CAE Extra: Lesson 15 Speaking Practice PART 3 Unit 4

This week's picture is something that you can use outside. I use mine every day. It helps me keep fit.
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EnglishMiddelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 3-5

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 30 min

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This week's picture is something that you can use outside. I use mine every day. It helps me keep fit.

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They're the cables on a bike!

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Homework from last lesson!
Write a short description of an imaginary creature.

Your classmates will try and guess the name of the animal from it's characteristics. eg: Snagaroo - snail + kangaroo

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Part 3: Collaborative task
If you don't know or can't remember a word for something, find other ways to talk about it. Don't get stuck - move on and help each other out if necessary!

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useful language: 
taking turns
Shall we start with ...?
What do you think? 
What / How about (moving on to) .....? 
Let's talk about ....
creating time
It's quite difficult to decide .....
I'm not quite sure .....
changing your mind / backtracking
Sorry, I've changed my mind. 
Yes, maybe that choice wasn't the best one. 

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The idea is ....
show that you can exchange opinions on a range of subjects and keep a conversation going. Furthermore, that you can reach an agreement. 
Let's see how to do this....

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Useful language: 
giving yourself time
Thats something I haven't considered before.
Well, there is no one answer to that. 
I'm sorry, did you say.... ?
Would you mind repeating that, please? 
useful language:
giving reasons and examples
The reason I say this is because .....
Why I think this way is because ...
The reasoning behind this is ..
This is basically because ....
Let's take an example.
I mean, look at ...
You've only got to remember ...

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Part 3 (4 minutes)

Now, I’d like you to talk about something together for about two minutes.

Here are some different things people spend their money on and a question for you to discuss. First you have some time to look at the task.
(15 secs)

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Now, talk about something together for about two minutes.
First you have some time to look at the task.
(15 secs)

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Now, talk to each other about why people choose to spend their money on these things. (15 seconds thinking time and then 2 minutes discussion time)


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Now you have about 1 minutes to decide which two would make people the happiest? (1 minute)


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How did you do? 
Candidate A:People often invest in expensive sports cars or brand name products to create an image of themselves, to show off their status …
Candidate B:But there is nothing wrong in treating yourself to some expensive things if you work hard. It doesn’t always mean showing off, it just means you reward yourself for working hard. A lot of the time people who earn this kind of money are under a lot of pressure and are stressed – they deserve to go on an expensive holiday or buy an expensive phone …
Candidate A:Yes, I am not saying that it is always the case, but often it is, and usually you can see when they are just trying to create an image of themselves rather than buying things because they are genuinely passionate about them …
Candidate B Well, maybe some do, yes … But for example, buying a holiday home can be a wise investment, not just a luxury to have.

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Candidate B I think it depends on a person and what they enjoy in life. I think travel and property are always good – through travelling you discover new places and learn about cultures, it enriches your life … and property is an investment and gives security …
Candidate A Exactly. I agree, although some people might not want to have such a responsibility, and buying a property is a big commitment and usually requires you to look after it. I think buying a car might also be a good investment … a less risky one, for some people.

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