Leesvaardigheid oefenen pww 22 juni 2022

Leesvaardigheid oefenen
Voor de proefwerkweek
1 / 14
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo kLeerjaar 1

This lesson contains 14 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Leesvaardigheid oefenen
Voor de proefwerkweek

Slide 1 - Slide

- Iedereen mag een woordenboek gebruiken.

- De leerlingen met dyslexie mogen de voorleesfunctie gebruiken om de Engelse teksten te laten voorlezen > laptop meenemen + oortjes!

Slide 2 - Slide

Extra oefenmateriaal
Extra oefenmateriaal kun je vinden via magister > studiewijzer km1 Engels > kopje: oefenen voor de pww/leesvaardigheid.

Hier staat online links naar oefeningen + documenten onder de bijlage.

Slide 3 - Slide

De volgende dia's bevatten een aantal Engelse teksten + vragen. 

Deze lees je en je beantwoordt de vragen hierover.

Slide 4 - Slide

Text: A trip around the world
De tekst is opgesplitst in alinea's en kun je vinden onder de oogjes. 
Alinea 1
It's summer when Erden Eruç leaves the mainland of California to row across the Pacific Ocean in a seven-metre boat. Crossing the Pacific is only one part of Erden's journey. He is travelling around the world and along the way he is going to climb some of the highest mountains in the world. 
Alinea 2
A special journey. 
Of course Erden is not the first person to travel all the way around the world. What's special about his journey is that he is using only his own energy. He will row, bike, walk and climb without any help from motors at all. 

Slide 5 - Slide

Text: A trip around the world
De tekst is opgesplitst in alinea's en kun je vinden onder de oogjes. 
Alinea 3
During the first part of his journey he cycled nearly 9000 kilometres from Seattle to Alaska and back. He then walked more than 100 kilometres and climbed more than 6000 metres to the top of Mount McKinley, the highest mountain in northern America. 
Alinea 4
Change of plans
Sometimes things don't go as planned.. For example, wind and waves keep pushing Erden westwards when he wants to go south towards the Solomon islands. He says: 'I don't have powerful engines to turn the boat. I only have my own power so sometimes the wind decides which way I go. When that happens I happily change my plans and go some other place.' 

Slide 6 - Slide

Text: A trip around the world
Alinea 5
Life on the boat
On his boat he has a small but dry cabin to crawl into at night. He can use his little computer to connect to the internet. For fun, he answers emails, reads books and writes in his journal a lot. Protein bars give him energy and he boils water on a small stove. He has a special machine which removes salt from ocean water, so he can drink it. This machine works on solar energy, so it only works when the sun shines. He keeps clean water in small tanks for the bad weather moments. 

Slide 7 - Slide

Text: A trip around the world
Alinea 6 deel 1
School visits
During the day, Erden enjoys the many birds that visit his boat. When his trip around the world takes him across land, he enjoys meeting people. He likes to visit schools and tell the children about all his adventures. 
Alinea 6 deel 2
Erden also explains to people why he wants to travel like this: 'I want to inspire kids to dream their dreams and reach their goals. I want to show them that there can be difficult parts along the way and sometimes they might not even reach that final goal. But they can have great adventures and learn a lot along the way'. 
Adapted from: kids.nationalgeographic.com 

Slide 8 - Slide

1 In welk seizoen begint Erden aan zijn tocht over de Grote (Pacific) Oceaan?

Slide 9 - Open question

2 Houdt Erden zich altijd aan zijn plannen? Leg je antwoord uit.

Slide 10 - Open question

3 Hoe komt Erden aan schoon water als het slecht weer is?

Slide 11 - Open question

5 Op welke manier komt Erden tijdens zijn reis in aanraking met de buitenwereld?

Slide 12 - Open question

6 Waarom is het voor Erden belangrijk dat hij extra fit is?

Slide 13 - Open question

Hoeveel vragen heb je goed beantwoordt?

Slide 14 - Open question