St Joost Inspiratiecollege

Storytelling inspiratiecollege
Susanne Beckers
1 / 91
Slide 1: Tekstslide
Kunstzinnige oriëntatieHBOStudiejaar 3

In deze les zitten 91 slides, met tekstslides en 23 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 60 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Storytelling inspiratiecollege
Susanne Beckers

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

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Wat doe ik?
Film educatie
Programmeur bij filmfestival InScience
Programmeur geweest bij Go Short
Modereren bij filmfestivals/in filmhuizen bij schoolvoorstellingen
Maken van lesmateriaal bij films 
Geven van workshops over film op basis- en middelbare scholen

Film- en televisiewetenschappen gestudeerd in Utrecht

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

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Hoe kun je de aandacht vasthouden van het publiek?

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

Filmische middelen worden ingezet om het verhaal te vertellen en te versterken.

Slide 4 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

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The Order Electrus - Floris Kaayk

Wat als insecten met techniek versmelten?

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

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Slide 7 - Video

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Wat heb je gezien?

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

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CC - Kailey and Sam Spear 

Wat als een robot-oppas op een mens lijkt en de beste keuzes voor een kind maakt?

Slide 10 - Tekstslide

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Slide 11 - Video

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Wat heb je gezien?

Slide 12 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

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A Longevist Lifestyle - Sara Kaiser

Wat als de manier waarop we eten in de toekomst veranderd is?

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

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Slide 15 - Video

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Wat heb je gezien?

Slide 16 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 17 - Tekstslide

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Better Humans - Moth Studio

Wat als je met genetische modificatie alles kunt verbeteren aan mensen?

Slide 18 - Tekstslide

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Slide 19 - Video

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Wat heb je gezien?

Slide 20 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

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Face Swap - David Gidali & Einat Tubi 

Wat als je kunt doen alsof je partner iemand anders is?

Slide 22 - Tekstslide

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Slide 23 - Video

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Wat heb je gezien?

Slide 24 - Tekstslide

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

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InVision industry programma InScience: 15 maart

Industry Days Go Short: 3-7 april

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

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Artificial world - Bas Jansen

Wat als het leven op de planeet opnieuw moet worden uitgevonden?

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

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Slide 28 - Video

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Filmische middelen

  • Cameravoering (standpunten & filmkaders)
  • Muziek & geluid
  • Montage
  • Art-direction (decor en aankleding)

  • Verhaalstructuur

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

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Slide 30 - Video

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Slide 31 - Video

Muziek > bijdrage aan verhaal 

Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 32 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 33 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).

- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 35 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).
Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 36 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 37 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 38 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 39 - Tekstslide

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Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 40 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 41 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).
Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 42 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
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- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 43 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).

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- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 44 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).

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- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 45 - Tekstslide

‘Persepolis’ is a unique and authentic piece of art. As the majority of people tend to judge a book by its cover, it is essential to tell that the cover of ‘Persepolis. The story of a Childhood’ is the most colorful part of the book. The bright red background attracts a reader and scares them at the same time. The aggressiveness it holds serves as a pre-introduction to the story. It is followed by the panels, which are depicted in a violent but simple way. The events described in the book are serious and traumatic. This combination of trauma and a naïve perspective of a child are contradicting, but thanks to them a special, even more realistic setting appears before a reader. In such a way, the design and colors work to reflect author’s attitude towards the tragedy happening in her country. Anothkic0000013er thing to consider is the use of traditions of Persian art in Persepolis. As Chute argues these avant-garde patterns ‘call attention to the horror of history’. The same techniques Satrapi uses in her book were used in German Expressionism. ‘German Expressionism is an artistic genre that originated in Europe in the 1920s, and is broadly defined as the rejection of Western conventions, and the depiction of reality that is widely distorted for emotional effect.’

Persepolis page 142Minimalism is an outstanding feature of ‘Persepolis’ that creates a particular atmosphere of the story.
The use of black and white makes the representation of the events more accurate. It has a strong influence on the way a reader perceives the story. Satrapi explains: ‘Violence today has become something normal, so banal – that is to say everybody thinks it’s normal. But it’s not normal. To draw it and put it in color – the color of flesh and the red of the blood, and so forth – reduces it by making it realistic’ (Hajdu 2004,35).
Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 46 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 47 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 48 - Tekstslide

Toen begon ik pas echt te experimenteren met kleur, een losse tekenstijl, aquarellen, veel tekstballonnen, een verteller, meerdere personages, kaders/geen kaders, … letterlijk alles wat ik voorheen niet durfde te doen. Daarom oogt Tram 5 misschien wat chaotisch, maar het past wel bij het verhaal. Ik heb geleerd dat de stijl het verhaal moet volgen en niet omgekeerd.

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- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 49 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 50 - Tekstslide

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Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 51 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 52 - Tekstslide

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 53 - Tekstslide

The Women Who Changed Art Forever brings readers directly into artists’ lives: we see their stories as a sequence of images and feel like we were in their heads as if we were part of their thoughts.

Empathy is one of the reading keys of this graphic novel and of feminism itself: being able to see the artist’s faces and memories adds an emotional value that lets the reader better understand their point of view. And this narrative method is also important because it makes the artists define themselves and not be described by an external gaze.

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Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 54 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 55 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 56 - Tekstslide

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Graphic Novels
  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpt de stijl om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 57 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Welke keuzes zijn gemaakt om dit verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 58 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Welke keuzes zijn gemaakt om dit verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 59 - Tekstslide

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Slide 60 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 61 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 62 - Tekstslide

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Slide 63 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 64 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 65 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 66 - Tekstslide

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Slide 67 - Video

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Slide 68 - Video

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Slide 69 - Video

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 70 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 71 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 72 - Tekstslide

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Slide 73 - Video

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Slide 74 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 75 - Tekstslide

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Slide 76 - Video

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Slide 77 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 78 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 79 - Tekstslide

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Slide 80 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 81 - Tekstslide

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 82 - Tekstslide

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Slide 83 - Video

Deze slide heeft geen instructies

  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 84 - Tekstslide

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Slide 85 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 86 - Tekstslide

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Slide 87 - Video

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Slide 88 - Video

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  • Wat valt je op? 
  • Op welke manier helpen de filmische middelen om het verhaal te vertellen?

Slide 89 - Tekstslide

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- Ontwerp van personages
Ontwerp van decor
- Verhaalstructuur
- Timing en animatiebewegingen

Slide 90 - Tekstslide

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Slide 91 - Video

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