Key Wasp Reporter Teksten Oefening Eerste Toetsweek

Nightmare on Lake Superior
Source: Men's Journal
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 20 slides, met tekstslides.

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Nightmare on Lake Superior
Source: Men's Journal

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

  1. It is about three kayakers who went on a trip on Lake Superior and got into trouble. 
  2. It was a nice day for a trip, and the men were in a good mood. 
  3. The weather turned and the men became separated. 
  4. The men were all rescued and reunited in hospital  

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  1. two decades / 20 years
  2. September
  3. Sand Point
  4. 7 days
  5. 20 knots 
  6. separated
  7. scenic / touris attraction 
  8. The helicopter arrived 
  9. Munising Memorial Hospital
  10. whiskey 

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  1. C
  2. C
  3. B
  4. 1. niet; 2 wel; 3 wel
  5. 'But this' (r.78) 
  6. A
  7. B
  8. B,C,D are true 

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  1. Heading
  2. Hypothermia
  3. Forecast
  4. Waves
  5. Capsize
  6. Shore
  7. Sight
  8. Paddle 

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Virtual Girl Bands
Source: BBC

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  1. the K-pop stars (ll.23-24)
  2. 101 fabtasy faces (l.39)
  3. Pulse9 (l.63)
  4. the scandal created by real human K-pop stars (ll.70-71)
  5. was fighting for justice (l.101)
  6. four human singers and dancers (ll.155-156) 
  7. the artists themselves might not be in control of their image (ll. 183-185)
  8. mean comments on Billie (ll.208-209)
  9. the K-pop industry (l.222)
  10. what the public wants (l.223.224)

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  1. De bandleden van Eternity zijn geen mensen van vlees en bloed, maar virtuele karakters gegenereerd door kunstmatige intelligentie. 
  2. De liedjes zijn pakkend, de productie is technisch van hoge kwaliteit en de artietsen voeren aantrekkelijke dansjes uit. 
  3. Pulse9, het bedrijf achter de groep, heeft 101 fantasiegezichten gemaakt, passend in vier categorieën (schattig, sexy, onschuldig en slim) en heeft fans vervolgens gevraagd welke hun favorieten waren. De populairste gezichten zijn geanimeerd en kunnen met deepfake-technologie op zangers, acteurs en dansers geprojecteerd worden voor video's optredens en dergelijke.
  4. Er zijn zorgen dat deepfakes gemaakt kunnen worden van mensen zonder hun toestemming of gebruikt kunnen worden voor het verspreiden van nepnieuws.

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  • 5. De avatars kunnen niet verstrikt raken in schandalen, kunnen niet overwerkt raken en hebben ook geen last van mentale druk of cyberbullying. 
  • 6. Dit zijn voorbeelden van K-op-sterren die zichzelf van het leven hebben beroofd omdat ze last hadden van online geroddel en wrede pesterijen. 
  • 7. Ze is bezorgd dat virtuele karakters de echte idols op den duur zullen vervangen. 
  • 8. De idols zouden avatars als assistenten kunnen gebruiken in de virtuele wereld, zodat ze niet zelf alle optreden en interactie met fans op zich hoeven te nemen. Ook kunnen ze contact met fans die andere talen spreken en in andere tijdzones zitten, makkelijker maken. 
  • 9. Het was de allereerste MTV Award voor het beste optreden in de metaverse. Blackpink won de prijs voor ene optreden op het gameplatform PUBGM waar 15 miljoen mensen wereldwijd naar keken. 

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  • 10. Lee Jisoo vindt K-pop vooral iets positiefs in haar leven omdat ze door de muziek allerlei emoties voelt, maar ze geeft ook toe dat nare opmerkingen online over haar favoriete band Billie haar stress opleveren. Het is voor haar dus niet allen maar leuk om fan te zijn. 
  • 11. Het nog te vroeg om te zeggen welke invloed ze zullen hebben, maar het is wel een probleem dat mensen elkaar niet meer op een authentiek manier treffen. 
  •  12. De schrijvers geven niet expliciet hun mening, maar geven het laatste woord aan K-pop-fan Lee Jisoo, die liever de menselijke idols eventjes ziet optreden dan dat ze 100 minuten kan kijken naar een virtuele band. Daarmee lijken ze te benadrukken dat er niets gaat boven een authentiek optreden van echte mensen.

