V6+ week 37 - Roald Dahl short stories and literary essay on themes

Today's classes
Lesson 1 - 
literature/reading & literary essay/writing; socio-cultural knowledge

Lesson 2 - 
(Romantic period & sonnets (start)/Words in Progress & CPE speaking training
1 / 7
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsVoortgezet speciaal onderwijsLeerroute 6

In deze les zitten 7 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Today's classes
Lesson 1 - 
literature/reading & literary essay/writing; socio-cultural knowledge

Lesson 2 - 
(Romantic period & sonnets (start)/Words in Progress & CPE speaking training

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Roald Dahl's short stories

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Roald Dahl (1916-1990)
Popular British writer of children's books

Dahl attended boarding school & was bullied

Had wonderful holidays in Wales

Led an eccentric life (adventurer, business man, photographer, special constable in WW II, RAF pilot, worked for the British embassy, worked for MI6, journalist, writer of short stories and children's books, inventor)

Suffered plenty of hardships in life 
(terrible accident himself, terrible accident baby son, lost his daughter at a young age, is wife suffered strokes, he divorced, fell ill for a long time, had quarrels with many people)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Roald Dahl (1916-1990)
Use of vivid imagination in stories

Use of new creative words in stories (to bibble, to bish, biffsquiggled, crodsquinkled)

Children  and the underdog are often heroes, women often "mean" characters 
(is this true? - judge after reading his short stories)

Criticized for language (books had to be reprinted) - Salman Rushdie, Queen 
Consort Camilla, Rishi Sunak have stood up for him

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Video


Read at least The Lamb to the Slaughter + The Landlady 
(3rd one is The Hitchhiker)
Write a literary essay (500 words) on one of the following theses (next slide)

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Literary essay theses 
Gender; Appearances and Deception - 
thesis: Roald Dahl's "Lamb to the Slaughter" subverts gender stereotypes

Appearances and Deception - 
thesis: Symbols in "The Landlady" appear friendly but foreshadow death and deception

Appearances and Deception -
thesis: Roald Dahl's stories champion the underdog.

Prove your thesis with examples from the short story/stories

Slide 7 - Tekstslide