Chapter 4, lesson 1 en 2


 Read your book

Make lesson 1 ex. 2 and 3

Make lesson 2 ex. 2 and 10

Grammar recap of all the tenses. 

Comtinue with the grammar booklet.

Study the words about geology and geography.

Done? Read your book or work on your bookreport


  •  I can explain when to use the present simple or the present continuous
  • I can explain when to use the past simple and the past continuous
  • I can name the 4 future tenses.
  • I can explain when to use the present perfect.
  • I can name at least 10 irregurar verbs.
1 / 11
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met tekstslides en 1 video.

Onderdelen in deze les


 Read your book

Make lesson 1 ex. 2 and 3

Make lesson 2 ex. 2 and 10

Grammar recap of all the tenses. 

Comtinue with the grammar booklet.

Study the words about geology and geography.

Done? Read your book or work on your bookreport


  •  I can explain when to use the present simple or the present continuous
  • I can explain when to use the past simple and the past continuous
  • I can name the 4 future tenses.
  • I can explain when to use the present perfect.
  • I can name at least 10 irregurar verbs.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Learning Target
I can read a text and make questions about it. I can read a book and make a summary. 
Read your book/make 2 texts in readtheory. 
You read an actual book (You may read one of the books online that I put in Magister) Readtheory is a website online
10 minutes
Everyone reads for 10 minutes, so after 10 minutes we all move onto the next part. 

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Lesson 1
Learning Target
I can recognise the sound of a steel drum
I know a little about the history of the steel drum
Make lesson 1 ex 2 and 3
In your book and alone
7 min
Make lesson 2 ex. 2 and 10

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Past, present and future tenses
Past simple
I worked at a school.
I made my homework.
Present simple
I work at a school.
I make my homework every day.
Present simple
Bij dienstregelingen, reisschema's en roosters

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

Past, present and future tenses
Past Continuous
I was working on my homework.
We were eating pizza.
Present Continuous
I am working on my homework
We are eating pizza.
Present Continuous
Bij persoonlijke plannen die zeker gaan gebeuren. 

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Past, present and future tenses
Past - present
Present Perfect
I have worked on my homework since I came home from school. 
Will/Shall + hele ww
I will work on my homework, I promise. 
To be going to + hele ww
I am going to work on my homework as soon as I come home. 

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Learning Target
I can use all the tenses
I can use some and any
I can use modals
Make the exercises in the booklet I will give you
You make the exercises in the booklet
More than 1 lesson
Study the words

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

16 Jan: Van het grammatica boekje moet je Going to, will & shall en Verleden, heden & toekomst af hebben.


  •  I can explain when to use the present simple or the present continuous
  • I can explain when to use the past simple and the past continuous
  • I can name the 4 future tenses.
  • I can explain when to use the present perfect.
  • I can name at least 10 irregurar verbs.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

some and any

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

  • First conditional - waarschijnlijke situaties
Present Simple
will/won't + infinitive
If you don't study
you will fail the test.
When I'm in London
I will visit Tower of London.

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Slide 11 - Video