Discussion Test Social Organization: Gun Control

Discussion Test: Social Organization: 
Gun Control
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Slide 1: Tekstslide

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Discussion Test: Social Organization: 
Gun Control

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

A Dangerous Lesson
Together with a few classmates, discuss the following questions.
Note that the word guns includes (semi) automatic rifles as well as handguns.

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A Dangerous Lesson
  1. When - and what - do you hear about gun violence in the US on Dutch television?
  2. Is there a uniqueness to gun violence in the US?
    How does it compare to gun violence in the Netherlands? 
  3. It may be next to impossible to eradicate all gun violence, but what, if anything, can be done to curb it?
  4. Should gun safety classes be required for anyone obtaining a gun? Why (not)?
  5. Are certain guns much more dangerous or lethal than others? Explain.

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A Dangerous Lesson
Take a few minutes to read the questions of assignment 58.

Answer the questions while listening to the recording of 
'A Dangerous Lesson'

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Slide 5 - Link

A Dangerous Lesson
Check your answers using the Magazine text.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

A Dangerous Lesson
Read the WR- article and do assignments 59 and 60

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A Dangerous Lesson
Watch the following newsclip about the 10-year anniversary of the infamous Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting.
Write down the answers to the five WH-questions about this horrific school shooting. (assignment 61)

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Slide 9 - Link

Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)
20 children and 6 adults were shot dead.
The perpetrator also shot his mother.

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)
Sandy Hook Elementary in Newton,

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)
14 December 2012

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)
20-year-old Adam Lanza

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)

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Sandy Hook Elementary Shooting (2012)
Adam Lanza had said he wanted to shoot kids.

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Watch the following video for more background information.

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Slide 21 - Video