Fash Fashion Presentation

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Graphic DesignHigher Education (degree)

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes, text slides and 1 video.

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What do you know
about Fast Fashion?

Slide 2 - Mind map

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Fast Fashion is a term used to describe the production and sale of clothing and accessories that are on-trend with the latest fashion, but at a much lower price point than designer clothes. 

It is designed to be bought and worn quickly, often within the same season, before going out of style. Fast fashion is often seen as a way to stay on-trend without breaking the bank.

Fast Fashion is a term used to describe the production and sale of clothing and accessories that are on-trend with the latest fashion, but at a much lower price point than designer clothes. 

It is designed to be bought and worn quickly, often within the same season, before going out of style. Fast fashion is often seen as a way to stay on-trend without breaking the bank.

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The world uses an estimated 80 billion pieces of clothing every year, a 400 percent increase from two decades ago.

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This works out at about 1 million items per day...
The fashion industry is responsible for 10% of annual global carbon emissions.

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Half a million tons of plastic microfibers are dumped into the ocean every year, the equivalent of 50 billion plastic bottles.

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Less than 1% of material used to produce clothing is recycled into new clothing at the end of its life.

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Buying just one white cotton shirt produces the same amount of emissions as driving 35 miles in a car. 

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Slide 9 - Video

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Slide 11 - Link

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Who are the worst offenders in Fast Fashion?

Slide 12 - Poll

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Who shops in Primark?
Yes, I hate the planet...
No, its a hellscape.

Slide 13 - Poll

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Why do we
shop there?

Slide 14 - Mind map

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And what's going
to make you stop?

Slide 15 - Mind map

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Slide 17 - Link

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Based on the company assigned to you, over the next hour you will create a new advertising graphic, highlighting the current sustainability issue and/ or environmental impact this company is having on the world.

This will require you to repurpose their existing media, using photo-manipulation methods and smart copy writing (use of text) to disrupt the current target audience. 

Ensure you establish who your target audience is, and have a clear understanding of the specific issues with this  company. Manage your time, do what is achievable, make it impactful. Im more interested in the thought that has went into it than perfect execution.

Artwork should be displayed as a3 portrait or landscape, Jpg, and uploaded to the provided link-  https://belfastmetuat-my.sharepoint.com/:f:/g/personal/cmcclure_belfastmet_ac_uk/EghvXyeZxhRCrOx-23eymrQBKIFR_grPORN9K0bdArPqBg?e=YcJuTz  

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