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Week 8, Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you will understand how to effectively prepare for a speaking exam based on a written text  by analyzing it, answering the questions and practicing speaking skills.
Wasp Reporter - "El Maestro" - expert groups

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

El Maestro
Source: The New York Times

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  1. 90 minutes, 2x15minutes
  2. When one player scores three goals in a game. 
  3. A player is cautioned. 
  4. When a player plays the ball through the legs of an opponent and collects it on the other side. 
  5. 5 penalties
  6. When a team finishes a game without conceding a goal.  
  7. Football was first played in England. 
  8. VAR stands for Video Assistan Referee. 
  9. As of December 2022, Christiano Ronaldo had the highest salary, earning an estimated 200 million US dollars a year with Saudi Arabian club Al-Nassr. 
  10. PSG stands for Paris Saint-Germain. 

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  1. In May 2014, MBappé and his peers were asked to create a magazine
    cover that features an image of themselves.
  2. Mbappé decided to imitage the cover of Time Magazine, with himself as the focal point. The headline, displayed in bold white font, read 'El Maestro' which translates to 'The Master'. 
  3. Four years later, Mbappé was featured on the front cover of the actual Time Magazine as the best young playe rin the world and the future of football. 
  4. Followin his World Cup win with France, Mbappé's life became more fast-paced and high-profile, with frequent meetings with fashion brands, book publishers, and media moguls. 
  5. Mbappé and his family chose AS Monaco because it could nurthure his talents (l.57). The club has rich history in uncovering and advancing talented young players (ll.76-77). 
  6. According to his teachers, Mbappé stood out from his classmates due to his intelligence and self-assurance. He showed a level of confidence and maturity that made him different from others. 
  7. The pivitol decision of Mbappé's career was signing with Monaco. He made his debut for the club at 16, played an important role in their run for the Champions League semi-finals two years later and eventually second-highest transfer fee to PSG.

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  • 8 Mbappé's behaviour was very confident. He asked Emery to ignore his age and treat him like a professional. He made Emery promise not to drop him from the line-up after a single poor performance and allow him to play through any difficulties, only benching him if the issues persisted.
  • 9 Mbappé founded his own charity organisation dedicated to inspiring children in the Paris area. He also keeps a close eye on the commercial and philanthropic activities of other football stars.
  • 10 Mbappé is very outspoken about racism in football. He publicly criticised the president of the French football  federation on issues related to race. He has shown a willingness to engage on the topic, ignoring the advice of his handlers. He expressed his readiness to contribute towards solving the issue.
  • 11 Mbappé's fame and success have brought him a life that is far from normal. His daily routine requires careful planning, with security and logistics. He sometimes regrets not being able to do normal things. Nonetheless, he appears to cope well with the challenges of his fame and is thankful for the opportunities he has been given.
  • 12 Mbappé characterises his life as 'crazy', with the frenzy of his travelling circus for instance becoming a typical feature of his fast-paced existence.

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  1. roots
  2. simplicity
  3. regardless of
  4. ease
  5. defining
  6. redictability
  7. underdog
  8. pride
  9. transcend
  10.  revolve around

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Week 9, Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you will understand how to effectively prepare for a speaking exam based on a written text  by analyzing it, answering the questions and practicing speaking skills.
Wasp Reporter - "Party drug paradox" - expert groups

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

Week 9, Learning Targets
At the end of the lesson, you will understand how to effectively prepare for a speaking exam based on a written text  by analyzing it, answering the questions and practicing speaking skills.
Wasp Reporter - "Party drug paradox" - expert groups

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Week 9
2. Sign up for your speaking exam ( PPT instructions/ sign- up form)

3. Work on your speaking exam
WR Party Drug Paradox ( expert groups)


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