Week 22

English - H3

Week 22
1 / 20
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

This lesson contains 20 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

English - H3

Week 22

Slide 1 - Slide

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  • Flashback + Preview
  • Reading Strategies
  • Reading tasks
  • Work Time

Slide 2 - Slide

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  • Last week: Speaking strategy- compensating
  • Reading strategies.

  • Reading Test > Week 24 
  • Speaking Test > Week 26

Slide 3 - Slide

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Which reading strategies do you remember?
What do you remember about them?

Slide 4 - Mind map

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ELZA staat voor:
Eerst lezen zonder antwoorden (te bekijken)
Eerst laatste zin alinea (lezen)
Eerste (en) Laatste Zin Alinea (lezen)

Slide 5 - Quiz

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Reading Strategies
Voordat je gaat lezen:
Probeer een beeld te vormen van de tekst. 
Ga het visualiseren om beter inzicht te krijgen in het verhaal. 
Bedenk wat voor soort tekst het is. Is het een advertentie / ingezonden stuk / artikel, enzovoort?

  1. Bekijk de titel van de tekst.
  2. Kijk naar de de plaatjes bij de tekst.
  3. Bestudeer de tussenkopjes: cursief,  vetgedrukt of GROTER gedrukt.
  4. Bekijk de opdracht zodat je kunt bepalen hoe je gaat lezen.

Slide 6 - Slide

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Reading Strategies
  • Skimmen: Lees de introductie en de eerste en laatste zin van een alinea omdat daar vaak de hoofdzaken in vermeld worden. Dit kan door opvallende zaken te onderstrepen of markeren in een kleur.

  • Scannen: je gaat op zoek naar specifieke informatie. Zodra deze gevonden is, hoef je niet verder te zoeken.

  • Intensief lezen: je gaat de tekst woord voor woord lezen.

Slide 7 - Slide

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Soorten vragen
  • Aan de hand van de opdracht bepaal je hoe je gaat lezen.

Bij een vraag over de hele tekst, moet je skimmen. 
Je gaat op zoek naar aanwijzingen (sleutelwoorden-synoniemen) voor het antwoord.

Bij vragen naar bepaalde informatie, ga je scannen
Je gaat heel specifiek alleen scannen op die betreffende informatie.

Bij meerkeuzevragen, staan de vragen meestal gewoonlijk op volgorde. Je hoeft dan alleen het stukje te lezen waar jij denkt dat het antwoord staat. 
Het beste is om vervolgens eerst zelf een antwoord te geven en dit vergelijken met de antwoorden die op papier staat. 
Bedenk dat er altijd 2 antwoorden gelijk fout zijn en bij de 2 overgebleven hebben ze vaak andere woorden gebruikt als in de tekst. Vandaar dat het handig is als je het in eigen woorden beschrijft.

Slide 8 - Slide

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Welke strategie gebruik je?
"Bij vragen naar bepaalde informatie"
Intensief lezen

Slide 9 - Quiz

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Welke strategie gebruik je?
'Vraag over de hele tekst'
Intensief lezen

Slide 10 - Quiz

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Welke strategie gebruik je?
'Als je de hele tekst wilt begrijpen?'
Intensief lezen

Slide 11 - Quiz

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Welke strategie gebruik je?
'Om het doel van de tekst te beantwoorden'
Intensief lezen

Slide 12 - Quiz

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Reading Tasks

Lees de tekst zelfstandig en in stilte. Niet overleggen. 
Beantwoord daarna de vraag voor jezelf.

Gebruik de strategieën die je nodig hebt om de vraag te kunnen beantwoorden.

Slide 13 - Slide

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Waiting is good for you
1|    It probably doesn’t feel that way when you’re standing behind ten others… but waiting is good for you.

2|  In tests, University of Chicago researchers found that if someone is given a choice of 50 dollars now or waiting weeks for 55 dollars, they would pick the lower amount straight away. However, if they were given the same option and then given time to think about it, most would hang on for the larger amount.

3|    Those who waited longer not only gained patience but ultimately made the better decision, according to the findings of the test published in the Journal of Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. Professor Ayelet Fisbach said: “When people wait, it makes them place a higher value on what they are waiting for, and that higher value makes the experience more worthwile.”

