Lesson 20 vocab test & Freedom Writers

Welcome to English class!
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 13 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to English class!

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Today we are going to...

- make the vocabulary test.
- do some exercises about a movie & make a start with watching the movie.

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Lesson goals
At the end of this class...

- you nailed your vocabulary test!
- have learned how easy it is to be prejudiced, how often that happens and what the consequences are. 
- we have made a start with the movie Freedom Writers.

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Study time!
You have 5 minutes to study for the test.

Page 74 & 75

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Good luck!

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Freedom writers

A young teacher inspires her class of at-risk students to learn tolerance, apply themselves and pursue education beyond high school.

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Freedom writers
We are going do to some preparation exercises first.

Have a look at the handout.

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Exercise 1
Exercise 1: First impression game

These people are characters in the movie 'Freedom writers'. Write down your first impression of these characters. Try to do this in English. 

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Exercise 2 - Nationality, identity and prejudices

1. What is your nationality? 
2. Is your nationality an important part of who you are (your identity)? Why/why not? 
3. There are prejudices about every nationality.
For example, Belgians are stupid and French are arrogant. Are there any prejudices about your nationality? 
4. Do those prejudices match how you behave? 
5. Some people are discriminated against for things that determine their identity, such as their skin color, their religion or their sexual orientation. Have you ever encountered racism or have you experienced discrimination or do you know someone who has experienced something like this? What happened and how did you feel then?

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Exercise 3 - Follow a character

You will get a name of one of the characters. You have to pay attention on this person during the film and try to empathize in his or her life. Keep the next question in mind: does your character have the same amount of opportunities to succeed in life like the other students in the class?
Try to make notes . 

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Review the lesson
So, what have we learned today?

1. You have nailed the vocab test.
2. You have learned how easy it is to be prejudiced, how often that happens and what the consequences are.
3. We have made a start with the movie Freedom Writers.

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Homework & next lesson
  • Study all the vocabulary of 'Animal world'.

Next lesson:
Discuss the test!

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