Passive - 3H2 28 november

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 12 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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November 28 - 3H2
What do you need:
Books, notebook, pen
until bell to fill your water bottle and go to the bathroom.
No phones in the classroom.
Food and drinks: allowed until we start with the new grammar

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Leerdoel: Maak de grammatica uitleg interactiever en als leerlingen geen vragen stellen, stel ze dan zelf.

Make sure the students are sitting in their assigned seats. 
Because this is after sport, they may drink their drinks and eat something small until we're done checking the homework. They have until the bell to fill their bottle and go to the bathroom. We start when the bell rings. Anyone not back by then is too late and will have to get a note. Phones in the bag and grab books/notebook/pens.
Program & Goals
The Passive

At the end of the lesson I:
- know why we use the passive
- can tell the class how to make the passive
- have practiced with the passive in the book.

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Overgang 'pauze' naar doelen: alright everybody, good afternoon. Make sure the phones are in the or your bag and you have your books on the table.

Go over the plan for today, 'today we will be looking at the first piece of grammar this theme. This one should be relatively easy. Take out your notebooks to take notes because we will do that right after this.' Ask a student to read out the goals. Students are quiet and listen to me and each other.

Do: ex. 20-22 on wb. p. 74-76 as well as 11+12 on wb. p. 69/70
Study: Words D and proverbs and sayings on p. 50/51 

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Their homework was to do the exercises about the stones and the relative clauses. They can check their answers for themselves afterwards, but I will discuss part of the relative clauses:
11. 2, 5, 7
12. only an example sentence

Goals/plan + checking part of the hw may take until 11:12 (+/- 5 min)

Homework check
11. 2: The office building ............... my mother works in..
      5: Mannie, ............... new album came out last week, sat..
      7: The house in ........... I was born has been completely redone

12. example: "The man who is running after the burglar, has white hair and a moustache."

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Ask a student to give their answer on the first sentence, then another for the next and a 3rd one for the 3rd. If there are volunteers, they can say what they had, if not, I will pick someone.
2: which/that/X (picked bc of the 3 options)
5: whose (picked because of 'whose')
7: which (picked because of the sentence 'in which')

For 12 give them the example sentence on the board and tell them while checking the rest of their answers later today, they can ask me if their answers are correct.

Next, tell them to open their notebook for a new grammar explanation. Write down who did not bring a notebook (it was also in the homework to bring one).
*Passive Voice (lijdende vorm)

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Until 11:15
Use the picture on the board to demonstrate the difference between an active sentence and a passive sentence. Ask them to 'guess' which is the active and which is the passive. If they're stuck, mention the dutch translation (lijdende vorm) and ask who is 'suffering' in this scenario. (Because I think that's funny and something funny they might remember)

During the entire explanation, students are quiet. If they have a question, they may raise their hand. If I want input or an answer to a question, I will ask for a volunteer to answer or otherwise ask someone at random.

Consequences for talking:
1. Repeat my expectations
2. Say their name
3. Give them a warning
4. Move them to be in front with me
5. Move them out of the classroom temporarily. Last resort because I want them to know the grammar too, but not at the expense of other people.
Passive voice
Active sentence: I kick the ball
Passive sentence: The ball is kicked (by me)

What changes? (word order/grammar)

Active sentence: She loves me
Passive sentence:

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Until 11:20
Ask students what the difference is between the 2 sentences on the board w.r.t. the order of the words and the grammar.
I'm looking for:
1. The ball (het lijdend voorwerp) is in the front
2. 'is kicked' looks different (still present but using the word 'is' and something else (past participle/voltooid dw))
optional 3. by me is between brackets.

In the likely case that not all the parts I wanted to hear were mentioned, I will tell them myself or guide them towards the answer by pointing out the part of the sentence I'm still wanting an answer for/about. 

Next, ask if there's anyone who would like to try to make the sentence passive (without me specifically having told them how to yet.) 

Example of how the conversation could go: who 'suffers' the love? Okay, put that in the front (change to I) then what happens? Look at is kicked, what do you use for I? (am/are/is) okay, I am.. then what happens to the loves? what happened with kick? (+ed) so what do you do with loves? (loved) I am loved. And lastly? Who loves me? She does, okay, what happens in the sentence above? 'by me' so what would that be in this case? by ... her.

Next, we will watch a video
Passive - video (11 min)
Write down: what you think is important to write down.
Write down at least 3 things he said.

We will only use the present simple/continuous and past simple/continuous tenses. (So no future tense for example.)

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Until 11:30
I really liked the clarity of the video, so I'd like to use that one too. Before watching the video, let students know that the only tenses we will use on the test are the present and past simple/continuous so not the futures or the perfects.

Watch the video and then recap the most important information in the next slide. Students are instructed to write down at least 3 things he mentioned.

Ask students about these 3 things when the video is done.

Possible questions: the dude said you don't use 'am' in the passive, but we literally just did with the 'I am loved by her'. - Correct, so we do sometimes use it, if 'I' is the 'lijdende vorm'.

Filmpje: 00:00-6:16
*Passive: to be + Voltooid Deelwoord (+ed/3e rijtje)

*Present Simple: am/are/is + voltooid deelwoord
*Present Continuous: am/are/is being + voltooid deelwoord
*Past Simple: was/were + voltooid deelwoord
*Past Continuous: was/were being + voltooid deelwoord
*Modals: can/could/must/etc. + be + voltooid deelwoord

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Until 11:33
Give students 3 minutes to write these sentences down. This is important information they can use to make sentences passive.

To practice, students will now do the homework.
What: do ex. 24+25 on wb. p. 77-78
How: You may discuss in pairs
Help: Your notes, grammar on p. 47 , each other, teacher
Time: 10 min
Done: Look at the 2 pieces grammar you've had and decide which one you find more difficult.
Outcome: 24 has to be finished by the end of the lesson

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Until 11:45
Students have to do the ex. from J, about the grammar they just learned.
If they are done with that, they should look at the 2 pieces of grammar and decide which one they find more difficult.
Students can work together here and can be a little bit louder because they had to pay attention for a long time.

Students may discuss with each other. If they are not doing what they're supposed to be doing:
1. I will repeat what I want from them
2. I will give them a warning
3. I will put them somewhere else
4. I will make them do some 'strafwerk' with the vocab.
They have to do this until the end of the lesson. 

They may not leave early, they may not use their phone, they may not refuse to do the work. They may, however, if they're done with the work take out their reading book and read it if they have it.
Do: ex. 24 + 25 on wb. p. 77-78
Study: the (3rd row of) the irregular verbs
Plan for the 7th period: G - listening

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At 11:46 I will tell them about this homework and move on to the goals.
I'll ask someone to read these out loud and confirm.

- I know why we use the passive
- I can tell the class how to make the passive
- I have practiced with the passive in the book.

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Students do not have to raise their hands here, I will ask a student to read out the goals and ask if they have done all 3 things and what the answers are

Students may not put their books away until I am done discussing the goals with them. If they do, they need to grab them again. No exceptions. (Unless I have told them they could in the step before this)