HA1 Present continuous 2 feb

Hoe maak je zinnen over iets wat nu bezig is? Dat leer je vandaag!
1 / 11
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Hoe maak je zinnen over iets wat nu bezig is? Dat leer je vandaag!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Opdracht 4 bespreken/ samen doen
Present continuous
Stap 1: Wanneer present continuous?
Als iets nu bezig is (op het moment dat je erover praat of schrijft) gebruik je de present continuous.

Voorbeelden van hoe je dat aan een zin zou kunnen zien: (right) now, at the moment, Look!, Watch!, Listen! (je wilt namelijk dat iemand nu, meteen naar je luistert of ergens naar kijkt).

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Present continuous
Stap 2: Welke form van 'to be' ?

Stap 3: werkwoord+ing
Voeg ww + ing toe: I am working, you are watching, she is carrying


> Let op de spelling regels!

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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1. My classmate .......... (write) notes right now.
2. My parents .......... (walk) the dog at the moment. 
3. Look! A house .......... (burn) down over there.
4. I .......... (feel) great today!
5. My brother .......... (be) really annoying right now!


Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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1. My classmate is writing notes right now.
2. My parents are walking the dog at the moment. 
3. Look! A house is burning down over there.
4. I am feeling great today!
5. My brother is being really annoying right now!

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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Present continuous
Stap 4: Wat voor zin is het?
I am playing games at the moment.
I am not playing games at the moment.
Am I playing games at the moment?
She is singing now.
She isn't singing now.
Is she singing now?
Look! They are dancing over there.
They aren't dancing right now.
Are they dancing right now?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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1. My classmate .......... (not, write) notes right now.
2. ......my parents .......... (walk) the dog at the moment?
3. Look! ..... A house .......... (burn) down over there?
4. I .......... (not, feel) great today.

5. My brother .......... (be) really annoying right now!
> Maak ook ontkenning EN vraagzin vorm!

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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1. My classmate is not writing notes right now.
2. Are my parents walking the dog at the moment?
3. Look! Is A house burning down over there?
4. I am not feeling  great today.

5. My brother is being really annoying right now!
> is not (isn't) being. / is he being?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Homework time!
- Lesson 4, ex. 5-9 on p. 110-111

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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🇬🇧 Past Simple 

🇳🇱 Verleden Tijd


(irr. verb = 2e vorm)

I saw him yesterday.

🇬🇧 Past Perfect

🇳🇱 Voltooid Verleden Tijd

🇬🇧 Present simple 
🇳🇱 Tegenwoordige Tijd

ww (+s with she/he/it)
Use don't/ doesn't with negative
Use do/ does with questions 

I walk home after school every day.
She doesn't like to eat apples..
Do they play video games together every day?

🇬🇧 Present continuous
🇳🇱 Duurvorm Tegenwoordige Tijd

am/is/are + verb + ing
Add 'not' with negative
Change word order with questions

I am walking home right now.
She isn't eating apples at the moment.
Are they playing video games now?

Present simple vs Present continuous

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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