How to make an appointment

Imagine this:
A woman walks up to you at your internship and asks the following questions:
- Excuse me, can I ask you something?
- Do you speak German?
- Do you understand English?
- I have an appointment with Silvia, do you know where she is?
What do you say?
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Slide 1: Tekstslide
EngelsMBOStudiejaar 1

In deze les zitten 18 slides, met tekstslides.

time-iconLesduur is: 50 min

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Imagine this:
A woman walks up to you at your internship and asks the following questions:
- Excuse me, can I ask you something?
- Do you speak German?
- Do you understand English?
- I have an appointment with Silvia, do you know where she is?
What do you say?

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Please spell the word...

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An arrangement to meet someone at a particular time and place.

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Present  continuous 
• Plan for the future on which you have acted: tickets are bought, free days arranged, appointment made etc. 
Example: I am seeing my dentist this afternoon. (you have made an appointment) 

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Making an appointment
Useful phrases:
 - I would like to make an appointment.
 - What would be a convenient time for you?
 - Do you have any time preferences?

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Future: Present continuous
  1. afspraken
  2. tijd en plaats staan al vast

I am having an appointment at the doctor's this afternoon

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Something new...
1. Plaats
2. Tijd

Denk  aan alfabet als ezelsbruggetje.

I have an appointment in Nijmegen at 3:30h.

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Turn into reported speech
01. John: “She is having a dentist’s appointment tomorrow”. 
02. Mr X: “ You should finish the job this week”. 
03. Emma: “I have never been so embarrassed”. 
04. Tom: “When were we supposed to call our boss?” 
05. Mum: “ My children were at home” 
06. I: “ I cannot do my homework”. 
07. Teacher: “ You must open your books and copy these sentences”. 
08.  Guy: “ I loved going to America”    

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01. John said that she was having a dentist’s appointment the following day. 
02. Mr X said that I/we should have finished/ should finish the job that week. 
03. Emma said that she had never been so embarrassed. 
04. Tom asked when they had been supposed to call their boss. 
05. Mum said that her children had been at home. 
06. I said that I couldn’t do my homework. 
07. The teacher said that we had to open our books and copy those sentences
08. Guy said that he had loved going to America.  

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Modal: Might/May/Could.            Usage: Possibility
In Pairs – one is a journalist and the other a famous actor’s manager. Both of you have diaries and the journalist needs to try to schedule an interview that will take about 2 hours. 
The manager needs to be cagey about the actor’s free time. The journalist should try to make an appointment during the week and the manager should rebuff him/her with phrases such as: “You could come on Friday morning, but only for 15 minutes”, or “He might have time Monday at 3 pm, but only for an hour”. Finally, there should be a 2 hour slot in the diary and only when the journalist guesses it can the appointment be made.

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Place and time at the end of the sentence:

We danced at a party in Nijmegen.
We danced and laughed and had a drink at a party in Nijmegen.

We jogged in the evening.
We set the appointment at half past 3.

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Grammar - Future tenses cont.
Going to
I bought eggs, butter, flour and milk. We're going to bake some pancakes for supper this evening. (planned, preparations have been made)
Look at these clouds: it's going to rain soon! (prediction based on evidence)

Shall I/we pick you up tonight? (questions We/I)

Present Continuous (Appointment/Diary - between now-week)
We are meeting Hillary for supper tonight.
She's throwing a party next Friday.
Are you joining us later this evening?

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Anything wrong?
Mary, John's boss, wanted to fire John because he was always late for work. John decided to mend his ways, but unfortunately the next morning  his alarm clock didn't work, so he was late again. He ran to work, had neither eye for the horses that ran in the field nor for the children that ran in the playground. Fortunately Mary ran to her second appointment at the office, so she hadn't noticed John was late again. John relaxed and was about to tell his colleague a dirty joke when Mary entered, so he ran back to his workplace. Because he hadn't drunk any coffee yet, he ran to the coffee machine in the coffee break to be the first in line.

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After this lesson you should be able to: 

- make an appointment in English
- identify and correct key parts of a letter
- translate a letter of enquiry

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Present Continuous

(to be + ww-ing)

Afspraak waar tijd en/of plaats vaststaat: I'm seeing my mum at 5 pm this afternoon.

I'm having an appointment at the dentist tomorrow morning.

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Accepting or denying
Useful phrases:
 - I gladly accept (your invitation).
 - I'm sorry, I must decline your invitation.
 - I would like to reschedule our appointment.
 - I will be attending the meeting.

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am/are/is + going to + verb

planned, certain, appointment, you count on it 

I am going to meet my friends this afternoon. 
We are going to go on holiday to France this summer
will + verb

uncertain, decided on the spot, reaction to something

I will answer the phone.
Wait, I will help you lift that heavy box.

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Present continuous
Persoonlijke afspraken waarvan de tijd en/of plaats al vaststaat  in jouw  agenda en vrijwel zeker gaan gebeuren.
Tommy is visiting his grandmother tomorrow.
I am having an appointment at the dentist's.

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