Havo 4 - week 34 2020_lesson 1

ENGLISH Language & Literature
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 4

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ENGLISH Language & Literature

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English Havo 4 - wk 34
  • Introduction:
       Planning Period I
       Literature & Writing Test

  • Of Course - Grammar/Vocab/Expressions Unit 1

  • Reading - Linking words


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Read two titles from list - START READING NOW 
  1. Oranges aren’t the only fruit - Jeanette Winterspoon
  2. The Chosen - Sharon Draper
  3. Hunger Games trilogy - Suzanne Collins
  4. Divergent trilogy - Veronica Roth
  5. Maze Runner Trilogy - James Dashner
  6. Lord of the Flies - William Golding
  7. Brave New World - Aldous Huxley
  8. Never Let me Go - Kazuo Ishiguro
  9. This Perfect Day - Ira Levin
  10. 1984 - George Orwell
  11. Ink - Alice Broadway
  12. The Circle - Dave Eggers
  13. Station Eleven - Emily St. John Mantel

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Read two titles from list 

Before end of January (first - fall break / second - Xmas break)

Writing test (50%) & Book test (50%) period III

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Period I

Method test - Unit 1 - lessons 1-5 
Grammar / Vocabulary / Expressions / Irregular Verbs

Study :
 Blue pages end of Units AND 
Small Of Course Booklet

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Uni 1 - lesson 1 -Reading Strategies
  • Linking words: 
specific words that link (show the relationship between) sentences/text parts/paragraphs
All in all

  • Context clues:
Words for which you don't need to know the exact meaning, but can understand their meaning from the context (=the surrounding words/sentences).
i.e. He fell head over heels for her in high school and they have been married since their graduation. What a love story!

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Uni 1 - lesson 1 - Skimming - ex. 1 - p. 11
Skimming (reading strategy):
The first sentence of each paragraph usually indicates what the paragraph is about

You skim a text - quickly read over the first and last sentences of each paragraph - to get an idea of what the text is about.

Do ex. 1 - p. 11 


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Unit 1 - lesson 1 - Reading
      Text p.10 - "19-year-old developer turned down Apple" 

 Do  ex. 2 - 10 (p.12)

Strategy: linking words (p. 13 small booklet)

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Unit 1 - lesson 1 - Reading

Finish Reading & do Vocabulary Ex.  11 - p. 13

Quick workers:
Ex. 12 & 13 - p. 13/14
Past Simple and Present Perfect

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Finish Reading & do Vocabulary Ex.  11 - p. 13

Quick workers:
Ex. 12 & 13 - p. 13/14
Past Simple and Present Perfect

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What have you learned today?

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