Stepping Stones: Theme one to four

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 44 slides, met tekstslides.

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Good Luck!
  • You are going to make a test!
  • You have to sit appart.
  • Take out your pen/pencil.
  •  You have 45 min.
  • If you finish you can do something for yourself.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

The planning until the testweek
  • 4th of June: Group activity - alle grammatica onderdelen herhalen
  • 11th of June: Proeftoets 
  • 18th of June: Proeftoets  vragen
  • 21st of June: Toetsweek

Tip: Come to my flex uur.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Testweek: June 21 - 25
All the grammar topics of theme 1 to 4 op blz:  11, 15, 20, 25, 43, 47, 57, 61, 66

  • Theme 1: Past simple + past simple irregular verbs & voorzetsels van tijd
  • Theme 2: Adjectives and adverbs & much, many, lots of, a lot of (a) little, (a) few
  • Theme 3: Word order (place before time),  past simple vs past continuous & Adverbs of frequency
  • Theme 4: Present perfect & Future will vs going to

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Group activity
Jullie gaan in groepen van 3 of 4 leerlingen aan de slag met één van de grammatica onderdelen van Unit 1 tot en met 4.
Deze presenteren jullie na 30 minuten

Elke groep heeft een eigen onderdeel 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

  • Je gaat een grammatica onderdeel presenteren. 

  • Je hebt 20- 30 min de tijd om de presentatie te voor bereiden.

  • Je hebt 5/ 10 min om te presenteren.

  • Presentator: Jij gaat presenteren. Je zorgt er ook voor dat iedereen zijn taak uitvoert. Jij zoekt oefeningen op die bij het grammaticaonderdeel horen.

  • Schrijver: Jij houdt de tijd in de gaten en maakt de PowerPoint in orde. Zorg ervoor dat het overzichtelijk en duidelijk is. Je bedenkt passende voorbeelden.

  • Onderzoeker: Jij zoekt de nodige informatie op en deelt dit met de rest. Kijk naar het word-document 

  • Helper:

De opdracht
De taakverdeling

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Slide 9 - Tekstslide


  • oefentoets maken 40min
  • oefentoets bespreken 30min 

     Volgende week is de laatste PW T1 tot T4

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Practice test

You can do it, concentrate!!!!

  • During the practice test you are completely quiet! 40min
  • You will be working alone!!!!
  • If you finish early you can do something for yourself.
  • After the 40min we will correct the test together.
  • While we are correcting the test you speak only when spoken to. If I haven't asked you anything you are quiet!

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Practice test

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Past simple
Past simple (to be) = 

Past simple regular= 
            Past simple regular (?) (-)= 

past simple irregular= 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Past simple
Past simple (to be) = was/were

Past simple regular= werkwoord + ed (walked)
                  Past simple regular (?) (-)= did/didn't + hele werkwoord
example: Did he walk?, He didn't walk.

past simple irregular= leave-left

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

past simple blz 1
  1. called
  2. didn’t answer
  3. visited
  4. celebrated
  5. watched
  6. didn’t dance
  7. talked
  8. played
  9. did-start
  10. didn’t work

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Voorzetsels blz.2 
  1.  in
  2. on
  3. in
  4. at
  5. at
  6. on
  7. in
  8. on

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

adverb vs adjective
Adverbs = bijwoord zegt iets over een ________________

Adjective = bijvoeglijke naamwoord zegt iets over een ___________________

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adverb vs adjective
Adverbs = bijwoord zegt iets over een werkwoord. (+ly)
She answered correctly and won the prize.

Adjective = bijvoeglijke naamwoord zegt iets over een zelfstandig naamwoord.
Please fill in your personal details here.

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

adverb vs adjective blz.3
  1. Good
  2. Easily
  3. Slow
  4. Perfect
  5. Heavily
  6. Carefully
  7. Really
  8. Loudly

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Slide 21 - Tekstslide

much, many etc. blz.3 
  1. a lot of/ lots of
  2. few/ 
  3. many/ lots of
  4. many/ al lot of
  5. much
  6. a few
  7. a lot of / many
  8. much

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Past continuous
                                                      /  +werkwoord(work)+

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Past continuous
                                     ( was/were + werkwoord(run) + ing )
I & she/he/it = was running
You,they, we = were running

I was running (run) last week. (bevestigend)
I wasn't/ was not running (run) last week. ( ontkennend)
Was I running (run) last week? (vragend)

