Civil Rights & BLM 5H

Origin of slavery in America

  • 1. hunger, disease
  • 2. land and freedom
  • 3. 1641
  • 4. Black gold
  • 5. a million
  • 6. graceful, light-skinned girls, mistresses for their masters, prostitutes
  • 7. b
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 5

This lesson contains 58 slides, with interactive quiz, text slides and 5 videos.

time-iconLesson duration is: 50 min

Items in this lesson

Origin of slavery in America

  • 1. hunger, disease
  • 2. land and freedom
  • 3. 1641
  • 4. Black gold
  • 5. a million
  • 6. graceful, light-skinned girls, mistresses for their masters, prostitutes
  • 7. b

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5H - The Help
background information

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1. How did slavery begin?

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How did slavery begin?
  • 1. When and where did the first British men settle in America?
  • 1607, Jamestown, North Virginia
  • 2. Were they successful?
  • No, in a decade almost 80 percent of the British settlers had perished.
  • 3. How did their fortune change?
  • Learned how to grow tobacco.

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  • 4. When did the first slaves enter the British colony?
  • 1619
  • 5. In the 17th and 18th century African slaves mainly worked on tobacco plantations. How did that change in the 19th century?
  • Cotton plantations.
  • 6. Slavery was different in the South of America compared to the North. Explain.
  • In the North everything was more mechanized, so the need for slaves to do the work was not as present as in the South.

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  • 7. By 1860 the difference between the Nort and the South, considering their views on slaves, escalated. How come?
Abraham Lincoln became president. He was opposed to slavery. The South was scared he was going to abolish it.
  • 8. The eleven southern states eventually formed a new country. What was their name?
The confederate states of America.

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  • 9. The northern part of America considered the southern people as traitors. This eventually led to _____________________________ .
  • The Civil War
  • 10. After the Civil War had ended, the 13th Amendement was installed. a. What is good about it?
  •  Abolished slavery
  •  b. Less good is…
  •  It never mentions what freedom for the African-American people should look like.

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  • 11. Fill in: The South had lost the war, but the ideology of ____
  • ________________________ was not dislodged.
  • White supremacy
  • 12. Which doctrine was known back in the South in the early 1900s?
  • Separate but equal

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  • 13. “One world for white individuals, one world for black individuals” -> How was this visible in everyday life?
  • Interracial marriage is banned, you cannot work together, you cannot eat together, white/black schools, separate train carriages, …
  • 14. What is the mission of the Ku Klux Klan?
  • Preservation of white people at the top of racial hierarchy.

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Dear diary...
  • 1. disease, old age
  • 2. c
  • 3. b
  • 4. she would lose her daily ritual to follow
  • 5. d
  • 6. to dance in group
  • 7. If you are in pain, it is hard to stand up for yourself

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  • 8. a
  • 9. At the colour of your skin, at her parents, the white men that control this world
  • 10. It makes her miss everyone, even the people she despises (because she just wants to feel safe)
  • 11. She dreamt of Africa and that she saw everyone again
  • 12. an old man dying of a heart attack
  • 13. All hope is gone...

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Key question 1
1H      6B
2G       7A
3D       8I
4E        9F
5C       10J

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1. What did the Jim Crow laws entail? 
Jim Crow laws were laws in the South based on race. They enforced segregation between white people and black people in public places such as schools, transportation, restrooms, and restaurants. They also made it difficult for black people to vote.

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2. Why were they called Jim Crow?
The name "Jim Crow" comes from an African-American
    character in a song from 1832. After the song came out, the term "Jim Crow" was often used to refer to African-Americans and soon the segregation laws became known as "Jim Crow" laws.

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3. In general, what is meant by civil rights?
a struggle for social justice that took place mainly during the 1950s and 1960s for Black Americans to gain equal rights under the law in the United States

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4. According to the website, why is the history of black Americans and their strife for civil rights significant to the history of the United States?
Because it was symbolic of the fight for rights for all people.
As well, such movements have not only secured citizenship rights for blacks but have also redefined prevailing
conceptions of the nature of civil rights and the role of government in protecting these rights.

