Preparation of soluble salts

26 April 2023
Preparation of Soluble Salts
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
PhysicsSecondary EducationAge 12,13

In deze les zitten 23 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

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26 April 2023
Preparation of Soluble Salts

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

16 May 2023 - Chemistry
Final Semester Project
  • Complete the Experimental Project Plan.
  • Complete Part 1 and Part 2 of Final Paperwork. Experimental Research Project" found in your Google Classroom.
  • 5 % deduction will be given to the group that's not working.
  • 5 points merits will be added to the team with the most effort and engagement.

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Content objectives
I can describe the preparation, separation and purification of soluble salts by the reaction of an acid with: 
  • (a) an alkali by titration; 
  • (b) excess metal; 
  • (c) excess insoluble base; 
  • (d) excess insoluble carbonate.

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How do you prepare salts?
Method B: 
  • reacting a dilute acid and alkali (soluble base)

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What are salts?
  • Salt is a compound formed when the hydrogen atom in an acid is replaced by a metal.

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What are the uses of salts?
  • fertilisers
  • batteries
  • cleaning products
  • healthcare products
  • fungicides

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How do you name salts?
Two parts (from the reactants)
  • First part: comes from the metal, metal oxide or metal carbonate used in the reaction
  • Second part: comes from the acid

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Give one example of salt.

Slide 8 - Open vraag

What are the clues?
Acid used:
  • Hydrochloric acid
  • Sulfuric acid
  • Nitric acid
  • Citric acid
  • Phosphoric acid
Metal, Metal oxide, or Metal carbonate used:

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How do you prepare soluble salts?
  • Method A: adding acid to solid metal, insoluble base or insoluble carbonate

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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What is one example of this preparation?
  • Preparation of pure, hydrated copper(II) sulfate crystals using method A

copper(II) oxide + sulfuric acid → copper(II) sulphate + water

CuO (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → CuSO4 (aq) + H2O (l)

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  • Add dilute sulfuric acid into a beaker and heat using a Bunsen burner flame
  • Add copper(II) oxide (insoluble base), a little at a time to the warm dilute sulfuric acid and stir until the copper (II) oxide is in excess (stops disappearing)
  • Filter the mixture into an evaporating basin to remove the excess copper(II) oxide
  • Leave the filtrate in a warm place to dry and crystallize
  • Decant excess solution
  • Blot crystals dry with filter paper

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  • Method B: reacting a dilute acid and alkali (soluble base)
How do you prepare soluble salts?

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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How do you prepare soluble salts?

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  • Use a pipette to measure the alkali into a conical flask and add a few drops of indicator (thymolphthalein or methyl orange)
  • Add the acid into the burette and note the starting volume
  • Add the acid very slowly from the burette to the conical flask until the indicator changes to the appropriate colour
  • Note and record the final volume of acid in the burette and calculate the volume of acid added (starting volume of acid - final volume of acid)

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  • Heat the resulting solution in an evaporating basin to partially evaporate, leaving a saturated solution (crystals just forming on the sides of the basin or a glass rod dipped in and then removed)
  • Leave to crystallise, decant excess solution and allow crystals to dry.

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26 April 2023
Preparation of Soluble Salts

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  • Add dilute ___________ into a beaker and heat using a _________ flame
  • Add copper________ (insoluble base), a little at a time to the warm dilute ___________ and stir until the ____________ is in excess (stops disappearing).
  • Filter the mixture into an/a ______________ to remove the excess copper(II) oxide.
  • Leave the __________ in a warm place to dry and ____________.
  • __________ excess solution.
  • Blot crystals dry with _______________.
Complete this procedure: Preparation of pure, hydrated copper(II) sulfate crystals

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