Cambridge week 12: Speaking part 3 + writing part 2: a story

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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolvmbo tLeerjaar 4

In deze les zitten 47 slides, met interactieve quizzen, tekstslides en 2 videos.

time-iconLesduur is: 90 min

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Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Necessities for class

  •  chromebook (charged!)
  •  student book 
  •  notebook 
  •  pen!

Slide 2 - Tekstslide

Today's homework

Grammar: at, in and on in time phrases
  • exercise 1, 2 (grammar reference, page 166)
Grammar: past perfect and continuous
  • exercise 3, 5 page 36
  • exercise 1, 2 (grammar reference, page 167)

Slide 3 - Tekstslide

Did you do today's homework?

Slide 4 - Poll

Check your homework (p.166)
1. Match the beginnings and endings of these sentences

1. f              4. a
2. d            5. b
3. c             6. e

Slide 5 - Tekstslide

Check your homework (p.166)
1. Tick the correct sentences. Correct the sentences with mistakes.

1. in Tuesday morning = on Tuesday morning
2. at August = in August
3. correct
4. correct
5. at a short period of time = in a short period of time
6. on night = at night

Slide 6 - Tekstslide

How many did you get correct?
less than 10

Slide 7 - Quizvraag

Check your homework (p. 36)
3. Complete the sentences with the past simple or past perfect form of the verbs in brackets

1. had eaten                         4. arrived / had lost
2. had never been             5. recognised / had never spoken
3. had organised               6. had damaged

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Check your homework (p. 36)
5. Complete the sentences with the past simple, past perfect simple of past continuous form of the verbs in brackets

1. had been living                                    5. got / had been helping
2. had been walking / began             6. had never been / gave
3. had already finished / offered     7. got back / had forgotten
4. had only been speaking                 8. had been hurting / decided

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

How many did you get correct?

Slide 10 - Open vraag

Today's class focus
Chapter 3: Happy holidays

  • Speaking Part 3
  • Writing Part 2: A story

Slide 11 - Tekstslide

Slide 12 - Video

Speaking part 3
- You and the other candidate discuss a situation or problem together and reach a decision.

- The examinor gives you a page with a task consisting of a question and five different word prompts.

Slide 13 - Tekstslide

Speaking part 3
- You have 15 seconds to think about the task and then you have two minutes to discuss your ideas

- The examinor then asks you another question (which is not written down) so that you can summarise your thoughts. You will have one minute to do this.

Slide 14 - Tekstslide

Exercise 1 page 37
How could each these tips benefit students?

Which phrases in the green box could you use to talk about the given option?
You will answer this in the coming slides.

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A sightseeing tour

Slide 16 - Woordweb

A visit to a museum or art gallery

Slide 17 - Woordweb

A visit to a theme park

Slide 18 - Woordweb

A beach activity day

Slide 19 - Woordweb

A weekend camping trip in the mountains

Slide 20 - Woordweb

Exercise 2 page 37

Listen to two candidates, Miguel and Antonia, beginning this task. What benefits do they mention for three of the options

Slide 21 - Tekstslide

What benefits do they mention for three of the options
Miguel and Antonia

Slide 22 - Open vraag

A city sightseeing tour
You learn about architecture and about history, and you can visit somewhere different and learn about other countries
A weekend camping trip in the mountains
You have exciting experiences and adventures, and learn to be independent, learn to work together to solve problems, learn teamwork, so it's educational
A beach activity day
You learn something from doing different sports and activities

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Exercise 3 page 37
In speaking part 3, it's important for candidates to react to each other's ideas and suggestions. You can do this by asking each other questions. Complete the students' questions with a word from the box. (Then listen again to check your answers).
Miguel and Antonia

Slide 24 - Tekstslide


1. shall / this one
2. think
3. What about
4. don't you
5. about that

Slide 25 - Tekstslide

Exercise 6 page 38

  • Decide which strategies would be good for this part of the task. Write Y (yes) or N (no) next to each strategy

  • Give reasons for your answers 

Slide 26 - Tekstslide

1. N - There is not enough time; you need to reach a decision in one minute
2. Y - It gets the discussion started and your partner involved
3. N - It prevends further discussion
4. Y - This is a possible way of creating more discussion
5. Y - It creates further discussion
6. N - You only have a minute and you will get higher marks if you can have a natural conversation

Slide 27 - Tekstslide

Slide 28 - Video

Writing part 2: A story
- In writing part 2, you may be asked to write a short story. This task usually gives you the words you must use to start or end your story

- The task tests your ability to structure your writing and to use a variety of tenses, grammatical structures and vocabulary

Slide 29 - Tekstslide

Writing bank page 208
1. Read about the story in Part 2 of the writing paper.

2. Read the exam task and the questions. You will answer the questions in the coming slides.

Slide 30 - Tekstslide

What should the first sentence of your story be?

Slide 31 - Open vraag

What two ideas do you need to include?

Slide 32 - Open vraag

Where will people read your story?

Slide 33 - Open vraag

3. Study the model answer and answer the questions

Slide 34 - Tekstslide

Does the story starts with the first sentence of the task?

Slide 35 - Quizvraag

Does it include the two ideas from the task?

Slide 36 - Quizvraag

Does it have a clear beginning, middle and ending?

Slide 37 - Quizvraag

Does it use past tenses?


Slide 38 - Quizvraag

5. p. 209
Read two beginnings of students' stories. Which one is better? Explain your answer.

Slide 39 - Open vraag

Asnwer B is better
1. It gives some background information (there was no one else on the train, someone had left a bag).
2. It includes a description which helps the reader have a picture in their mind (a modern, fashionable bag).
3. It includes some suspense (it doesn't say immediately that it was a phone in the bag that was ringing).
4. It also uses a wider range of verb forms and vocabulary.

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6. p. 209
Choose the best ending for the story in exercise 5. Why is it better than the other one?

Slide 41 - Open vraag

Answer A is the best because...
It gives a clear ending to the story. Laura had obviously spoken to the woman and they had arranged to meet. There are no more questions to answer.
Answer B doesn't give a clear ending. We don't know why the woman suddenly appeared, and we don't know that it is definitely her bag. It doesn't feel like an ending because it feels like as if something else is going to happen.

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Exercise 7 page 209
We often use words and expressions in stories to make it clear when the different actions happened. Choose the correct option in italics.

Slide 43 - Tekstslide

Check your answers
1. suddenly
2. By the time
3. As soon as
4. during
5. In the end
6. Before long

Slide 44 - Tekstslide

How many did you get correct?

Slide 45 - Open vraag

Exercise 8 + 10,11
8. Study the words and expressions in the Key language box

10. Read the exam task and plan your story. 
11. Write your story in 140-190 words. 

Homework: Exercise 11 --> Next lesson: bring your work on paper.

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Next week
Chapter 4: Food, glorious food

  • Reading and Use of English part 6
  • Listening Part 4
  • Grammar: so and such

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