2018 - 11 - 26 HH3B

Welcome! HH3B

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Welcome! HH3B

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Welcome to English class!
Monday, 26 November 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

The boy in the striped pyjamas - movie

  1. Subjects — World/WW II & Germany; ELA (irony);
  2. Social-emotional learning — Human Rights; Friendship;
  3. Moral-ethical emphasis — Respect; Responsibility; Caring.

Today´s learning goals
Monday, 26 November 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Tuesday, 27 November 2018
SO vocabulary unit 3
Study: Unit 3: wordlist, grammar time + grammar boxes
Do:      Continue working on your worksheets

Monday, 3 December 2018
Study: Unit 3: wordlist, grammar time + all boxes 
Do:      MEL § 3.8 - self assessment; 
           MEL § 3.9 - self-check; 
           SB Page 43 - revision; 
           Continue working on your worksheets

Tuesday, 4 December 2018
SO unit 3
Study: Unit 3: wordlist, grammar time + all boxes
Do:      Continue working on your worksheets
New homework
Monday, 26 November 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Talked about how to go further from now on

Something has got to change. 
We have to do that together.
The way things are now is respectless to one another; that has to change.


Things will change soon. However, I will still need some time to give it form.

What did we do last time?
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Study: Unit 3: wordlist, grammar time + grammar boxes
Do:      MEL § 3.5 - 1 tm 3;  
           MEL § 3.6 - 1 tm 3;
           MEL § 3.7 - 1 tm 5;
           Start working on your second worksheet (book no. 2).

Homework check + questions
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

The boy in the striped pyjamas

Movie Time
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

The boy in the striped pyjamas

The time is WW II; the place, Germany. Bruno is an 8 year old boy whose father is promoted to be commandant of a death camp. The family lives in a luxurious house isolated in the country. The only person Bruno's age to play with is Shmuel, a boy behind the barbed wire of the camp. Bruno is told by his family that the camp is a farm and refers to the uniforms of the incarcerated Jews as "striped pajamas." Slowly and reluctantly he comes to know part of the truth about the camp and his father. Bruno's attempt to make up for an earlier betrayal of his friend causes Bruno to don the "pajamas" and sneak into the camp to help search for Shmuel's lost father. While Bruno's father frantically searches for his son, the boys are herded with a group of inmates into one of the gas chambers. Holding hands, they die together. 

Movie Time - description
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

The boy in the striped pyjamas

Question 1
When Bruno lived in Berlin he had three best friends. Mention at least two of them.

Question 2
What does Bruno call his father’s boss?

Question 3
What  is Herr Liszt’s profession in relation to Bruno? 

Question 4
Give a suitable description of the place that Bruno moves to. 

Question 5
Describe the relationship between Bruno and Shmuel. 
Movie Time - questions
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

The boy in the striped pyjamas

Question 6
 Pick 3 characteristics of the list below that suit Bruno and explain why they fit him.

enthusiastic – humoristic – intelligent – adventurous – independent – confident – reliable – imaginative – obedient – optimistic – aggressive – stubborn – vulnerable – persistent – obedient – helpful – unkind – picky – social – sympathetic – creative - dominant   

Question 7
Which characteristic fits Gretel best? Explain  

Question 8
Give your opinion about the movie. Give 3 arguments why you (dis)liked the movie. 
Movie Time - questions
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Movie time

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Monday, 26 November 2018 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

This is what we've done

We have started watching The boy in the striped pyjamas.

This is what we'll do next class
Tuesday, 27 November

We will start with the SO2 - Vocabulary unit 3.
After that we will continue the film.

Conclusion: What have we done today?
Tuesday, 20 November 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. SO Grammar unit 3

3. New homework

4. What did we do last time?

5. Homework check + questions

6. Work independently

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Thank you & Goodbye!

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