Bs 1 + 2 + 9

Bs 1: What is Ecology?
1 / 14
Slide 1: Tekstslide
BiologieMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 14 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Bs 1: What is Ecology?

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Planning for today?

  • Instruction bs 1, 2 + 9: what is Ecology? (15 min)
  • PO: Footprint challenge

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

at the end of this class
...You can explain what Ecology is and what factors influence it.
...You can make a food web that show producers, consumers and decomposers.
...You can explain what heterotroph and autotroph is. 

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

PO (evolution poster) --> Hand in Friday via teams at mr. Abma
Test  --> 27/06 
Unit 6:Ecology
Basics: 1,2,3,4 + 9
Unit 7: Humans and the environment
Basics: 2 & 3

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What is Ecology?
= The part of Biology concerning the relationships between organisms and their environment. 

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biotic and abiotic factors
Environmental influences categorized into two groups:

  • Biotic:
Influences from living nature (other organisms)
  • Abiotic:
Influences that come from non-living aspects of nature. 
All the abiotic factors together in an area is called a biotope.

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The levels of Ecology
You can investigate:
1. The relation between an individual and its environment.
2. A population is a group of individuals of the same species in a specific area. 
3. Populations of different species in the same area -> community.
4. An ecosystem: a specific area in which biotic and abiotic factors form a unit. 

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Feeding relationships within an ecosystem
  • Herbivores (plant eaters)

  • Omnivores (eat plants + meat)

  • Carnivores (eat meat)

The animals in the picture they eat each other.. they form a food chain.

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Food chains and food webs
A food chain is a series of organisms in which each organism is the food source for the next.

First link = plant species. 
Second link = herbivore.
Third link = carnivore. 

Ecosystems contain multiple food chains that are interrelated. They make up a network -> food web. 

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Plants provide the food for other animals, they are producers (first link)

Animals eat (consume) the plants. They are consumers
Producers -> primary consumers -> secondary consumers etc. 

Not all plants and animals get eaten.. they can also simply die. Scavengers will use remains. 

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The remains left by the scavengers are broken down by fungi and bacteria -> decomposers

Decomposers convert remains into Carbon dioxide, minerals and water. These substances can be used again by plants. 
Think of photosynthesis:
Water + light + CO2 -> Glucose + O2

<- nutrient cycle. 

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Some organisms don't need other organisms as food. Some organisms can make their own food. We call them autotroph. Auto (=self), trophein (=feeding)

Some organisms do feed on others. We call them heterotroph. Heteros (=others), trophies (=feeding)

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PA Footprint challenge
Step 1: Read the assignment @studiewijzer
Step 2: Discuss with a groups of 2/3 what you can do for a week to reduce your footprint.

  • Challenge yourself for 5 days. 
  • Make a vlog or TikTok of 1-2 minutes about your challenge. (in English)
  • Grade counts 1x

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Now get to work!
Basic 1
Make exercise: 1,2,3,4 

Basic 2:
Make exercise: 5,6,7,8

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