal (e-mail writing)
Assignment memo
Les 2
28-11 t/m 2-12
Making questions
Question tags
Les 3
5-12 t/m 9-12
Informal (e-mail) writing
Assignment thank you note
Les 4
12-12 t/m 16-12
Punctuation Marks
Word order
Les 5
19-12 t/m 23-12
Present Simple vs Past Simple
Les 6
9-1 t/m 13-1
Writing project
Work on writing assignment
Les 7
16-1 t/m 20-1
Grammar / Writing test
Hand in Writing assignment
Planning periode 6 Writing 2

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

What do you still know?
Let's do a Kahoot!
Go to:https://kahoot.it/
Fill in the game pin
or copy the QR code

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

You are writing a formal email to Mr Green. How can you start your email (salutation- aanhef)?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

You are writing a formal e-mail but you don't know the surname of the person you want to send your email to. How can you start such an email (aanhef)?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Correct this sentence taken from a formal email: i'm writing this email because i haven't received my parcel yet

Slide 12 - Open vraag

I am writing this email because I have not received my parcel yet.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Body of email ex:
  • We would be grateful if you would....
  • I would appreciate it if you would / could....
  • I am currently studying Tourism and am on a study trip in which I am researching the tourism practices of your city.
  • I would be grateful if you could assist me in participating in an interview to help me with my research project.

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

What do you need?
Sorry, I can't make it.
I'm really sorry about...
Please let us know your requirements
Unfortunately, I won't be able  to attend the meeting.
Please accept my apologies for...

Slide 15 - Sleepvraag

Don't forget...
I promise...
We would like to remind you...
I can assure you that...
I would be grateful...

Slide 16 - Sleepvraag

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Closing sentence examples
  • I look forward to your reply
  • I am anxious to receive your reply
  • I look forward to hearing from you soon
  • Thank you for your cooperation and time
  • If you have any questions or concerns do not hesitate to contact me
  • I look forward to hearing from you.

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

You started your email with "Dear Mr Green". How should you end it?

Slide 20 - Open vraag

You started your formal email with "Dear Sir or Madam". How should you end it?

Slide 21 - Open vraag

Place the lines below in the correct order. ANSWERS next sheet.
I am writing to thank you 1
The meetings were very productive, and I 4
As well as the business side of things, 7
The next time that you are in Munich 11
Please give my regards 13
it was a great pleasure to meet them all 15
during my recent trip to Paris. __
I really appreciated the time you took __
am sure that they lay the basis for __
to show me Notre Dame, and __
for your hospitality __
the wonderful meal that we had afterwards __
a good long-term business relationship. __
it will be my pleasure to return your kindness. __
to your colleagues in the Paris office, __

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Answer to email in correct order

I am writing to thank you for your hospitality during my recent trip to Paris. The meetings were very productive, and I am sure that they lay the basis for a good long-term business relationship. 

As well as the business side of the things, I really appreciated the time you took to show me Notre Dame, and the wonderful meal that we had afterwards. The next time that you are in Munich it will be my pleasure to return your kindness. 

Please give my regards to your colleagues in the Paris office, it was a great pleasure to meet them all.

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

What is a memo?
- Try to find out what a memo is
- When is it used
- What are some of the characteristics of a memo (Checkbook - blz 198-199)

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

characteristics of memos

Slide 25 - Woordweb

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

What is the difference between a memo and a business e-mail
You don't have to start a memo with a salutation (aanhef)
Memos are exchanged between people working in the same organization/company
Memos usually focus on one topic/problem
You have to end a memo with: Yours faithfully or Yours sincerely

Slide 27 - Quizvraag

Assignment memo
Write a memo (see assignment on the next page)  and hand it in  in It's Learning.

Slide 28 - Tekstslide

Assignment memo
Je schrijft een memo aan je baas over een fout die je gemaakt heb.
TO: Mr Prescot
From: Emily Robins
DATE: 3 March 2021
SUBJECT: wrong price
Daarin vermeld je de volgende onderdelen:
1. Je zegt dat je een grote fout hebt gemaakt.
2. Je hebt de verkeerde prijs gebruikt voor de camera.
3. Dat werd duidelijk omdat de klant zijn kassabon op de toonbank had laten liggen.
4. De klant had een Fuji camera gekocht en je hebt het prijskaartje van de Canon genomen.
5. De Fuji camera is 89 pond duurder
6. Je vraagt of je een nieuwe rekening mag sturen de juiste prijs.
7. Je vraagt of hij jou zo snel mogelijk wil bellen.
8. Het spijt je heel erg. (je naam)

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Let's write one memo together 
Je schrijft een memo aan je baas over een fout die je gemaakt heb.
TO: Mr Prescot
From: Emily Robins
DATE: 3 March 2021
SUBJECT: wrong price

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

1. Mr Prescott, ik heb een grote fout gemaakt.

Slide 31 - Open vraag

Ik heb een verkeerde prijs gebruikt voor een camera.

Slide 32 - Open vraag

Dat werd duidelijk omdat een klant zijn kassabon op de toonbank had laten liggen.

Slide 33 - Open vraag

De klant had een Fuji camera gekocht en ik heb het prijskaartje van de Canon camera genomen.

Slide 34 - Open vraag

De Fuji camera is 89 pond duurder.

Slide 35 - Open vraag

Mag ik een nieuwe rekening sturen met de juiste prijs of heeft u een beter idee?

Slide 36 - Open vraag

Moet ik de klant bellen en zeggen dat het mij spijt?

Slide 37 - Open vraag

Kunt u mij zo snel mogelijk bellen?

Slide 38 - Open vraag

Het spijt me heel erg. (je naam)

Slide 39 - Open vraag

To: Mr Prescott
From: Emily Wilkins
Date: 1 March 2021
Subject: Wrong price
Mr Prescott, I've made a big mistake. I used the wrong price for a camera. It became clear/obvious because the customer left his receipt on the counter. The customer bought a Fuji camera but I scanned/used the price tag of a Canon camera. The Fuji camera is 89 pounds more expensive. Should I send a new invoice with the right price or do you have a better idea?
Should I call the customer and say that I'm sorry? Can you please call me as soon as possible? I'm really sorry. Emily

Slide 40 - Tekstslide

Let's write one memo together 
Je schrijft een memo aan je baas over een fout die je gemaakt heb.
TO: Mr Prescot
From: Emily Robins
DATE: 3 March 2021
SUBJECT: wrong price

Slide 41 - Tekstslide

1. Mr Prescott, ik heb een grote fout gemaakt.

Slide 42 - Open vraag

Ik heb een verkeerde prijs gebruikt voor een camera.

Slide 43 - Open vraag

De Fuji camera is 89 pond duurder.

Slide 44 - Open vraag

Kunt u mij zo snel mogelijk bellen?

Slide 45 - Open vraag

Het spijt me heel erg. (je naam)

Slide 46 - Open vraag

To: Mr Prescott
From: Emily Wilkins
Date: 1 March 2021
Subject: Wrong price
Mr Prescott, I've made a big mistake. I used the wrong price for a camera. It became clear/obvious because the customer left his receipt on the counter. The customer bought a Fuji camera but I scanned/used the price tag of a Canon camera. The Fuji camera is 89 pounds more expensive. Should I send a new invoice with the right price or do you have a better idea?
Should I call the customer and say that I'm sorry? Can you please call me as soon as possible? I'm really sorry. Emily

Slide 47 - Tekstslide