Daily Mail, 2013

1. Wat voor soort tekst is dit?
A een amuserend artikel
B een betoog
C een informatief artikel
D een activerend artikel

Slide 14 - Slide

Antwoord: C
Waiting is good for you
1|    It probably doesn’t feel that way when you’re standing behind ten others… but waiting is good for you.

2|  In tests, University of Chicago researchers found that if someone is given a choice of 50 dollars now or waiting weeks for 55 dollars, they would pick the lower amount straight away. However, if they were given the same option and then given time to think about it, most would hang on for the larger amount.

3|    Those who waited longer not only gained patience but ultimately made the better decision, according to the findings of the test published in the Journal of Organisational Behaviour and Human Decision Processes. Professor Ayelet Fisbach said: “When people wait, it makes them place a higher value on what they are waiting for, and that higher value makes the experience more worthwile.”

Daily Mail, 2013

Those who waited longer … made the better decision,’ (paragraph 3)
2. Why?
A         They became financially independent.
B         They felt better about the rewards.
C         They learned how to deal with stress.
D         They understood the goals of the test.
E          They were generally respected more.

Slide 15 - Slide

Antwoord: B

Adventure Playgrounds

(1) Adventure playgrounds to let older children find out about risk will open around the country. Children's Secretary1) Ed Talls promised to spend extra money for physically- challenging play areas aimed at turning 8- to 13-year-olds away from the computer screen. He is worried too many children no longer experience controlled risk which would teach them to take safe decisions in future. It is part of a major government plan to reverse the decline of childhood. This plan also aims at improving drugs and alcohol education in an attempt to tackle increasingly risky behaviour such as binge-drinking. The exposure of children to violent images via the internet or video games will also be tackled. 

noot 1 Children’s Secretary = minister van Gezinszaken

(2) While the plan will focus on improving children's lives outside school, it will also contain measures aimed at driving up exam performance. Mr Talls will announce a £250 million fund to provide more catch-up classes and one-to-one tuition with the aim of helping struggling pupils and stimulating the gifted. Secondary school pupils who have been expelled from school or are struggling with the curriculum will learn how to run a business at a new breed of ‘studio schools’ for 14- to 19-year-olds. They will be more like workplaces than schools and pupils will learn teamwork and leadership skills there.

1. What is said about adventure playgrounds in paragraph 1?
A They are designed to look like computer games.
B They are often too dangerous and need to become safer.
C They can help youngsters learn about making the right choices.
D They will become information centres to educate teenagers.

Slide 16 - Slide

Antwoord: C

Adventure Playgrounds

(1) Adventure playgrounds to let older children find out about risk will open around the country. Children's Secretary1) Ed Talls promised to spend extra money for physically- challenging play areas aimed at turning 8- to 13-year-olds away from the computer screen. He is worried too many children no longer experience controlled risk which would teach them to take safe decisions in future. It is part of a major government plan to reverse the decline of childhood. This plan also aims at improving drugs and alcohol education in an attempt to tackle increasingly risky behaviour such as binge-drinking. The exposure of children to violent images via the internet or video games will also be tackled. 

noot 1 Children’s Secretary = minister van Gezinszaken

(2) While the plan will focus on improving children's lives outside school, it will also contain measures aimed at driving up exam performance. Mr Talls will announce a £250 million fund to provide more catch-up classes and one-to-one tuition with the aim of helping struggling pupils and stimulating the gifted. Secondary school pupils who have been expelled from school or are struggling with the curriculum will learn how to run a business at a new breed of ‘studio schools’ for 14- to 19-year-olds. They will be more like workplaces than schools and pupils will learn teamwork and leadership skills there.

2. Which educational change is part of Ed Talls’ plan, according to paragraph 2?
He wants schools to
A     find placements for pupils after their finals.
B     pay more attention to the home situation of pupils.
C     set apart unruly pupils in special classrooms.
D     teach more pupils individually or in small groups.

Slide 17 - Slide

Antwoord: D - (One-to-one tuition) 
Reading Task 3
This is a bigger task, which prepares you for the test.

Do this in silence and by yourself. 

You can highlight words, look up words (also write down the translation on the paper).

If you are done, ask for the task key (answers sheet) and correct yourself.

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Work Time
  • Work on:
Holmwoods or another subject.

  • You can whisper, but don't distract each other.

  • Want extra practice with reading?
Go the instruction room for more exercises

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