3AHA Theme 3 indirect speech

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- study vocabulary  Havo: here
VWO: here 
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 22 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 45 min

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Get your iPads out - log in to LessonUp
- study vocabulary  Havo: here
VWO: here 

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Aan het einde van de les weet je het verschil tussen de future continuous en future perfect
Aan het einde van de les weet je wat indirect en direct speech is

Check homework + kahoot
new grammar
time to work

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Check homework
HAVO: 27C, 28, 29ab WB pagina 153, 154
VWO: 28C, 29 ab, 30 WB pagina 153 - 155

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Very quickly: 
Point in the future finished? 
Point in the future still going? 

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Slide 5 - Link

Reported Speech

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Reported speech
lees de uitleg door en maak aantekeningen:

Doe de oefening met behulp van je aantekeningen

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Grammar 2
Direct speech vs. indirect speech. 

Which is which?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Grammar 2 - overzicht
Kathy: "I love cats."  Kathy said she loved cats. 

My sister: "I am doing the dishes."
My sister said she was doing the dishes.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Grammar 2 - overzicht *
Dan: "We left on Friday"
Dan said they had left on Friday

Miss IJpenga: I have played football for 7 years.
Miss IJpenga said she had played football ... 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Grammar 2 - overzicht **
Class: We will be late, because we have PE. 
The class said they would be late ... 

Me: I am going to see that new film. 
I said I was going to see that film. 

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Grammar 2 - overzicht 
past perfect = past perfect

We had worked on our project for ours already. 
They said they had worked ...

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

Tips and tricks:
- continuous tense: am/are/is = was/were
- starts with have (twee woorden)? wordt had
- nu? = verleden tijd. 

Verleden tijd (1 woord) = had ervoor

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Let's practice
Ipads ready please

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

My sister: "I work in a factory."
My sister said ...
I worked in a factory
she worked in a factory
I had worked in a factory
she had worked in a factory

Slide 15 - Quizvraag

Our class: "We will study in the weekend."
Our class said that ...
we would study in the weekend.
we will have studied in the weekend.

Slide 16 - Quizvraag

Parents: 'We saw that movie.'
Our parents said ...
we had saw that movie
they had saw that movie
they had seen that movie

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

2 x open vraag
Help? check your notes

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

Karin: "my sister is travelling in Europe." Karin said that ...

Slide 19 - Open vraag

Pete: "I have worked since 2010."
Pete said that ...

Slide 20 - Open vraag

WB p. 169
ex. 51a
And do 52 (next page). 
ex 51 a, b, c 
Done? study vocabulary

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Conclusion: Turn into reported speech
The class has finished the assignments
The teacher said:

Slide 22 - Open vraag