V4 - adjectives and adverbs

Adjectives and adverbs
What is the difference between an adjective (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) and an adverb (bijwoord)?

Ellen is beautiful.
Ellen sings beautifully.

Daan is a good piano player.
Daan plays the piano well.

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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 41 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

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Adjectives and adverbs
What is the difference between an adjective (bijvoeglijk naamwoord) and an adverb (bijwoord)?

Ellen is beautiful.
Ellen sings beautifully.

Daan is a good piano player.
Daan plays the piano well.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Comparisons, Adjectives & Adverbs
*je weet het verschil tussen bijwoorden (adverbs) en bijvoegelijke naamwoorden (adjectives)
*je kunt ze gebruiken bij comparisons (trappen van vergelijking)

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Adjectives - Bijvoeglijk naamwoord
An adjective describes someone or something.
It says something about a noun (zelfstandig naamwoord).

The cat is very fat
The bicycle is red
Mike is a good student

Says something about what a person/thing is.

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Je kunt de vraag stellen: ‘wat voor…?’

Het uitzicht was prachtig. -  Wat voor uitzicht was het?-    The view was wonderful.

Het zijn goede muzikanten - Wat voor muzikanten zijn het? - They are good musicians.

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Bijvoeglijke naamwoorden met een getal schrijf je met streepjes ertussen:

An eight-year-old boy
A 30-minute walk
A seven-week holiday

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Adverbs - bijwoord 
Adverbs say something about words other than nouns (verb, adjective, another adverb, a phrase or sentence).
An adverb describes how/in what way something happens.

1)  It often says something about a verb(werkwoord).
My brother smiles happily
The dog barks loudly
Jane works quickly

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Adverbs - bijwoord
Je kunt de vraag stellen: ‘Hoe …?’

We speelden niet slecht - Hoe speelden jullie? - We didn’t play badly.

Karin had alles perfect georganiseerd. Hoe had Karin alles georganiseerd?- Karin had organised everything perfectly.

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Adverbs (bijwoord)
2) Adverbs can say something about adjectives(bijvoeglijk naamwoord):

Frank is an extremely good singer.
My brother is an awfully careful driver.
It’s an absolutely perfect video clip.

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

3) Adverbs can say something about other adverbs(bijwoord):

Frank sings absolutely beautifully.
My brother drives very carefully.
That clip was filmed extremely well.

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Adverbs - bijwoord
4) Adverbs can say something about a phrase or sentence:

Surely, that was a mistake.
Fortunately, I had been able to reach him.

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Adjectives & Adverbs
My brother is a careful driver.
It’s a perfect video clip.
David is a quick writer.

My brother drives carefully..
The video clip was filmed perfectly.
David writes quickly.

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Adjectives & Adverbs
Does it say something about a noun? Then it's an adjective.

Does it say something about any other type of word? Then it's an adverb.

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Let's practice
For the next couple of questions, select whether the *word* between the asterisk is an adjective or adverb!

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

She is a *wonderful* person.


Slide 16 - Quizvraag

I have a *fantastic* brother.

Slide 17 - Quizvraag

Steven learns very *quickly*.


Slide 18 - Quizvraag

Those were some *easy* questions

Slide 19 - Quizvraag

Mark sings *well*.

Slide 20 - Quizvraag

My new bicycle is *extremely* beautiful.

Slide 21 - Quizvraag

Slide 22 - Link

Confusing adjectives & adverbs 1
Watch out: friendly, silly, lovely, unlikely are adjectives, not adverbs! An unlikely event, a silly person etc.

If you want to use them as adverbs, you need to use them +'in a way' or 'manner'
  • He spoke in a very friendly way
  • They acted in a silly manner

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Confusing adjectives & adverbs 2
Difficult and impossible don't have adverbs, so you need to rephrase.

That boy speaks with great difficulty.
I can’t possibly visit you next week.

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Confusing adjectives & adverbs 3
Words can be both adverbs and adjectives.
This counts for words ending in –ly: daily, weekly, monthly, yearly, early
  • It’s a daily paper.          It comes out daily.
  • We took an early bus.        We got up early.

It also counts for: hard, high, low, far, fast, wrong....

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Confusing adjectives & adverbs 4
Adjectives and their adverbs can have different meanings:

Short – shortly
Hard – hardly
High – highly
Late – lately

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Confusing adjectives & adverbs 5
Na werkwoorden die een zintuiglijke waarneming uitdrukken, zoals taste, look, feel, smell, sound komt er een adjective, geen adverb

Your chocolates tasted very good.( wat is de adv van good?)
She looked bad.

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Let's practice!
Fill in the correct form of the word in brackets

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You didn't do your work ____ (correct).

Slide 29 - Open vraag

That engine is very ____ (noisy).

Slide 30 - Open vraag

Sorry! I acted ____ (stupid).

Slide 31 - Open vraag

That cake is decorated ____ (extreme) beautifully.

Slide 32 - Open vraag

Tim is a very ____ (hard) worker.

Slide 33 - Open vraag

If you want to compare things you can often use -er, -est
  • Cheap – cheaper – cheapest
  • Short – shorter – shortest

This counts for all 1-syllable and some 2-syllable words
If they end in a y, the spelling changes to i
  • Easy – easier – easiest
  • Happy – happier – happiest

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If the word consists of 3 syllables or more, you use 'more' and 'the most':
  • Beautiful – more beautiful – the most beautiful
  • Attractive – more attractive – the most attractive

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Choose between more / most or–er / -est
These 2-syllable words: common, cruel, handsome, likely, pleasant, polite, quiet, simple, stupid (e.g. pleasanter/more pleasant)

2-syllable words that end in –le, -er en –ow
Simple - simpler / more simple – simplest / most simple
Clever – cleverer / more clever – cleverest / most clever
Narrow – narrower / more narrow – narrowest / most narrow

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Irregular comparisons
Good        better        best             goed
Bad           worse        worst           slecht, erg
Much       more          most            veel
Many        more          most           veel
Little         less            least            weinig
Little        smaller      smallest    klein
Few          fewer          fewest        weinig

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Words with 2 forms
Old            older                oldest
Old            elder                eldest

Late            later                last
Late            later                latest
Far            farther / further            farthest / furthest

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Other ways to compare
1) Even … als = as … as 
  • He’s as old as I am

2) Niet zo … als = not … as / not so … as
  • She’s not as old as I am
  • They were not as good as we thought

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Other ways to compare
3) Hoe … hoe = the … the    /    steeds = more and more
  • The sooner, the better
  • It was getting more and more difficult

Dan = than / then (than na vergrotende trap, then in alle andere gevallen)
  • It’s cheaper than you think
  • First we’re going to London and then to Oxford

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Slide 41 - Link