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5. According to the website, even though the government had passed laws in favor of desegregation, why was “black activism” still necessary?
Even after the Supreme Court declared that public school segregation was unconstitutional, black activism was necessary to compel the federal government to
implement the decision and extend its principles to all areas of public life rather than simply in schools.

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6. Explain the significance of the Civil Rights Act of 1964
This legislation outlawed segregation in public facilities and racial discrimination in employment and education. In addition to blacks, women and other victims of discrimination benefited from the act.

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7. What events brought about the creation of the Civil Rights Act of 1964?
The Birmingham Campaign and the March on Washington.

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8. What is “Bloody Sunday”? Explain its significance
On March 7 a planned march from Selma to the state capitol in Montgomery ended almost before it began at Pettus Bridge on the outskirts of Selma, when mounted police using tear gas and wielding clubs attacked the protesters. News accounts of “Bloody Sunday” brought hundreds of civil rights sympathizers to Selma. Many demonstrators were determined to
mobilize another march, and activists challenged King to defy a court order forbidding such marches. 

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9. What does the abbreviation NAACP stand for and when was the NAACP set up?
The National Association for the Advancement of Colored People (NAACP) was set up in 1909. They funded lawyers for black people who were treated very badly by the courts.

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10. When was the Black Panther Party (BPP) set up and what was its aim?
In 1966, the Black Panther Party for Self-Defense (BPP) was formed in Oakland, California. Along with Malcolm X, the BPP represented strands of civil rights activism that drew attention to experiences of racial inequality happening in the cities of the north and California. Martin Luther King until 1968 had largely focused on southern issues.

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11. When did segregation in the US army end?
In the Second World War, black Americans fought for the USA. In 1948, the US military finally allowed black and white soldiers to serve next to each other. However, the war caused many black Americans to question why they would fight overseas against a racist power like Nazi Germany for freedoms they did not enjoy at home in the USA.

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12. Who was Malcolm X?
13. Why did Malcolm X criticize Martin Luther King Jr. and the mainstream Civil Rights Movement?

Malcolm X was a minister, human rights activist and prominent Black nationalist leader who served as a spokesman for the Nation of Islam during the 1950s and 1960s. A naturally gifted orator, Malcolm X exhorted Black people to cast off the shackles of racism "by any means necessary," including violence.

By the early 1960s, Malcolm X had emerged as a leading voice of a radicalized wing of the civil rights movement, presenting a dramatic alternative to Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision of a racially-integrated society achieved by peaceful means. 

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I have a dream..
  • 1. Example of a metaphor: 
  • the mountain of despair a stone of hope
  • 2. Example of a simile: 
  • No, no, we are not satisfied and will not be satisfied until justice rolls down like water and righteousness like a mighty stream.

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- Elements such as: light in the darkness represent hope while being oppressed.
- Dream
- Overcoming all challenges

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I, Too by Langston Hughes
  • 1. The profession of the speaker: a domestic servant.
  • 2. They: the (white) people he serves.

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a. Timeline
1948 - Equal rights for the military
1954 - Brown vs Board of Education
1955 - Brutal murder of Emmett Till
1955 - Rosa Parks - Montgomery bus boycott
1957 - Students are denied access to school in Little Rock
1963 - Protests in Birmingham after murder on 4 black girls
1963 - March on Washington DC
1964 - Civil Rights Act
1968 - MLK was shot

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b. events
  • Murder Emmett Till:  
  • 14-year-old African American boy who was abducted, tortured, and lynched in Mississippi in 1955, after being accused of offending a white woman, Carolyn Bryant, in her family's grocery store

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b. events
  • Students blocked from school in Little Rocks 
  • a group of nine Black students who enrolled at formerly all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, in September 1957. Their attendance at the school was a test of Brown v. Board of Education, a landmark 1954 Supreme Court ruling that declared segregation in public schools unconstitutional.
    -> Arkansas National Guard to block the Black students’ entry into the high school

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b. events
  • Riots in Birmingham
  • was a civil disorder and riot in Birmingham, Alabama, that was provoked by bombings on the night of May 11, 1963. The bombings targeted African-American leaders of the Birmingham campaign (like brother of MLK), but ended in the murder of three adolescent girls.

