Adverbs and adjectives


  • explanation adverbs and adjectives
  • practice
  •  checking 
  •  ending the lesson
1 / 14
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les


  • explanation adverbs and adjectives
  • practice
  •  checking 
  •  ending the lesson

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Grammar: adverbs and adjectives
  • What is a noun? (zelfstandig naamwoord)
  • Een zelfstandignaamwoord is een mens/ dier/ ding
  • Examples: Lisa, That house, His dog etc. 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Grammar: adverbs and adjectives
Have a look at these sentences. 
What are the underlined words describing? 

  • She is beautiful.
  • Why are you playing those easy games?
  • That dog is big.
  • He has a deep voice.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Grammar: adverbs and adjectives
Have a look at these sentences. 
What are the underlined words describing? > Nouns 

Therefore the underlined words are adjectives (bijvoeglijk naamwoorden) 
  • She is beautiful.
  • Why are you playing those easy games?
  • That dog is big.
  • He has a deep voice.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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The underlined words (bnw)  in this case say something about a noun (znw

  • She is beautiful.
  • Why are you playing those easy games?
  • He has a deep voice.  
Now look at these sentences. What are the bold words describing now? 

  • She smiles beautifully.
  • You can win those games easily
  • He is deeply in love.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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The underlined words (bnw)  in this case say something about a noun (znw

  • She is beautiful.
  • Why are you playing those easy games?
  • He has a deep voice.  
Now look at these sentences. The bold words (bijwoord) are describing verbs (ww)

  • She smiles beautifully.
  • You can win those games easily
  • He is deeply in love.

beautiful > beautifully
easy > easily
deep > deeply

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

wat valt je op als je kijkt naar de uitgangen

Bijvoeglijk naamwoorden omschrijven een mens/dier/ding. 

- she is quick 
- Your son looks happy
- That painting is horrible
- That's a fast car. 
- My sister is a hard worker. 
- They are good students. 

Bijwoorden omschrijven werkwoorden. Dus hoe iets gedaan wordt.

1. Bijwoorden eindigen vaak met 'ly'
- quick>  She got here quickly.
2. Als het woord eindigt met 'y' verander het naar 'ily' 
-  happy> She hugged him happily
3. Als het woord eindigt met 'ble' of 'the' verander het naar 'bly' of 'tly' 
-  horrible> My parents are suffering horribly
-  gentle> she placed it gently on the table. 

4. Soms verandert het woord niet
-  fast> He's driving fast.
-  hard> She works hard
5. Soms verandert het woord helemaal.
- good> They are studying well

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

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Let op!
Verbs like feel, sound, look, taste, appear and seem are called sense verbs. In English, we normally use sense verbs with adjectives (“I feel bad today”), not adverbs.
That looks amazing.
This fish tastes awful.
I'm sorry I feel horrible about the situation. 

But sometimes both can be correct> She looked angry/ angrily at me. 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Which of these sentences are correct and which are wrong? What should it actually be?

- You played good yesterday. 
- I scratched my head nervously. 
- She's talking loudly. 
- That box is heavily. 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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1. Sue climbed up the ladder ..... (careful)
2. He's an ......... (excellent) actor. 
3. Why do you always behave so ..... (bad)
4. He sings ..... (good)
5. The soup tastes ......... (wonderful)

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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1. Sue climbed up the ladder carefully.
2. He's an excellent actor. 
3. Why do you always behave so badly.
4. He sings well.
5. The soup tastes wonderful/wonderfully.

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

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First work on this hand out. You have 20 minutes to finish it. We will check the answers afterwards.

Once you're done with that hand out I will give you the other hand out for extra practice. 

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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I will put up the answers on the screen. Check whether you got your answers right or wrong and fix the mistakes. 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

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Homework for the next lesson
- Finish the second hand out at home if you haven't already. I will upload the answer sheet on magister. Check your answers at home. 

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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