14. Check C& C + Reading exercise

Good Afternoon!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo b, kLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 75 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Good Afternoon!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Planning for today
* Aims for today
* Video
* Check Countries and Cultures
* Look at proefwerk
* Reading exercise

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Aims for today
• You can get the general thought out of a video
• You can ask questions about the test
• You can work together in groups
• You can get details out of a text.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Slide 4 - Link

Check Countries and Cultures
KB : Open your WB on page 33
BB: Open your WB on page 30

I will look at it, after that you'll check your answers. 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Look at your proefwerk
Books in your Bags

Put your Pens away!

Check your test.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Reading exercise
I will hang up a text on different sides of the walls.

You will work in groups:

Groepje 1: Inge, Ella, Jildau

Groepje 2: Roy, Monika, Elle

Groepje 3: Marrit, Rutger, Irsa

Groepje 4: Jeffrey, Dennis, Setske, Elisa

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Reading exercise
In your group you will get 1 paper with the exercises.
The exercise has to stay on the tables.

One person will be the walker --> (s)he walks to the paper to get the answer.

One will read the question to the walker
The other one writes down the answer

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Reading exercise
After 3 questions you'll switch roles, so everyone walks for 3 questions except for the group with 4.
Groepje van 4: person 1: vraag 1, 2
                        Person 2: Vraag 3, 4
                        Person 3: Vraag 5, 6
                        Person 4: Vraag 7, 8, 9
Finished? --> Sit down, be quiet and raise your hand

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Aims for today
• You can get the general thought out of a video
• You can ask questions about the test
• You can work together in groups
• You can get details out of a text.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide