Questions and negations

Welcome h3p!
1. Put your phone in the phonebag
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table. 

Welcome to English, H3!
1. Put your phone in the phone bag 
What to do?
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table
4. Spit out your chewing gum!!!
1 / 17
Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 3

In deze les zitten 17 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

Onderdelen in deze les

Welcome h3p!
1. Put your phone in the phonebag
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table. 

Welcome to English, H3!
1. Put your phone in the phone bag 
What to do?
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table
4. Spit out your chewing gum!!!

Slide 1 - Tekstslide

Welcome h3p!
1. Put your phone in the phonebag
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table. 

Welcome to English, H3!
1. Put your phone in the phone bag 
What to do?
2. Take your book and notebook out
3. Put your pencil case on your table
4. Spit out your chewing gum!!!

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What did we do in the previous lesson?
In class, we did some exercises about Gerunds and infinitives

The homework was to finish up the hand-outs and take something to ask questions about

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Today's planning:
Today's goal and planning: 
10' Recap hand-out
10' Explanation grammar
5' Writing down questions (silently)
5' Asking questions + giving each other feedback
10' In groups of 4
10' Together with the class 

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Put the hand-out on your table and answer when asked. 

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Come up with questions
1. Put your object on your table. 
2. Look at your neighbour's object.
3. Come up with 5 questions about the object.
4. Write these down.
5. Reflect at your own questions: you should ask questions in
   at least 2 different ways. Have you done this??? 
6. Look around and think about other objects you see. 

Slide 7 - Tekstslide

1. Ask your neighbour questions.
2. Listen carefully to their answers.
3. Come up with 3 more questions about what they tell you.
4. Switch roles! Ask the other way around.
5. Reflect on each other's questions. Should they be     formulated differently? Are there any mistakes?
6. Make sure you're ready to share in groups

Slide 8 - Tekstslide

Do the same thing you just did, but now in groups of 4!

Make sure you reflect on each other's que

Slide 9 - Tekstslide

Share your answer with the rest of the group. 

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Rounding off..
The homework for tomorrow is exercise 17, 18, 20, 23

Tomorrow I will explain the grammar to you. In the following weeks, we will focus on this part of the chapter 

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