Unit 6

4. Our service department is open/available 24h/day.
6. Would you like a bigger size?
9. When did you buy these shoes?
When did you buy this book?
11. Can you check how many sweaters we still have in stock?
....how much beer we still have...
13. Can you call back this afternoon?
14. WHAT is the complaint ABOUT ?
1. Daniel's pen
2. Mr. Kors'(s) presentation
3. yesterday's message
4. next month's sale
5. the colour of these trousers
6. this woman's name
7. my sisters'(s) cars
8. the brand of this PC
1 / 35
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 2

This lesson contains 35 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 120 min

Items in this lesson

4. Our service department is open/available 24h/day.
6. Would you like a bigger size?
9. When did you buy these shoes?
When did you buy this book?
11. Can you check how many sweaters we still have in stock?
....how much beer we still have...
13. Can you call back this afternoon?
14. WHAT is the complaint ABOUT ?
1. Daniel's pen
2. Mr. Kors'(s) presentation
3. yesterday's message
4. next month's sale
5. the colour of these trousers
6. this woman's name
7. my sisters'(s) cars
8. the brand of this PC

Slide 1 - Slide

Unit 6 - Clicks and bricks

Clicks = ......................
Bricks= ......................

Slide 2 - Slide

What are the advantages of selling through webshops?

Slide 3 - Open question

What are the disadvantages of selling through webshops?

Slide 4 - Open question

Track 24 - Exercise 1+2
  • Exercise 2 - translate the sentences

Slide 5 - Slide

Ex. 2/132
1.. That brings us to item number 4 on the agenda.
2. We are going to sell our products on the internet.
3. It is a good opportunity to increase our sales.
4. Our competitors have already taken/grabbed a large market share.
5. Does anyone ales want to comment on this?
6. Many people prefer buying their articles in the shop.
7. What's the point of spending so much money on e-commerce?
8. We are investing in the future!

Slide 6 - Slide

9. If I may interrupt you...
10. I would like to summarise the arguments for and against.

Slide 7 - Slide

Track 25 - Exercise 3+4

Slide 8 - Slide

Adverbs (bijwoorden)
He slowly walked to the door. (werkwoord)                         HOE?
The exam was extremely difficult. (bijvoeg. vnw)
Jeff worked incredibly hard. (bijwoord)
Quietly, the man entered the house without being heard. (zin)


Slide 9 - Slide

Form/ bijvoeg. vnw ->bijwoord
serious - seriously
careful -                                     He ......................... put the baby down.
tragic -                                        They ........................ crashed.
lucky -                                        They ........................ won the game.
true -                                           I am ......................... sorry.

Slide 10 - Slide

Adverbs of frequency
e.g.: always,  usually, normally , often, frequently, sometimes, occasionally, hardly ever, seldom, never  (bijwoorden van frequentie).      WANNEER?

Bijwoorden van frequentie komen altijd voor het hoofdwerkwoord.
                      I often go walking in the evening.
                      Laura always plays tennis on Monday evening.
                      I never watch football.
                     We frequently go shopping in Amsterdam.

Slide 11 - Slide

Place adverbs of frequency
The adverbs come after a form of the verb 'to be' (am/are/is/was/were/ will):

The manager is never late.                                               
Sam was always positive about his job.
I will always  remember you.

Slide 12 - Slide

We always play tennis on Monday.

My boss never shouts.

They sometimes go cycling at the weekend.
They are always having good offers .

Mandy was never late in the morning.

Tom is sometimes very tired in the evening.
! Sometimes, Tom is very tired in the evening.

Slide 13 - Slide

They had discovered that sugar feeds cancer cells. / ALSO

Slide 14 - Slide


Translate - Exercise 6 + 7

Slide 15 - Slide

ex 6/134
1. The sales staff was quietly having a meeting.
2. Their articles rarely arrive on time.
3. The raw material prices have suddenly increased.
4. Our intern was late again this morning.
5. We are never  fully satissfied about this supplier.
6. Luckily we discovered the mistake by ourselves.
7. I hope to hear from you soon.
8. We have never had any complaints about our delivery service.

Slide 16 - Slide

9. You should try to write a little bit more clearly.
10. You are always complaining!

Ex. 7.
1. I saw the driver unloading the truck.
2. We heard Julianne calling with the headquarter/head-office in Brussel.
3. He wants that we deliver the order in Antwerpen no later that 7 oçlock tomorrow morning.

Slide 17 - Slide

4. I had the intern check the wooden crates again.
5. We expect from all staff that they work longer if needed.

Slide 18 - Slide

Write the emails:
Ex. 10+11 / page 136-137
Hand in!

