HH3A - Lesson 1 - Introduction

Welcome HH3A!

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Welcome HH3A!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Welcome to English class!
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?

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Freedom Writers:
  1. Awareness of the feature and consequences of image and prejudice.
  2. Awareness of the racism and discrimination in our present society and the ability to reflect on that.
  3. Ability to explain the difference between a documentary and a movie which is based on a true story.
  4. Ability to name different forms of peaceful resistance and reflect on that.
  5. Timeline events regarding the American civilian rights.
  6. Timeline events regarding World War II
  7. Recognision of human rights violation in the story of teh Freedom Riders and / or Anne Frank.

With regards to English subject:

  1. The student is able to look up information, to orden information and to judge written and digital sources.

Today´s learning goals
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. New homework

3. What did we do last time?

4. Homework check + questions

5. Grammar unit 3

6. Work independently

7. Conclusion: What have we done?

Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Thursday, 6 December 2018

SO10 Unit 3

What did we do last time?
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

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For today:

Do:      Worksheet assignment

Any questions?
Homework check + new homework
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?

Thursday, 13 December 2018
Do:      Continue working on your worksheet

Wednesday, 19 December 2018
Do:      Continue working on your worksheet
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Introduction assignment

Duration: 30 - 45 minutes
Goal: Activate pre-knowledge about identity, prejudices, image and discrimination. 
         Awareness of the convenience, the feature and the consequences of prejudices and

Divide the group into 4 groups of 4.

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Introduction assignment 1

First impressions
Discuss what is meant by first impressions.

Hand-out: First impressions
You get 5 minutes to write down the first impressions from the people in the pictures.
What is there to say about these persons just by looking at them?

Discuss the answers given
a. What is your first impression of person no. ......?
b. Why do you think people often have similar first impressions?
c. What negative consequences can prejudices have?
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Introduction assignment 2

Write down your answers to the following questions

1. What is your nationality?

2. Is your nationality an important part of your identity? Why (not)?

3. All nationalities have prejudices. What are they for your nationality?
    Examples: The Belgians are stupid and eat Flemish fries with Belgian mayonaise.
                    The French are arrogant and only eat baguettes with French cheese.

4. Do these prejudices match with who you are?

5. Some people are being discrimated for their identity. Examples are the colour of their skin,
    their religion, or their sexual orientation. Have you ever experienced such discrimination or do
    you know anybody who has? Write down in a rap of 10 sentences how that made you feel.
1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Rap songs

Many rap songs have a message in them regarding the subject.

Examples are:

- Kanye West ft. Jay-Z: Never let me down
- Nas ft. Lauryn Hill: If I ruled the world
- Common ft. Will.I.Am - I have a dream

Do you know any?

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

What have you learned today?

This is what we'll do next class
Thursday, 13 December

Watch the movie "Freedom Writers"

Conclusion: What have we done today?
Wednesday, 12 December 2018 

1.  Today´s learning goals

2. What did we do last time?

3. Homework check + new homework

4. Introduction

5. Conclusion: What have we done?

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Thank you & Goodbye!

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