KP MVT: Street Talk: Exploring British, American, and Australian Slang

Street Talk: Exploring British, American, and Australian Slang
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EngelsSecundair onderwijs

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Street Talk: Exploring British, American, and Australian Slang

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Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson, you will be able to identify and understand common street slang used in British, American, and Australian English.

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Street slang is a unique aspect of language used in various English-speaking countries. Let's explore the fascinating world of British, American, and Australian street talk!

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What is Slang?
Slang refers to informal language used among specific social groups or in specific contexts. It often deviates from standard English and reflects cultural influences.

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British Slang
British street slang, also known as Cockney rhyming slang, originated in East London. It involves replacing words with rhyming phrases or abbreviations.

Mind! Britain has different types of slang! 

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Examples of British Street Slang
Examples of British street slang include 'apples and pears' (stairs), 'jam jar' (car), and 'butcher's hook' (look).

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American Slang
American slang, also known as urban slang, is prevalent in cities and reflects cultural diversity. It incorporates words, phrases, and expressions from various communities.

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Examples of American Slang
Examples of American street slang include 'lit' (exciting), 'chill' (relax), and 'dope' (excellent).

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Australian Slang
Australian slang, also known as 'Strine,' is characterized by unique vocabulary, abbreviations, and a distinct accent. It reflects the country's laid-back and humorous culture.

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Examples of Australian Street Slang
Examples of Australian street slang include 'mate' (friend), 'brekkie' (breakfast), and 'arvo' (afternoon).

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Common Misunderstandings
Street slang can sometimes lead to misunderstandings, especially for non-native English speakers. It's important to consider context and audience when using slang.

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Appropriate Usage
Street slang is mainly used in informal settings and among specific social groups. It's essential to be mindful of the appropriateness and audience when using it.

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Benefits of Learning Street Slang
Learning street slang enhances your understanding of English language variations and cultural nuances. It also helps you connect with native speakers on a deeper level.

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Real-Life Application
Street slang is commonly used in movies, music, and social media. By familiarizing yourself with it, you'll be able to better understand popular culture references.

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  • Groups of 2/3
  • Pick a movie scene, news item, sketch, song...
  • Choose one slang variety (American, Australian or British)
  • Exchange some of the words for slang words
  • Film your news item/sketch/...  and upload it 

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