Ex. 12

Track 26
Dear Madam/Sir,
Dear Mr Brown,
Dear Mrs Green,

Looking forward to hearing from you,
Yours sincerely,

Slide 19 - Slide

Ex. 17
a. - 12
b  - 7
c - 3
d - 5
e - 10
f - 11
g - 9
h - 2
i - 1
j - 4
k - 8
l - 14
m - 6
n  - 13

Slide 20 - Slide

Ex. 14/138-139

Prepare the conversation

One reply /student

Slide 21 - Slide

Unit 6
Ex. 15 - Translate the sentences

Ex. 16 Read the short text
Answer the questions IN YOUR OWN WORDS

Slide 22 - Slide

Ex. 15/139
1. Shall we check this afternoon's presentation?
2. The launching of our webshop is (taking place) on 21 July.
3. Soon we will open a third branch in Denmark.
4. Next week I'm going to work two days at home.
5. I'm afraid that we won't see those customers again.
6. When will the cash registers be replaced?
7. At half past nine tomorrow morning I'm going to talk to our new marketing manager.

Slide 23 - Slide

8. On which day does the sale starts?
9. Shall I show you how to log in, Sir?
10. I will have a look / will check if there's somebody at the Customers Service. One second, Madam.

Slide 24 - Slide

Look up the words at page 144

Learn Nl-En, En-Nl

Slide 25 - Slide

Unit 6

Learn for the test:
Sentences Ex. 2, 6, 7, 9, 15, 17
Words page 144
Test Unit 6:
7 Juli 2023


Slide 26 - Slide

  • kassa: cash-desk, cash register
  • veiligheid: safety, security
  • vooraadbeheer: stock controller
  • afzet: sales
  • marktaandeel: market share
  • samenvatten: summarise, resume
  • concurrent: competitor
  • een verzoek doen: inquiry
  • agendapunt: topic on the agenda
  • belevingseconomie: experience economy
  • koopervaring: shopping experience
  • grondstof: raw material
  • stagiair: intern, trainee
  • leverancier: supplier
  • bezorgdienst: delivery service
  • stopzetten: cease
  • opkomst: emergence
  • winkelstraat: highstreet
  • klanten trekken: attract customers
  • apparaatje: gadget
  • abonnement: subscription
  • lancering: launch
  • toegang hebben tot: have access to
  • kantoorbehoeften: office supplies
  • potentiele kooper: potential customer
Vocabulary pg 144

Slide 27 - Slide

B1: Speaking tasks
What are the advantages of the clicks & bricks model?

Slide 28 - Slide

B1-B2: Speaking task

Traditional retailing will never disappear

Agree                                            Disagree
Find 4 arguments to sustain your oppinion

Slide 29 - Slide

B1-B2 : Writing assignment
Choose 1 statement:

Write a +/- 250 words essay on this topic
1. Traditional shops will never disappear
2. There are many advantages of having the SHOP+WEBSHOP business model
3. Online selling will eventually exceed traditional selling

Write +/- 250 words about ONE of these statements

Slide 30 - Slide

A.    Choose the correct alternative:

1.    Where did they (teach/learn) you to repair this machine?
2.    This programme (deals with/handles) handicapped children.
3.    Can you (bring/take) this box to the post office?
4.    Did you (look at/watch) TV last night?
5.    I like soaps better (then/than) sports programmes.
6.    Does your shop often (get/become) complaints?
7.    What’s your (meaning/opinion) on this matter?

Slide 31 - Slide

B.    Translate these short sentences, but don’t use the first meaning you see in the dictionary.

1.    Hoe kom ik bij het station?
2.    Ik heb het te doen met hem.
3.    Ze halen hele goede verkoopresultaten.
4.    Jouw baas is een rare vent, maar ik mag hem wel.
5.    Ik moet meer aandacht schenken aan wat ik eet.
6.    Je hebt de verkeerde nummer gedraaid.

Slide 32 - Slide


1.    How do I get to the station?
2.    I really sympathise with him.
3.    They accomplish very high sales figures.
4.    Your boss is a bit odd, but I like him.
5.    I must really pay more attention to what I eat.
6.    You have dialled the wrong number.

Slide 33 - Slide

Bijwoord:   NA een form van “zijn”  ( am/is/are/was/were/will)
                    VOOR een gewone werkwoord
                    NA de eerste hulpwerkwoord in een samengestelde werkwoord

1.    Laura is still at the store.
2.    That customer was probably not satisfied.
3.    So you have never been to London.
4.    Tom frequently gets low marks.
5.    My brother sometimes plays the guitar.
6.    I’ve already had four tests.
7.    You’ve undoubtedly been told the same thing at the police station.

Slide 34 - Slide

8.    I would also have refused to accept that deal, if I were you.
9.    George will most probably be able to do the maths test again next week
10.    I can barely speak Italian.
11.    I would certainly have told my friends if I had known.
12.    My mum seldom tells me to go out for a walk.
13.    English is still compulsory at Dutch secondary schools.
14.    Do your teachers often  check on your homework?
15.    You will soon hear if I throw a birthday party.
16.    Our English teacher generally sets little homework.
17.    I’ll immediately let you know when I’ve got my degree.

Slide 35 - Slide