Leading for Sustainability: Exploring Different Models of Leadership

Leading for Sustainability: Exploring Different Models of Leadership
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Slide 1: Slide

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

Leading for Sustainability: Exploring Different Models of Leadership

Slide 1 - Slide

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Learning Objective
At the end of the lesson you will be able to identify and explain different models of leadership for sustainability.

Slide 2 - Slide

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What do you already know about different models of leadership for sustainability?

Slide 3 - Mind map

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Understanding Sustainability Leadership
Leadership plays a crucial role in driving sustainability initiatives within organizations and communities.

Slide 4 - Slide

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Transformational Leadership
This model emphasizes inspiring and motivating others to achieve sustainability goals through vision and innovation.

Slide 5 - Slide

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Servant Leadership
Servant leaders prioritize the needs of others and focus on serving the community or organization for long-term sustainability.

Slide 6 - Slide

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Distributed Leadership
This model involves shared leadership and collaboration among team members to drive sustainable change.

Slide 7 - Slide

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Adaptive Leadership
Adaptive leaders navigate complex sustainability challenges by facilitating change and learning within the organization or community.

Slide 8 - Slide

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Authentic Leadership
Authentic leaders promote transparency, ethical behavior, and genuine commitment to sustainability values.

Slide 9 - Slide

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Leadership Assessment Activity
Engage in a group activity to assess and compare the effectiveness of different leadership models in addressing sustainability challenges.

Slide 10 - Slide

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Slide 11 - Slide

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Write down 3 things you learned in this lesson.

Slide 12 - Open question

Have students enter three things they learned in this lesson. With this they can indicate their own learning efficiency of this lesson.
Write down 2 things you want to know more about.

Slide 13 - Open question

Here, students enter two things they would like to know more about. This not only increases involvement, but also gives them more ownership.
Ask 1 question about something you haven't quite understood yet.

Slide 14 - Open question

The students indicate here (in question form) with which part of the material they still have difficulty. For the teacher, this not only provides insight into the extent to which the students understand/master the material, but also a good starting point for the next lesson.