Les 4


Lesson 4: Past Continuous + Modal verbs

Reminder: Toets donderdag 25/01/2024

1 / 49
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolmavo, havoLeerjaar 1-3

This lesson contains 49 slides, with text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 45 min

Items in this lesson


Lesson 4: Past Continuous + Modal verbs

Reminder: Toets donderdag 25/01/2024

Slide 1 - Slide

Lesson 1 (14/11/2023): Practice test
Lesson 2 (21/11/2023): Listening test
Lesson 3 (05/12/2023): Future Simple
Lesson 4 (09/01/2023): Past continuous + Grammar: Modals
Lesson 5 (16/01/2023): Adverbs + prepositions

Examen: donderdag 25/01/2024

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Slide 3 - Slide

Slide 4 - Slide

Test: What you must (not) bring
must bring:
- id (student card / passport)
- pen
- earphones

must NOT bring:
- dictionary (wordenboek NL/EN EN/NL)

Slide 5 - Slide

Test roster:

Slide 6 - Slide

Slide 7 - Slide

Lesson up
Class code: diolh


Slide 8 - Slide

Anglia Student Portal
website: https://www.anglia.nl/levels.html

Login: staden-student@anglia.nl

Password: Angliastudent1!

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Slide 13 - Slide

What do you already know?

Slide 14 - Slide

What do you already know?

Slide 15 - Slide

Slide 16 - Slide

Slide 17 - Slide

Past Simple

  • verleden tijd
  • feiten, gewoonten etc. die in het verled en gebeurd zijn en nu helemaal klaar zijn

Past continuous

  • de Past Continuous is de duurvorm in de verleden tijd
  • je vertelt over wat je in het verleden aan het doen was

Slide 18 - Slide

Past Simple

  • Signaal worden yesterday, last week, last year, three days ago, in 2015, etc.

Past continuous

  • was / were
  • Signaal worden yesterday, last week, last year, three days ago, in 2015, etc.

Slide 19 - Slide

Past Simple

  • Signaal worden yesterday, last week, last year, three days ago, in 2015, etc.

Past continuous

  • was / were
  • Signaal worden yesterday, last week, last year, three days ago, in 2015, etc.

Slide 20 - Slide

Past Continuous: Affirmative
verb to be (+) -ing
verb to be (past)
I / she / he / it
I was running to school.
She was playing the guitar.
they / we / you
They were running to school.
We were playing the guitar.

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Past Continuous: Negative
pronoun (+) verb to be (+) not + -ing
verb to be (past)
I / she / he / it
was not
I wasn't running to school.
She wasn't playing the guitar.
they / we / you
They weren't running to school.
We weren't playing the guitar.

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Past Continuous: Question
Verb to be (+) pronoun (+) -ing
verb to be (past)
was not
I / he / she / it
Was he running to school.
Was she playing the guitar.
we / they / you
Were they running to school.
Were they playing the guitar.

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Past Continuous: Spelling
verb (werkword)
spel regel
most verbs
+ -ing
playing / walking / 
Werkwoorden die eindigen op -e
+ -ing
bake = baking

Werkwoorden die eindigen op -c
+ -k 
+ -ing
panic = panicking

Werkwoorden die kort zijn, één klinker in zich hebben en waarbij maar één klemtoon mogelijk is, schrijf je met een extra laatste medeklinker voor -ing:
extra laatste medeklinker voor -ing
sim = swimming
run = running
swap = swapping
Werkwoorden die eindigen op een l, met één klinker ervoor
+ een extra l

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Past Continuous: when
(Interrupted action in the past)
  • Je was [of iets was] aan het doen wanneer (when) iets gebeurt.

  • Een langdurende actie was onderbroken bij door andere actie.

Example 1:   I was watching T.V when my cat jumped on me

Example 2:   They were listening to Spotify when the phone range.

  • deel 1: je zegt wat je (iets) aan het gebeuren was
  • deel 2: je zegt wat er toen gebeurde - kort actie (past simple)

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Past Continuous: while (Parallel actions)
Twee langdurende acties die gebeuren op hetzelfde moment.

Example 1: I was studying while he was making dinner.

Example 2: While Ellen was reading, Tim was watching television.

deel 1: je zegt wat je (iets) was aan het doen
deel 2: je zegt wat er was ook aan het doen

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Your turn..
1. They ________ (verb to be) ________ (talk) __________ (when/while) Usain _________ (run) by.

2. It ________ (verb to be) ________ (rain) __________ (when/while) my umbrella ________ (break).

3. She ________ (verb to be) ________ (run) __________ (when/while) a kangaroo __________ (jump) in front of her.

Slide 27 - Slide

Your turn..
1. They were talking when Usain ran by.

2. It was raining when my umbrella broke.

3. She was running when a kangaroo jumped in front of her.

Slide 28 - Slide

Your turn..
1. They ________ (verb to be) ________ (talk) __________ (when/while) Usain _________ (verb to be) ________ (do) his homework.

2. It ________ (verb to be) ________ (rain) __________ (when/while) she _________ (verb to be) ________ (play) football.

3. They ________ (verb to be) ________ (run) __________ (when/while) their coach __________ (verb to be) ________ (time) them.

Slide 29 - Slide

Your turn..
1. They were talking while Usain was doing his homework.

2. It was raining while) she was playing football.

3. They were running while) their coach was timing them.

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Slide 31 - Slide

Modal verbs
Model verbs zijn hulpwerkwoorden: 

Gebruikt om toestemming, mogelijkheid of verplichting uit te drukken.

Na een modal komt altijd een heel werkwoord (infinitief).

Engels hulpwerkwoorden: can / be able to / could / should / may

Slide 32 - Slide

Modal verbs (hulpwerkwoorden)
Model verbs zijn hulpwerkwoorden.

Gebruikt om toestemming, mogelijkheid of verplichting uit te drukken.

Na een modal komt altijd een heel werkwoord (infinitief).

Engels hulpwerkwoorden: can / be able to / could / should / may

Slide 33 - Slide

Modal verbs: certainty / possibility
Wanneer kan je het gebruiken...
can (present)

Could (verleden tijd)

ik kan / wij kunnen

ik kon / je kon
vermogen of mogelijkheid

je wilt zeggen dat je iets kon (verleden tijd) of als je specifiek wilt zeggen dat je iets 'zou kunnen'.
be able to
het is mogelijk
vermogen of mogelijkheid
ik zou / wij zullen
advies of een mening geven

het is mogelijk
iets mogelijk is - niet zeker
het is mogelijk
iets mogelijk is - echt niet zeker!

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Modal verbs: to ask permission
To ask permission....
can (informal)

Can I go to the bathroom?

Can Sarah go to the store with you?

be able to
Am I able to go with you?
may (formal)

May I take your coat?

May she go with you to see the King?
might (very formal)
Might I join you and the Queen for a cup of tea?

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Fill in the blanks using:
can / could

Slide 37 - Slide

Fill in the blanks using:
can / could

Slide 38 - Slide

Fill in the blanks using:
can / could

Slide 39 - Slide

Fill in the blanks using: could / be able to

Slide 40 - Slide

Fill in the blanks using: could / be able to

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Fill in the blanks using: could / be able to

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Fill in the blanks using: could / can / may

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Fill in the blanks using: could / can / may

Slide 44 - Slide

Re-write the sentences in the correct order.

Slide 45 - Slide

Re-write the sentences in the correct order.

Slide 46 - Slide

Re-write the sentences in the correct order.

Slide 47 - Slide

Re-write the sentences in the correct order.

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Next Lesson: 
- Averbs
- Prepositions

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