Passive, Future, Present/ Past

Welcome to today's English lesson!
With Ms Frijns
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EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 38 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 60 min

Items in this lesson

Welcome to today's English lesson!
With Ms Frijns

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By the end of this lesson, you...
...know have refreshed your memory on the future tenses. 
...know have revised the present and past simple and continuous.
...know a step-by-step plan on how to make questions and negations in the past and present. 

Slide 2 - Slide

Table of Contents
Revision round 1: Passive (all together) (20 min)
Revision round 2: Future tenses (20 min)
Revision round 3: Past and present, questions and negations. (20 min)
Study for the test

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Round 1: The passive
From this:
She cooked the pasta for her parents. 
To this:
The pasta was cooked for her parents by her.

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Active: The reporter published the news.
Wanneer gebruik je de passive voice?

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Passive: A cake is baked.
Active: The reporter published the news.
Wanneer gebruik je de passive voice?

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Passive: A cake is baked.
Active: The reporter published the news.
Passive: The news was published. 
Wanneer gebruik je de passive voice?

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Passive: A cake is baked.
Active: The reporter published the news.
Passive: The news was published. 
Wanneer gebruik je de passive voice?
1. Wanneer het niet belangrijk is wie iets heeft gedaan. 

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Passive: A cake is baked.
Active: The reporter published the news.
Passive: The news was published. 
Wanneer gebruik je de passive voice?
1. Wanneer het niet belangrijk is wie iets heeft gedaan. 
2. Wanneer de actie belangrijker is dan wie het doet. 

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. 
Passive: A cake is baked.

Hoe maak je de passive voice van een active voice?

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. (Onderwerp - ww - leidend voorwerp)
Passive: A cake is baked. 

Hoe maak je de passive voice van een active voice?

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. (Onderwerp - ww - leidend voorwerp)
Passive: A cake is baked. (Leidend voorwerp - ww)

Hoe maak je de passive voice van een active voice?
Leidend voorwerp + to be + past participle

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. (Onderwerp - ww - leidend voorwerp)
Passive: A cake is baked by me. (Leidend voorwerp - ww)

Hoe maak je de passive voice van een active voice?
Leidend voorwerp + to be + past participle (+ by + onderwerp)

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Active vs Passive voice
Active: I bake a cake. (Onderwerp - ww - leidend voorwerp)
Passive: A cake is baked by me. (Leidend voorwerp - ww)

Maar hoe dan?!

--> Stappenplan

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Stappenplan Passive

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Round 2: Future tenses

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The Future: gebruik
Wanneer gebruik je de future tense?
Je gebruikt de future tense om aan te geven dat iets in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. Dit kan op 3 manieren:

In de present simple: The store opens at 12:00 tomorrow. 

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The Future: gebruik
Wanneer gebruik je de future tense?
Je gebruikt de future tense om aan te geven dat iets in de toekomst gaat gebeuren. Dit kan op 3 manieren:

In de present simple: The store opens at 12:00 tomorrow. 
In de future:
1. I am going to tell you a great story when I get home!
2. We will study together after school. 

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The Future: to be going to

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The Future: to be going to: vorm
Gebruik: Je gebruikt de 'future' als je het hebt over wat er in de toekomst kan of gaat gebeuren.  

I am going to clean my car this weekend. (plan)
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon. (gaat gebeuren)
I am going to help you, I promise! (belofte)

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The Future: to be going to: vorm
I am going to clean my car this weekend. 
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.

Hoe ziet to be going to in de future eruit?
To be + going to + hele werkwoord

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The Future: to be going to: ? 
I am going to clean my car this weekend. 
Am I going to clean my car this weekend? 
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.
Is it going to rain soon?

Hoe ziet to be going to in de future eruit in een vraagzin?

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The Future: to be going to: ? 
I am going to clean my car this weekend. 
Am I going to clean my car this weekend? 
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.
Is it going to rain soon?

Hoe ziet to be going to in de future eruit in een vraagzin?
Bij een vraagzin zet je 'to be' vooraan de zin.

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The Future: to be going to: - 
I am going to clean my car this weekend. 
I am not going to clean my car this weekend. 
Look at those dark clouds! It is going to rain soon.
It isn't going to rain soon.

Hoe ziet to be going to in de future eruit in een ontkennende zin? In een ontkennende zin plak je 'not' of 'n't' achter 'to be'

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord: gebruik
Wanneer gebruik je The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord
Je kunt de future ook anders gebruiken:

I will tell you everything when I get home. (belofte)
She will be so mad! (voorspelling)
We will go to Italy in summer. (plan)

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord: vorm
Hoe ziet de The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord eruit ? 
Will / shall + hele werkwoord

will/ 'll help you with that.
shall/ 'll help you with that.
will/ 'll help you with that.
will/ 'll help you with that. 
shall/ 'll help you with that. 
You/ they
will/ 'll help you with that.

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord: vorm
Hoe ziet de The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord eruit ? 
Will / shall + hele werkwoord

will/ 'll help you with that.
shall/ 'll help you with that.
will/ 'll help you with that.
will/ 'll help you with that. 
shall/ 'll help you with that. 
You/ they
will/ 'll help you with that.
Bij I en We kun je zowel will als shall gebruiken. 

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord: vragend (?)
Shall help you with that?
Will he/she/it help you with that?
Shall we help you with that? 
You/ they
Will you/they help you with that?
--> Bij vraagzinnen zet je will of shall vooraan de zin.
Let op! Bij vraagzinnen met I of we moet je shall gebruiken!

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The Future: will / shall + hele werkwoord: ontkennend (-)
I will not/ won't help you with that?
I shall not/ shan't help you with that.
He/She/It will not/ won't help you with that?
We will not/ won't help you with that?
We shall not/ shan't help you with that. 
You/ they
You/They will not/ won't help you with that?
--> Bij ontkennende zinnen zet je not achter will, of maak je er won't van.
--> Bij I en we zet je not achter shall, of maak je er shan't van. 

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Why not?
I am going to Spain.
--> Present continuous (to be + hww + ing)

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Why not?
I am going to Spain.
--> Present continuous (to be + hww + ing)

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Why not?
I am going to Spain.
--> Present continuous (to be + hww + ing)
--> Future tense (to be + going to + hww)

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Why not?
I am going to Spain.
--> Present continuous (to be + hww + ing)
--> Future tense (to be + going to + hww)

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Why not?
I am going to go Spain.
--> Present continuous (to be + hww + ing)
--> Future tense (to be + going to + hww)

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Round 3: Present and Past in questions and negations

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Over to you...

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