Periode 4 - Week 3

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 28 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

To Do:
Building Blocks A2 - Unit 1 
  • Learning Goals
  • 1.2 Reading

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Learning Goals Unit 1

At the end of Unit 1 you should be able to:

  • recognise different sorts of texts.
  • read and listen to texts with a certain goal in mind.
  • apply reading and listening strategies.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Week 20: Unit 1.2 Reading
Week 21: geen les
Week 22: Unit 1.4 Listening
Week 23: Unit 1.4 Listening + leestoets
Week 24: Unit 2.2 Reading
Week 25: Unit 2.2 Reading +luistertoets
Week 26: Unit 2.4 Listening
Week 27: lees- en luisterexamen*

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All sorts of texts

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De schrijver wil
dat je iets te weten komt
krantenbericht, folder
zeggen hoe je iets moet doen
handleiding, recept
dat je wel of niet iets gaat doen 
uitnodiging, advertentie
zijn mening geven
reactie op website, recensie
je vermaken
fictief verhaal, stripverhaal

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Building Blocks A2: Unit 1

1.2 Reading: exercise 1-17

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Reading strategies
  • Skimming
  • Scanning
  • Intensive Reading

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Reading Strategy: Scanning
If you need to find specific information, like numbers, names or dates, you can scan a text.

1. Read the question.
2. Select  key words from the question.
3. Scan the text, look for the key words in the text.
4. Read the text surrounding the key words carefully.
5. Answer the question.

True or False?
"The first thing you need to do when you arrive at the Oasis Health Food Café is choose a table."

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Reading Strategy: Scanning
True or False?
"The first thing you need to do when you arrive at the Oasis Health Food Café is choose a table."

Oasis Health Food Café
No table service. Please choose a table
number before ordering your food at
the bar. You need to pay when you order.

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Vocabulary Strategies
When you don’t know what a word means, ask yourself these questions:
1. Is it an important word?
First, ask yourself if you need to know what the word means. Can you understand the text without knowing the meaning of this specific word?
Yes. If you don’t really need to know this word, just continue reading or listening. You don’t have to understand every single word of the text to understand it.
No. Is the word important? Then ask yourself the next question:

2. Which strategy do I choose?
You can do several things to find out what a word means. For example: you can use the context, use your knowledge of other words, use images and videos, or look it up in a dictionary.

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Building Blocks A2-Unit 1
1.2 Reading: exercise 1-35

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There is a lot of spoken English around you, probably more than you realise.

You listen to spoken English when you watch your favourite YouTube channel or Netflix series, when you talk to someone who doesn’t speak Dutch, when you see an international news item online or when you watch video’s on your favourite social media platform. And, last but not least, when you listen to music! 

We’ll take you to Nigeria to practise your listening skills. You may not be used to the accent, but we’ll help you understand.

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 Nollywood is Nigeria’s own film industry. It’s the second largest film industry in the world! Over 2,000 films are released from Nigeria every year.
Nollywood keeps growing and is getting better known around the world. You can now even watch Nollywood-films now in cinemas and on Netflix in Europe.

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Slide 16 - Video

Listening Strategies

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Write down the English translation:

Slide 18 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 19 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 20 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 21 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 22 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 23 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 24 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:
combineren met

Slide 25 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 26 - Open vraag

Write down the English translation:

Slide 27 - Open vraag

Slide 28 - Tekstslide