Modals: must, have to, should

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 19 slides, met tekstslides.

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Today's lesson:
Start Theme 3 "Instructions and procedures" in book DoorEngels. 
You will learn when to use must / have to / should

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should = zou moeten
must = moeten
have/has (got) to = iets moet van iemand anders

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Must (+not) + hele werkwoord

Jij vindt dat iets (niet) moet. (krachtiger dan should)

Het is heel belangrijk, het kan niet anders of het is verplicht.

You must have a valid ticket in order to enter.
I must finish this essay today. I’m going out tomorrow.

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Should = zou (niet) moeten.

Formule: Should  (+not) + hele werkwoord

jij vindt dat iets (niet) zou moeten.
Je geeft een advies - You should see a doctor
Je raadt iets af - One should not smoke

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Have to

has/have to + hele werkwoord

Iets moet van iemand anders, niet van jou.

'Het is nodig' -> noodzaak

Mum says I have to do the dishes.
I have to finish this essay today. We have to hand them in tomorrow

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Have to in ontkenningen

Als je have to in ontkennende zinnen gebruikt, dan verandert de betekenis van 'moeten' in 'niet hoeven'.

Don't have to + hele werkwoord 
Doesn't have to + hele werkwoord

She doesn't have to walk her dog.

You don't have to pay.

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I think more people ________________ recycle glass and paper.

Choose the correct word:
Have to

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In the UK most students____________ to wear a school uniform.

Choose the correct word:
Have to

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Work sheet exercises

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I really want to finish my report. I _________ work late.

Choose the correct word:
Have to

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Answers worksheet:
1. When on a plane, you have to put your phone in flight modus.
2. He said he should book a flight to visit his brother in Spain.
3. One has to have a valid passport to travel abroad.
4. They should move to a bigger house.
5. I must not forget to phone my mum this afternoon.
6. Did you have to wear a school uniform at primary school?
7. The doctor said I should / have to wear glasses.

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Answers worksheet:
8. Seatbelts must be / have to be worn when driving a car.
9. One should drink at least 6 glasses of water a day.
10. The museum is free, you do not have to pay.
11. You  have to check in with the airline before getting on a plane.
12. You should arrive at the airport 3 hours before your flight departs.

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Reading a text
Next, you will read a text in your workbook. Your teacher will set a timer. Read as much as possible in the set time. 
Tip: If you come across words which you don't know, try to continu reading. 
Afterwards you will be asked for the main ideas of the text.

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Read "In daily life" on page 116

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Exercises 2 and 3, task 11 (page 117)

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Huiswerk (voor 14 jan)
Boek DoorEngels, blz. 119 Exercise 6 and 7

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