Essay Writing TKAM Les 5

Through words and actions, a character can ‘come to life’ for the reader. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the author draws a vivid picture of the character of Atticus Finch as he responds to conflict.

In a well-developed, multi-paragraphed essay, discuss how the character of Atticus reveals Lee’s ideas about social justice. Support your claim with specific evidence from the text.

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvwoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 38 slides, met interactieve quiz, tekstslides en 1 video.

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Through words and actions, a character can ‘come to life’ for the reader. In Harper Lee’s To Kill a Mockingbird, the author draws a vivid picture of the character of Atticus Finch as he responds to conflict.

In a well-developed, multi-paragraphed essay, discuss how the character of Atticus reveals Lee’s ideas about social justice. Support your claim with specific evidence from the text.

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

because of Atticus’ righteous character he goes against social injustice by defending a black man’s teaching his own children to not be racial.

Atticus educates his children by making clear to treat everybody alike and see them as their own individual even when doing something for a person of color

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

because of Atticus’ righteous character he goes against social injustice by defending a black man’s teaching his own children to not be racial.
Atticus educates his children by making clear to treat everybody alike and see them as their own individual even when doing something for a person of color

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

By defending a black man Atticus does what is right in his eyes, teaching his own children to oppose racial injustice.

Atticus educates his children to treat each person justly even when society justifies racism.

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Point- Your topic sentence which is a statement that summarises the main idea of the paragraph.
Examples -will be your quotes and paraphrased information that helps you support your topic sentence and prove your thesis statement.

Explantion-Your explanation needs to dig deeper and explain the connection between your topic sentence and your evidence. Explains why is the topic sentence is relevant to the essay question.

Link-back to the topic sentence and show how the point answers the question- transition to following paragraph or final conclusion.

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

We use linkers to make sure our ideas glue together and in so doing serve to answer the essay question

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Slide 8 - Video

Furthermore, the study of history provides people with a sense of identity. This is why many nations continue to keep history as a core subject of study as it provides evidence and stories of how whole countries came to be what they are. For instance, the study of family history allows a family to understand their origins and how their lives and people they care about have interacted with larger historical events. In addition, it provides the narration that informs national and cultural values, therefore engendering a commitment to national loyalty by allowing a person to relate to a particular group, thus demonstrating the importance of learning history.

Organise this paragraph according to PEEL. 

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Furthermore, the study of history provides people with a sense of identity. This is why many nations continue to keep history as a core subject of study as it provides evidence and stories of how whole countries came to be what they are. For instance, the study of family history allows a family to understand their origins and how their lives and people they care about have interacted with larger historical events. In addition, it provides the narration that informs national and cultural values, therefore engendering a commitment to national loyalty by allowing a person to relate to a particular group, thus demonstrating the importance of learning history.

Organise this paragraph according to PEEL. 

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

Scan through the text and find which words/phrases are linkers and what their function is in the text.

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Furthermore, the study of history provides people with a sense of identity. This is why many nations continue to keep history as a core subject of study as it provides evidence and stories of how whole countries came to be what they are. For instance, the study of family history allows a family to understand their origins and how their lives and people they care about have interacted with larger historical events. In addition, it provides the narration that informs national and cultural values, therefore engendering a commitment to national loyalty by allowing a person to relate to a particular group, thus demonstrating the importance of learning history.

Organise this paragraph according to PEEL. 

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

history serves as our laboratory and the data it provides allow us to understand.'
'...knowledge of history, so the reason for continuing to study....'
'  than those of science or languges but history is in fact very useful...'
 '....argued that history is irrelevant because the knowledge of it...'

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what's the difference between a thesis statement and a topic sentence?


Slide 16 - Open vraag

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Write your 2nd  topic sentence= a general statement that summarises the main idea of your paragraph

-Is it a single declarative sentence?
- Does it convey the main idea of the paragrah?
- Does it use precise words?
- is it brief, including important information


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In pairs decide what examples from the novel TKAM you would use to support your main point ( topic sentence)

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What is  a good explanation?

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Slide 32 - Tekstslide

Write down your explanation
Remember your explanation needs to dig deeper and explain the connection between the topic sentence and your evidence.

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