Lesson 3: E-mail to client

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EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson


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Today's goal
At the end of this lesson, you'll be able to:
send an email to a client to extract information about a new project.

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Open & closed questions

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How did you feel about last class, good, right?
Closed question
Open question

Slide 4 - Quiz

Last class was disappointing...
  • Very few questions on the manual.

  • That makes me wonder... 
  • Was something unclear, and if so, what?

Slide 5 - Slide

When you're in the field, you have to know...

  • How to talk to a client (e.g. to get information)
  • how to start and end a new project
  • Be professional
  • Etc.

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What is being professional?

Slide 7 - Open question

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What are we going to do today?
You are going to write an email to your client, his name is 
Mike Tython. 
(I suggest you watch your language if you don't want to be put to sleep manually.) 

  • (that means you need questions)

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What: you are going to write an email to your client (Mike Tython). 

Ask him open questions about the manual, so you know how to write your manual.

That means you need questions, obviously...
If you don't, you start making those.

Slide 10 - Slide

  • How: send an e-mail with your questions to Mr Tython, his email address: PatLawsonmboRijnland@gmail.com
Work in groups of 2
  • Help: your colleague (duo-partner) or teacher (as a last resort)
  • Time: 40 minutes
  • Result: you'll have made questions and have them answered so you can start writing your manual.
  • Done: start writing your manual > make the layout, start with the table of contents, etc.

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Mike Tython will be responding to your emails while you work on your manuals.

Call out: Mike! I need your help.

  • Important! Make the subject of the email:
  •  EXI - Jaar - Volledige naam - Studentnummer | Onderwerp
  • Info in a nutshell:
  • Open questions about the manual | Mr. Tython PatLawsonmboRijnland@gmail.com

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Today's goal
At the end of this lesson, you'll be able to:
send an email to a client to extract information about a new project.

Slide 13 - Slide

“Assuming is the root of all disappointments''
  • Homework of last week was: to send your chosen subject for the manual.

  • Either my outlook crashed, or you guys....

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  • Send your manual subject & send the e-mail (if not done already)

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