Endocrine System

Endocrine System
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Endocrine System

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The Pineal Gland
Located within the brain
Produces melatonin, which controls your ‘body clock’ to regulate sleep. 
It can also influence mood

The Hypothalamus
Part of brain and attached to pituitary
Nerve cells in the hypothalamus control the pituitary gland secretions, the nervous system and the endocrine system, via interaction with the pituitary gland

The Thyroid Gland
Regulates metabolism & energy levels.

The Pancreas
Responsible for the production of insulin.
Targets blood sugar, controls metabolism of carbohydrates and lowers/ higher blood sugar levels


The Adrenal Glands
Adrenaline is produced when facing adventure or fear.
Works with the nervous system
Regulates nearly every type of organ and tissue within the body

The Pituitary
Anterior Pituitary-Growth Hormone, (HGH; also called somatotropin or somatotrophs Too much – gigantism, Too little – dwarfism
Also controls:
our temperature,
thyroid activity,

Posterior Pituitary-Antidiuretic (ADH) - Stimulates kidneys to keep water controls
Stimulates Uterus to contract during labour
Stimulates ejection of milk into ducts

growth during childhood,
urine production,
testosterone production in males
ovulation and oestrogen production

The Gonads (Testes & Ovaries)
Oestrogen- Development of female reproductive system
Progesterone- Prepares & maintains the body during pregnancy, develops the Placenta prepares the breasts for lactation
Androgens- Helps develop the male reproductive system, hair growth patterns, voice deepening and muscle bulk
Testosterone- Helps develop sperm in the testes/libido

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