4.4 End of the Cold War

4.4 The end of the Cold War

The arms race between the USA and the SU put an enormous strain on both counties' budgets and economies. In short: it was very expensive.

The SU's plan economy had difficulties keeping up with the west.
For the SU, the arms race became too expensive...

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
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In deze les zitten 10 slides, met tekstslides en 2 videos.

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4.4 The end of the Cold War

The arms race between the USA and the SU put an enormous strain on both counties' budgets and economies. In short: it was very expensive.

The SU's plan economy had difficulties keeping up with the west.
For the SU, the arms race became too expensive...

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Slide 2 - Tekstslide

In 1985 the SU got a new leader: Michael Gorbachev.
He realised that the SU could not survive without radical reforms.
he came with 2 new policies:
1. perestroika: (=rebuilding), turn the plan economy into a free market economy
2. glasnost: (= openness), more freedom of speech

Two other important changes Gorbachev introduced:
- better relationship with the USA
- no more Red Army interference in Eastern Bloc countries

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

results of Gorby's policies:

More freedom of speech: massive demonstrations in Eastern Bloc countries against communism

No Red Army interference: revolutions in Eastern Bloc countries were 
not crushed by Soviet tanks

result: 1989: 

Slide 4 - Tekstslide


Demonstrations in Poland and Hungary for more freedom.
Several Eastern Bloc countries abolish their communist governments and install democratic governments.
The Red Army does NOT interfere.

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Hungary opens the Iron Curtain (border with Austria). 
Thousands (also East Germans) use this route to flee 
to the West.

Nov 9th: the Berlin wall checkpoints are opened. This is the Fall of the Berlin Wall.

1990: October 3rd: Germany is reunited.

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Slide 7 - Tekstslide

1991: The end of the Soviet Union

The Soviet economy is in crisis. Perestroika has not (yet) delivered a better economy.
Several Soviet Republics secede (= separate) from the Soviet Union.

Dec 25th: Gorbachev resigns.
Dec 26th: former Soviet Republics gain their independence.
The Soviet Union gets its old name back: Russia
The Cold War is over

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Slide 9 - Video

Slide 10 - Video