Ted talk + mark 3A WB + Bunker diary

What are we going to do?
- Water shortage/Tedtalk
- Homework
- Bunker diary
1 / 37
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 37 slides, met interactieve quizzen en tekstslides.

Onderdelen in deze les

What are we going to do?
- Water shortage/Tedtalk
- Homework
- Bunker diary

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Last lesson we watched a video called How to save te planet? What do we have to do to save the planet?

Slide 2 - Open vraag

Waterproblems in the world
- Last lesson --> How to save the planet--> What problems does the world face?
- Read this article and answer the questions in this lessonup

dificult words:
- fragility= the quality of being easily broken or damaged
-backdrop= the background
-rationing = the controlled distribution of scarce resources, goods, services, or an artificial restriction of demand.

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Why has Brazil hosted a conference?

Slide 4 - Open vraag

What happened in Cape town?

Slide 5 - Open vraag

"If cities do not have water management plans in place that can navigate scarcity, we may begin to see more Cape Towns in drought prone areas. ---> What is meant with this sentence? (you can answer in Dutch)

Slide 6 - Open vraag

Scenes from a dry city
Watch this docu and answer these questions (write them down in notebook because you have to answer them in this lessonup)
1. Why are the men arrested?
2. Why are the people in red tshirts protesting? 
3. Why do you think they film at the golf fields?
4. What are the people doing at the big field (around 10:00 min)?

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

Why are the men arrested?

Slide 8 - Open vraag

Why are the people in red tshirts protesting?

Slide 9 - Open vraag

Why do you think they film at the golf fields?

Slide 10 - Open vraag

What are the people doing at the big field?

Slide 11 - Open vraag

Do you think the same can happen in Amsterdam? Why? Why not?

Slide 12 - Open vraag

Tips for saving water--> vocab
-Grab your notebook and write 1-10
-Do the following exercise--> next page

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Mark your work
1. crucial = (adj) extremely important
2. resources = (n) natural or man-made products that people need or can use
3. huge = heel groot(adj) very, very large
4. on average =(gemiddeld) (adv) usually, normally
5. conserve = (behouden) (v) save
6. requires =  (moeten doen) (v) makes it necessary for someone to do something
7. cut = (verminderen) (v) use less of something or make something smaller
8. leak (n)=  a hole or opening that allows water of gas to escape
9. waste = (verspillen)  (v) uses too much of something, or uses it in a bad way
10. statistics = statistieken (n) numbers that give information

Slide 15 - Tekstslide

How long does it take you to get to school, on average?-----> write a whole sentence and use the new vocab

Slide 16 - Open vraag

Do you ever waste money? if yes, how?

Slide 17 - Open vraag

Do you try to conserve water? How?

Slide 18 - Open vraag

Mark homework
-Homework was 3A TB + WB
-Grab your workbook and a different color pen

Slide 19 - Tekstslide

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

Slide 23 - Tekstslide

Bunker diary
- Read chapter 1 & 2
- Next lesson bring ATM card to pay 8 
euros in class

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

Homework for next lesson
- Read until page ____
- Next lesson bring ATM card to pay 8 
euros in class

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

What's the English word for: 'verspillen'?
on average

Slide 26 - Quizvraag

example: What are some things your teacher 'requires' you to do for this class?
What does require mean?

Slide 27 - Open vraag

What is the English word for 'behouden'?

Slide 28 - Quizvraag

Listening for numbers and Statistics in a TEDtalk
-Why do you think we should tell people (who listen to a talk) statistics and numbers?

-Open your tedtalk booklet on your chromebook
-Go to page 7
-Read exercises F
-Listen and fill in the right answers in your booklet
Ex F 1.4

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Answers exercise F
1=70 and ___

Slide 30 - Open vraag

Write an outline
-Go to page 8
-Read exercise G
-Fill in the right answers in your booklet

Slide 31 - Tekstslide

Fill in the answer of ex G
1=water and ....

Slide 32 - Open vraag

-Have a look at the infographic on page 9
-A gallon is around 3.8 liters of water

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

How many gallons does the average american family use each day?

Slide 34 - Open vraag

Which indoor item uses the most water? Does this surprise you? Why, or why not?

Slide 35 - Open vraag

Do you ever think about saving water? What measures do you take?
Why do you think it's necessary?

Slide 36 - Open vraag

Work on your mediafile
-Grab your Bunker diary 'klad'paper
-Open a new word document 
-Call it Bunker diary and add it to your mediafile
-Copy the paper into your document
-Assignment 1 = new ending
-Assignment 2= opinion
-This should be done at the end of this class.
Are you done? Do lyrics 2 christmassong assignment---> Choose a christmas song and do the christmassong assignment.

Slide 37 - Tekstslide