4TL Reading Practice MC Questions

4TL Reading Practice
Multiple Choice Questions
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
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4TL Reading Practice
Multiple Choice Questions

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

1: Lees de vraag en probeer deze te begrijpen (woordenboek)
2: Lees de antwoorden en probeer deze te begrijpen (woordenboek)
3: Lees de tekst of alinea.
(stap 2 en 3 mogen worden omgedraaid)
4: Kies een antwoord. Weet je het niet meteen, streep eerst het antwoord weg dat er echt niet bij hoort. Nog geen antwoord? Lees de tekst/alinea nog eens.

Tip: de antwoorden staan op alfabetische volgorde, er zit dus geen logica of systeem in.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Wat is er bijzonder aan de BATH °C Thermo Colour Map?

A Die blijft ook nog goed leesbaar als hij nat wordt door regen.
B Die geeft meer details over attracties dan andere kaarten.
C Die informeert over de lokale temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid.
D Die laat uitjes zien die passen bij de actuele weersomstandigheden.

Cool tourist map!

The BATH ˚C Thermo Colour Map is an ingenious little guide that will lead you a certain way through the city of Bath, England, depending on the weather. Employing thermo chromic ink and tyvek fabric, it is activated at
different temperatures to reveal layers of hand-illustrated attractions, thus showing the best places to visit in specific conditions. So come rain or shine, you’ll have enough options to experience Bath time and time again.

camillahempleman.com, 2015

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

1 Wat is er bijzonder aan de BATH °C Thermo Colour Map?
Die blijft ook nog goed leesbaar als hij nat wordt door regen.
Die geeft meer details over attracties dan andere kaarten.
Die informeert over de lokale temperatuur en luchtvochtigheid.
Die laat uitjes zien die passen bij de actuele weersomstandigheden.

Slide 4 - Quizvraag

Uit welk citaat blijkt dat er discussie is over het rapen van krokodilleneieren?

A uit ‘the risky job’ (alinea 1)
B uit ‘this derring-do’ (alinea 1)
C uit ‘a hot topic’ (alinea 1)

Is it right to take wild crocodile eggs?

1 It is the stuff of adventure novels – rugged Australians dropping into wild saltwater crocodile nests to snatch day-old eggs from territorial females. The eggs command a high price from farms which produce meat, leather and other goods, so there are plenty of people willing to take on the risky job. But whether this derring-do should be legal or not has become
a hot topic in the state of Queensland, where the government is reviewing its crocodile management plan.

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Uit welk citaat blijkt dat er discussie is over het rapen van krokodilleneieren?
uit ‘the risky job’
uit ‘this derring-do’
uit ‘a hot topic’

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason to support egg harvesting in paragraph 2?

A Fewer people are being attacked by crocodiles.
B It gives a significant financial boost to the area.
C The native population gets a chance to profit.
D The number of crocodiles has grown recently.

2 Proponents say legalisation in the neighbouring Northern Territory brought substantial economic benefits, particularly to indigenous communities, without affecting crocodile numbers. Federal MP and former crocodile farmer Warren Entsch strongly supports legalising egg harvesting in
Queensland. He would like to see a quota of eggs taken from nests, harvested, then sold to farmers who supply skins to global fashion houses. Mr Entsch said the number of saltwater crocodiles in the Northern Territory had grown substantially despite the provision for egg harvesting, with current estimates putting their population at around 100,000. “Now
there are more crocodiles in the Northern Territory than before when the ‘white fella’ came to Australia,” said Mr Entsch. “The proliferation of the crocodile is huge and that in itself is causing a few problems.”

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Which of the following is not mentioned as a reason to support egg harvesting in paragraph 2?
Fewer people are being attacked by crocodiles.
It gives a significant financial boost to the area.
The native population gets a chance to profit.
The number of crocodiles has grown recently.

Slide 8 - Quizvraag

How is paragraph 3 linked to paragraph 2?

A It confirms what is said in paragraph 2.
B It illustrates what is said in paragraph 2.
C It questions what is said in paragraph 2.
D It repeats what is said in paragraph 2.

3 Conservationists say that only a few crocodiles reach maturity in the wild and claim that removing eggs could have a devastating impact. “There’s a reason why their survival rates are so low, because only the strongest fittest baby will survive,” Australia Zoo crocodile research team leader Toby Millyard said. He added that accurate surveys of crocodile populations had not been conducted for a decade and needed to be completed before a decision was made. “Anything people say about crocodile numbers is really hearsay and opinion,” he added.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

How is paragraph 3 linked to paragraph 2?
It confirms what is said in paragraph 2
It illustrates what is said in paragraph 2
It questions what is said in paragraph 2
It repeats what is said in paragraph 2

Slide 10 - Quizvraag

How can the attitude of Robbie Morris (paragraph 4) towards egg collection be summarised?

A He fears it will have unforeseen negative effects.
B He is convinced the crocodile population will benefit from it.
C He is in favour as long as it is done by qualified specialists.
D He supports it only if certain conditions are met.

4 The final report into a live egg-collection trial in Cape York is expected to be released by the Queensland Government in the coming weeks. Robbie Morris, environmental manager of Pormpuraaw Aboriginal Shire Council in Cape York, said the study has shown there would be no impact on populations if just a limited harvest of wild eggs are taken from nests that are at risk of being washed away by flooding. He added: “If we do actually get the go-ahead to do a wild egg harvest there would be scope for three or four permanent positions at the farm for local indigenous people.”

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

How can the attitude of Robbie Morris (paragraph 4) towards egg collection be summarised?
He fears it will have unforeseen negative effects.
He is convinced the crocodile population will benefit from it.
He is in favour as long as it is done by qualified specialists.
He supports it only if certain conditions are met.

Slide 12 - Quizvraag

Which of the following is true of Andrew Picone’s contribution to the discussion in paragraph 5?

A He claims that egg harvesting will harm local employment options.
B He introduces an additional argument in favour of egg harvesting.
C He warns for the impact of egg harvesting on the environment.

5 Andrew Picone of the Australian Conservation Foundation said a range of issues needed to be considered before allowing egg harvesting in Cape York. “At face value it presents some problems but without any other economic opportunities on the Cape York, things like mining and other extractive industries will continue to be seen as the only option, and undermine tourism.” He agreed that expanding the farming industry in Queensland could also provide culturally appropriate opportunities for remote indigenous communities.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Which of the following is true of Andrew Picone’s contribution to the discussion in paragraph 5?
He claims that egg harvesting will harm local employment options.
He introduces an additional argument in favour of egg harvesting.
He warns for the impact of egg harvesting on the environment.

Slide 14 - Quizvraag

What can be concluded from paragraph 6?

A Australian crocodiles are in danger of extinction.
B Crocodile leather has become more expensive.
C People like buying typically Australian products.
D The Australian crocodile industry is expanding.

Meanwhile, the Northern Territory recently increased the number of eggs that can be harvested each year by 40%. Its Wildlife Trade Management Plan also allows for the take of 1,000 live crocodiles. The government aims to double its crocodile products industry to A$50m in four years.

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

What can be concluded from paragraph 6?
Australian crocodiles are in danger of extinction.
Crocodile leather has become more expensive.
People like buying typically Australian products.
The Australian crocodile industry is expanding.

Slide 16 - Quizvraag