2m1 - lesson 37: homework check & grammar

lesson 37: homework check & grammar future
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Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 15 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

Items in this lesson

lesson 37: homework check & grammar future

Slide 1 - Slide

Lesson plan
  • Homework check
  • New grammar: future 
  •  Explanation 
  • Practice
  • Homework Friday 

Slide 2 - Slide

Homework check
ex. 9&10 p. 12-13 workbook

Slide 3 - Slide

Grammar: future 
  • going to 
  • will 

New future: present continuous 

Slide 4 - Slide

Future: present continuous
am/is/are + verb (ww) + ing 

We gebruiken de present continuous meestal om te zeggen dat iets NU aan de gang is

We kunnen deze ook gebruiken om over de toekomst te praten!

Slide 5 - Slide

Future: present continuous
praten over de nabije toekomst waarvan de plaats en/of tijd al bekend is 

I am driving to the cinema on Monday 
Is Isa running a marathon next month? (Uh, definitely not) 
They are taking the five o'clock train

Slide 6 - Slide

Difference going to & present continuous
Wanneer present continuous en wanneer going to?

Present continuous als iets snel gaat gebeuren en als de plaats en/of tijd al in de zin staat

Going to als je nog niet weet wanneer iets gaat gebeuren of als iets nog even duurt voordat het gaat gebeuren

Slide 7 - Slide

In the next few slides, fill in the sentences using the present continuous form of the verbs in brackets!

am/is/are + verb + ing

Slide 8 - Slide

1. I did really well in the interview, so I _____________ (start) a new job on Monday.

Slide 9 - Open question

2. Marla ____________ (not/come) to the meeting today. She has to catch a flight at 2.30 p.m.

Slide 10 - Open question

3. My wife and I __________ (have)
a party this weekend.

Slide 11 - Open question

4. I ___________ (stay) at the MGM in Las Vegas next week.

Slide 12 - Open question

5. I __________ (go) to a festival this weekend.

Slide 13 - Open question

6. James __________ (arrive) at noon tomorrow.

Slide 14 - Open question

Homework Friday
ex. 27 p. 22 

Slide 15 - Slide