Movie review 2

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Les 1:
  • Introduction project ✔
  • Introductory analytical exercises ✔

Les 2:
  • How-to: write a movie review
  • Exercise

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How-to write a movie review

  1. Introduction
  2. Body
  3. Conclusion

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Before writing your review, you should:
  • Watch the movie at least twice
  • Make notes
  • Already think about interesting
    points you could make

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The function of an introduction is to introduce the movie to the reader. Things you should mention are:
  • Title
  • Director
  • Actors
  • Release year

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Include a short summary of
the movie so the reader knows
what you are talking about. 

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Write a good hook to
grab the attention of
your reader.

A hook ⇢  1 or 2 sentences that capture
the reader's attention and makes them
want to continue reading

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The function of the body is to discuss the film more in-depth.

It should include: 
  • discussion of plot elements
  • discussion of technical elements
  • your opinion

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Discuss elements that are related
to the plot. This could include: the (main)
 characters, important themes,
possible cliffhangers or plot twists.

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Discuss elements that are related
to filmmaking. This could include: 
camera angles, use of color or sound
or the use of filmmaking 
techniques such as the zoom
in or zoom out.

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Do not just state facts, but give
your opinion! For example: "I think 
the use of red colors in the movie
is smart, because it fit with the
theme of war."
It's okay if you think
it is a bad movie, but tell the
reader why!

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The function of the conclusion is to make your final claim about the movie. You quickly summarize your thoughts and tell the reader why they should, or should not, watch this movie.

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For example: "I would not
recommend this movie, 
because it says it's a
comedy but it isn't funny
 at all. The jokes are bad
and the characters act childish."

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  • Don't worry too much about technical terms (like cinematography). You are not film students, we will not pay attention to that in grading your papers
  • Be creative!
  • Have fun. Don't overanalyze, think about the first thought that pops into your head when you're watching a movie. It's usually the right one! 

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Sully (2016)

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Why do you like
or dislike this scene?

Slide 16 - Woordweb

Examples and inspiration
  • David Ehrlich (Indiewire)
  • Roger Ebert and contributors (
  • Leonard Maltin (

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  • Pick a movie
  • Write a review
  • 350 words (10% deviation)
  • Deadline: before Monday March 1st
  • Will be graded
  • Questions/need help? E-mail me

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Movies only
Because of the nature of the
exercise, this assigment will
be limited to movies only. 

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