Intro to project + revision

Phones in bags, bags on the rack.
Need: laptop, SB & reading book

Plan for today:
Kahoot - pres. perfect + future forms
Then, extra practice on your own/with help
or Read your book
Lastly: intro to our project?
1 / 11
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 2

In deze les zitten 11 slides, met interactieve quiz en tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Phones in bags, bags on the rack.
Need: laptop, SB & reading book

Plan for today:
Kahoot - pres. perfect + future forms
Then, extra practice on your own/with help
or Read your book
Lastly: intro to our project?

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

New expectation
One chance rule:
Not a chameleon? (focused & respectful) 
-> name on the board 
-> next time: consequence (move, extra work, out)

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Slide 3 - Link

Extra practice
Do any of these or read your book
Quizlet irregular verbs
Adverbs games
link - pick the adverb - whack-a-mole
link 2 - pick the sentence with the correct adverb - whack-a-mole
link 3 - figure out the adverb! - hangman
link 4 - maze chase
link 5 - missing adverbs
For or since?
present perfect (+ vs past simple)
link 1 - how long...? answer with full sentences
present perfect vs past simple: ex 1 ex 2 ex 3
link 2 - present perfect multiple choice
link 3 - irregular verbs with present perfect
link 4 - pick your own game: PP, ever/never, since/for
future forms
will: link 1, link 2,
be going to: link 1, link 2
present continuous: link 1, link 2, link 3
will OR be going to: link 1, link 2
pick the right future form: link 1, link 2, link 3, link 4
(extra revision slides for you after the project intro :))
With Ms Burgman: Lasse, Emma, Eefje, Maura, Daan

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

 Project time
Go to Magister, ELO, Studiewijzer, English V2, Find: Project -> Unit 4

Download the document, read quietly, and find the answers:
1. What's the project about?
2. Is it individual or group?
3. What are you going to be graded on?

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

Present Perfect w/ SINCE & FOR
= happened / started in the past and is still relevant
?: use HOW LONG + have + past participle (verbED / 3rd column) ?

= For how long have you had your laptop?

-> exact point in time when it started --> I've had my laptop since 2020.
-> period of time = duration --> I have had my laptop for 3 years.
                                                                                                                                  = I still have it

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Go back to the Canva/doc activity we did via Peppels/Teams Opdrachten if you need to refresh your memory!

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Future forms
Present continuous - future arrangements; often with time, date, or place --> I am having a birthday party on the 6th.

Be going to + infinitive - future intentions, plans = already decided to do smth & you tell people about it (think - NY's resolutions)
--> I am going to do Meatless Mondays.

WILL - spontaneous decisions, predictions
--> I think I'll have a coffee. Don't worry, I'll pay. Tom will help you.

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

be going to
present continuous
prediction, spontaneous decision
something planned in your calendar
something planned, resolutions
be + going to + infinitive
be + verb+ing
will + infinitive

Slide 10 - Sleepvraag

  • going to ALWAYS comes with another verb: going to fly,
    going to eat, going to meet...

  • present continuous doesn't: going to a party, meeting my friend, seeing a film...

Slide 11 - Tekstslide