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Past continuous blz.4
  1. Was washing up last night
  2. Weren’t playing (-) (was not)
  3. Was watching
  4. Was the waiter serving (?)
  5. Was hearing
  6. Were you doing (?)
  7. Wasn’t playing (-) (was not )
  8. Was blowing
  9. Was pouring
  10. Was barking

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

past simple vs past continuous blz.5
1. arrived
2. was waiting
3. was wearing
4. was holding
5. got off
6. ran
7. kissed
8. was raining
9. took off
10. put

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

Bijwoord van frequentie
Bijwoord komt voor _______________
Bijwoord komt na ___________________

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Bijwoord van frequentie
Bijwoord komt voor het werkwoord
Bijwoord komt na het vorm van to be ( am,are,is )

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Bijwoord van frequentie blz.5 
  1. I (sometimes) take sugar in my coffee.
  2. Ramon and Frank are (often) hungry.
  3. I am(seldom) late for class.
  4. My grandmother (always) goes for a walk in the evening.
  5. Walter (usually) helps his father in the kitchen.
  6. She is (never) in a bad mood.

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adverbials of place and time

What is the rule for adverbials of place and time?

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Adverbials of place and time
The rule is place before time!

She needs to go to the hospital tomorrow.
We love going to the park in the summer.

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Adverbials of place and time blz.6
  1. We went to the cinema yesterday
  2. Sam bought a tablet at T-mobile  yesterday
  3. I left my umbrella on the bus last week
  4. I saw a good film at the theater last week
  5. Did you check your email yesterday
  6. I was born in England in 1991

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Present perfect
What is the form? ____/_____+ werkwoord(work) +__

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Present perfect
Has/Have + voltooid deelwoord
He/she/it has.....the rest is have.

I have offended (offend) you. (bevestigend)
I haven't offended (offend) you. (ontkennend)
Have I offended (offend) you? (vragend)

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present perfect blz.6 
  1. Emma has not seen this film on TV.
  2.  How often has she phoned the office this morning?
  3.  Have the Millers arrived yet?
  4. John has gone on a trip through Alaska.
  5. Have they ever been to New York?
  6.  Andy has repaired his sister's bike.
  7. Have you dropped....
  8. I have bought.....
  9. has....found...
  10. ....haven't forgotten....

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Future with will & be going to

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Future tense / Toekomstige tijd
Om aan te geven dat iets in de toekomst gebeurt gebruiken we:
  • will + infinitive ==> I will wave
  • 'to be' (am,are,is)+ going to + infinitive => I am going to wave

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I will go.
You will go.
He/she/it will go.
We will go.
They will go.
(will + not)
I won't go.
you won't go.
He/she/it won't go.
we won't go.
They won't go.


Shall I go?
Shall we go?
Will you go?
Will they go?
Will he/she/it go?

Slide 38 - Tekstslide

be going to

I am going to go.

You are going to go.

He/she/it is going to go.

We are going to go.

They are going to go.

I am not going to go.

You aren't going to go go.

He/she/it isn't going to go.

We aren't going to go.

They aren't going to go.


Am I going to go?

Are you going to go?

Is he/she/it going to go?

Are we going to go?

Are they going to go?

Slide 39 - Tekstslide

Will + infinitive

  • Een spontane beslissing

  • Een voorspelling gebaseerd op mening

  • Geen bewijs

'to be' + going to + infinitive

  • Een beslissing die al van te voren is gepland

  • Een voorspelling gebaseerd op wat we op dit moment zien

  • Je hebt bewijs

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Future with will & be going to blz.7
  1.  am going to see 
  2. am going to get 
  3. will get
  4. are  going to meet
  5. will meet
  6. will be

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Great Job!

Count your points to see your grade.

Slide 42 - Tekstslide

Testweek: June 21 - 25
All the grammar topics of theme 1 to 4 op blz:  11, 15, 20, 25, 43, 47, 57, 61, 66

  • Theme 1: Past simple + past simple irregular verbs & voorzetsels van tijd
  • Theme 2: Adjectives and adverbs & much, many, lots of, a lot of (a) little, (a) few
  • Theme 3: Word order (place before time),  past simple vs past continuous & Adverbs of frequency
  • Theme 4: Present perfect & Future will vs going to

Slide 43 - Tekstslide

Past s. vs Past C.
  1. arrived
  2. was waiting 
  3. was wearing
  4. was holding
  5. got off
  6. ran
  7. kissed
  8. was raining
  9. took off
  10. put

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