4H Grammar: revision tenses

4H Grammar: revision tenses
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This lesson contains 27 slides, with text slides.

Items in this lesson

4H Grammar: revision tenses

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1. pres simple or pres continuous?
A Present simple
a. spelling
affirmative: ow = I, you, they, we of >persoon/dier/ding : ww
                          ow = he, she, it or 1 persoon/dier/ding: ww+s
negative: ow = I, you, they, we of >persoon/dier/ding :don't + ww
                          ow = he, she, it or 1 persoon/dier/ding: doesn't + ww

1.  present simple or present continuous?
A Present simple
a. spelling
affirmative: ow = I, you, they, we of >1persoon/dier/ding : ww
                       ow = he, she, it or 1 persoon/dier/ding: ww+(e)s
negative: ow = I, you, they, we of >persoon/dier/ding :don't + ww
                          ow = he, she, it or 1 persoon/dier/ding: doesn't + ww
questions: ow = I, you, they, we of >persoon/dier/ding :
                     Do + ow + ww + rest?
                     ow = he, she, it or 1 persoon/dier/ding: 
                     Does + ow + ww + rest?

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b. use
1. present 
- gewoontes, routines, dingen die je regelmatig doet
- algemene feiten
- ww die gevoelens/gedachtes zijn
2. Future
- bij een dienstregeling, roosters, schema’s, aankomsttijden,vertrektijden, etc. 
c. hints
usually, normally, often, always, never, every, on (Mondays)

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B present continuous
a. spelling
affirmativeam/are/is  + ww+ing
negative: am not / aren't / isn't + ww+ ing
questions: Am/are/is + ow + ww+ing+ rest?
b. use
Present: Actions going RIGHT NOW  
Future: = fixed plans, often with specific time reference.
c. hints
now, currently, at the moment, always
(bij ergernis)

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Exceptions: Non-continuous Verbs
feeling:  hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish.
senses:  appear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound, 
communication: agree, deny, disagree, mean, 
                                promise, satisfy, surprise.
thinking: believe, imagine, know, mean, realize, 
                  recognize, remember, understand.

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To do:
ex A

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2. Past continuous or past simple?
A past continuous
a. spelling
Affirmative: was/were + ww+ing
Negative: wasn't/weren't + ww+ing
Question: Was/were + ow + ww+ing + rest?
b. use
- actie in het verleden die een tijdje bezig was 
- actie in het verleden (lange actie) die onderbroken werd door een andere actie (korte actie)
c. hints
while, when-zinnen > lange actie

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2. past simple
2. past simple
B. spelling
affirmative: ww+ed or irregular  / to be: was/were
negative: didn't + infinitive   / to be: wasn't / weren't
questions: Did + ow + infinitive + rest?  / to be: 
                     Was/were + ow + rest?
b. use
actions in the past, completely over and done
c. hints
yesterday, last, in (2005), ago

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1. Pa cont – pa simple:when/while’- zinnen 
Combinatie past continuous – past simple: 1 long action, 1 short action:
  - long action: past continuous (= was/were + verb+ing)
  - short action: past simple
 Example: When the bus arrived, we were running towards it
2. 2x past continuous in een zin: ‘while’-zinnen: 2 long actions
 Example: I was taking a bath while he was reading a book.
3. Enkel past simple: opeenvolgende gebeurtenissen ('then')
Example: I went to the toilet and then I did my homework.

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To do: ex B

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3. present perfect (voltooid deelwoord)
a. spelling
affirmative:  has/have + past participle (=ww+ed/irregular (3de kolom)
negative: hasn't/haven't + past participle
question:  have/has + ow + past participle + rest?
b. use
= actie in het verleden MAAR nog nu nog steeds bezig/ belangrijk/zichtbaar
c. hints
yet, already, just, since, for, always (tot nu toe), (n)ever, how long, before

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To do:
ex C

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4. Present perfect continuous
a. spelling
affirmative: ow + has/have been + ww+ing
negative: ow + hasn't/haven't been + ww+ing
question: have/has + ow + been + ww+ing

b. use
actie in het verleden, nu nog steeds bezig, blijft nog doorgaan, nadruk ligt op de lengte van de actie

c. hints
all day, how long, for, since, lately, recently

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Exceptions: Non-continuous Verbs
feeling: hate, like, love, prefer, want, wish.
senses: appear, feel, hear, see, seem, smell, sound,
communication: agree, deny, disagree, mean,
                                promise, satisfy, surprise.
thinking: believe, imagine, know, mean, realize,
                  recognize, remember, understand.

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To do:
D t/m F

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5. Past perfect simple
a. spelling
affirmative: ow + had + past participle (regelm. ww+ed)
negative: ow + hadn't + past participle
question: had + ow + past participle

b. use
actie die gebeurd is VOOR een andere specifieke actie in het verleden
Example: Before I came here, I had spoken to Jack.
c. hints
the previous week, the day before, the month before’ etc

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To do:

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6. The future
A present tenses used for the future
a. Present simple (ww of ww+s)
bij een dienstregeling, roosters, schema’s, aankomsttijden, vertrektijden, etc.
Example: The train leaves tonight at 7pm.

b. Present continuous (am/are/is + verb+ing)
Afspraken die vaststaan in plaats en tijd
Example: We are going on a date tonight.

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B simple future and going to-future
a. Am/is/are going to + verb
1. spelling
affirmative: am/are/is going to + ww
negative: am not/aren't/ isn't going to + ww
question: Am/are/is + ow + going to + ww + rest?

2. use
- Iets wat je van plan bent in de toekomst, maar geen concrete afspraak
(staat niet vast wanneer)
Example: I’m going to ask her out.
- Toekomstvoorspelling die gebaseerd is op
signalen die je krijgt. (Komt waarschijnlijk dus wel uit.)
Example: Look at the clouds! It is going to rain, we better take our umbrella with us.

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b. Will/ won’t + verb
1. spelling
affirmative: will + ww
negative: will not/won't + ww
question: will/shall + ow + ww + rest?

Opgelet: Bij een vraag gebruik je in deze tijd shall i.p.v. will als het ow "I" of "we" is.
Example: You look parched. Shall I fetch you something to drink?

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2. use
- Iets wat je ter plekke aanbiedt (niet gepland) / bestellingen op restaurant
Example: I'll help you out, no problem! / I'll have the steak please.
- Belofte
Example: I’ll clean up my room.
- Besluit over de toekomst, soort van conclusie over wat er in de toekomst nu (niet) gaat gebeuren
Example: They will not come back after that terrible experience.
- Toekomstvoorspellingen die onzeker zijn.
 example: You will become very rich in the (probably, maybe…) future!
- Iets wat je denkt (‘I think / I believe…) dat gaat gebeuren in de toekomst.
Example: I think you will become very old.

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To Do:
ex H

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