3V introduction

Welcome to English class!
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
Middelbare schoolhavo, vwoLeerjaar 1

In deze les zitten 13 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome to English class!

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  • Attendance
  • Two truths and a lie
  • Overview period 1
  • My lessons
  • What to expect this week..

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About me
Loes van Zijl
Freek & Fien
Baby boy January 2021
Cooking, eating & drinking
Try to be active but doesn't always happen ;)

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Below you see three statements about me. One of them is a lie. Which one and why?
I have serious a chocolate addiction.
I hate coffee.
I like to eat sour things (lemon, yum!)

Slide 4 - Quizvraag

Below you see three statements about me. One of them is a lie. Which one and why?
Eating noises disgust me.
I once broke my arm when I fell off a horse.
I can blink without moving my other eyelid.

Slide 5 - Quizvraag

Below you see three statements about me. One of them is a lie. Which one and why?
I've never read any of the Harry Potter books.
The idea of what's at the bottom of the ocean freaks me out.
Before last week, I hadn't been to a hair salon in over 3 years.

Slide 6 - Quizvraag

Your Turn!
Think of two statements about yourself that are true.
Think of one statement about yourself that is a lie.
I will guess which one is the lie!
Be creative!

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Think of two statements about yourself that are true and one that is a lie.

Slide 8 - Open vraag

What to expect this year
  • no more grammar tests, but sometimes we will talk about and practise using correct grammar
  • skills: reading, writing, listening, speaking
  • vocabulary
  • literature: poetry & prose

  • Alquin (texts and assignments)
  • Handouts and/or materials on Magister.me

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Period 1
  • Focus on reading and writing

  • Writing prompt test
  • Vocabulary test

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My lessons
  • Always bring: laptop, notebook, books. Be prepared!
  • Phones in the bag at the start of class
  • Homework will be checked in the first class of the week,  sometimes there will be in-between-assignments. Check Magister.me and Magister!
  • Forgot your stuff or homework? Tell me at the start of class or email me beforehand if you have a good reason. You get one 'escape' per period, but you cannot save them for next period
  • Send me proper emails in English :) 
  • We speak English in class. Give it a try! I won't bite. Promise.

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My lessons
  • 3 classes per week
  • 1 class: Alquin (reading)
  • 1 class: writing
  • 1 class: skills and/or time to work on your assignments

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This week
Today: introduction and getting to know each other
2nd class this week: Alquin introduction

Next class: bring a notebook!

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