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b. events
  • Martin Luther King
  • was fatally shot at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis, Tennessee, on April 4, 1968, at 6:01 p.m. CST. He was rushed to St. Joseph's Hospital, where he died at 7:05 p.m. He was a prominent leader of the civil rights movement and a Nobel Peace Prize laureate who was known for his use of nonviolence and civil disobedience.

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What do you already
know about Black Lives Matter?

Slide 36 - Mind map

a) Gap-fill paragraph 1
  1. spread
  2. marched
  3. slogans
  4. breathe
  5. violence
  6. alongside
  7. place
  8. equality

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b) Gap-fill paragraph 2
  1. joined
  2. support
  3. treated
  4. human
  5. life 
  6. dialogue
  7. avoiding
  8. equally 

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c. Vocabulary paragraph 1
  1. d
  2. f
  3. b
  4. g
  5. c
  6. e
  7. a

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c. Vocabulary paragraph 2
  • 8. n
  • 9.k
  • 10. m
  • 11. h
  • 12. i
  • 13. l
  • 14. j 

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Slide 42 - Video

  • 1. b.
  • 2. world
  • 3. c
  • 4. fake
  • 5. Floyed was pinned to the ground by a white police officer
  • 6. Floyed repeatedly told the police officer he couldn't breathe.
  • 7. the killer was found not guilty / Trevor Martin was shot/ the killer shot him 

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  • 8. movement
  • 9. segregation
  • 10. c
  • 11. Half of the time it takes to become a barber
  • 12. justice / liberty / equality 

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Slide 45 - Video

Key - 1. Metaphor in the Title
 The “hill” being climbed is not a literal one, but a metaphor for progress. Explanation: The hill in the poem is a metaphor for progress in America.

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Key 2. dawn and shade
light and darkness  --> hope vs dispair
dawn --> a new day --> a new start

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Key 3. Quiet isn't always peace
Not acting or ignoring a situation is not peaceful. 
What just is... isn't justice.

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key 4. Amanda Gorman
Gorman references her own success: she, an African-American woman who was raised by a single mother and who is descended from black slaves, can (thanks to the first black President, Barack Obama, under whom Biden, incidentally, served as Vice-President) dream of growing up to be President. And in the meantime, here she is, Amanda Gorman, reciting for a President.

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Key 5 - Langston Hughes
Both poems have hope for a better future as a central theme. 

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7. Key - the message 
The poem celebrates the U.S. not as a "perfect union," but as a country that has the grit to struggle with its all-too-real problems. Progress, the poem argues, doesn't happen all at once: it's a slow and sometimes painful "climb" up the "hill" of justice, a climb that takes patience and humility.

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4. Kathryn Stockett

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Too little, too late

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  1. 1. Family maid of Stockett's grandmother
  2. 2. - told stories all day/talked all day long
  3. - great cook
  4. 3. Stockett thought Demetrie was lucky to have them (secure house in a nice home) + she felt they were filling a void in her life
  5. 4. She felt left over and Demetrie noticed it; her parents divorced when she was 6.

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  1. 5. Yes
  2. 6. I am allowed to complain, but no one else is.
  3. 7. The distance added perspective
  4. 8. Stockett is afraid she told too little/too late about black women working in white homes
  5. 9. Never occurred to her (family) to ask. It was everyday life...

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Time magazine interview
  1. She was homesick; started writing in the voice of Demetrie
  2.  With all the rules they had to follow, probably not.
  3. perspective

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