Repetition and practice of grammar Theme 3 + 4 Stepping Stones H2

Grammar practice and repetition 
Theme 3 + 4
can / be able to
past continuous + past simple 
tag questions
present perfect
1 / 29
Slide 1: Slide
EngelsMiddelbare schoolhavoLeerjaar 2

This lesson contains 29 slides, with interactive quizzes and text slides.

time-iconLesson duration is: 30 min

Items in this lesson

Grammar practice and repetition 
Theme 3 + 4
can / be able to
past continuous + past simple 
tag questions
present perfect

Slide 1 - Slide

can / to be able to 


Grammar 7 & GS 7 (p. 151)
Can: vaardigheden, iets dat aangeleerd is 

To be able to: in staat zijn iets te doen/kunnen

Slide 2 - Slide

can + hele ww.
Karen can play the guitar very well. 
vorm van to be + able to + hele ww.
I'm able to visit you this weekend.
We are able to go to the party today.
cannot/can't + hele ww.
My little sister can't swim yet. 
vorm van to be + not + able to + hele ww. 
He is not able to run ten miles.
They are not able to go to the party.
can + ondw. + hele ww.
Can she play chess?
vorm van to be + ondw. + able to + hele ww.
Is she able to raise enough money?
Are you able to fix the car in time?
Let op: Met to be able to kun je alle tijden uitdrukken, de vorm van to be verandert dan (were able to, will be able to, etc). Can verandert niet, behalve voor de past simple en in sommige gevallen voor de future (could).

Slide 3 - Slide

Brian can / is able to sing very well.
is able to

Slide 4 - Quiz

His father can't / isn't able to play the piano because he has hurt his wrist.
isn't able to

Slide 5 - Quiz

Are you able to / Can you speak Chinese?
Are you able to
Can you

Slide 6 - Quiz

I couldn't / wasn't able to visit him in hospital yesterday because I was ill myself.
wasn't able to

Slide 7 - Quiz

We don't have wifi around here so I am unable to / cannot look it up.
am unable to

Slide 8 - Quiz

past continuous / past simple 


Grammar 8 & GS 4 + 3 (p. 145, 146, 147)
Past continuous: als je wilt benadrukken dat iets in het verleden een tijdje aan de gang was.

Past simple: als je wilt zeggen dat iets in het verleden gebeurd is en nu is afgelopen. 

Slide 9 - Slide

Past continuous
was/were + hele ww + ing
We were waiting for the bus. 
I was playing basketball. 
Was/Were + ondw + hele ww + ing
Were you walking the dog?
Was she doing the dishes?
was/were + not + hele ww + ing
Janet wasn't listening to music.
Past simple
hele ww + ed (let op uitzonderingen mbt spelling)
Last night I played football.
We tried to call him. 
Did + ondw + hele ww 
Did you go to Spain last year?
didn't/did not + hele ww 
Aiza didn't clean her room.
Denk aan de onregelmatige werkwoorden voor de past simple

Slide 10 - Slide


Vaak gebruik je de past continuous en past simple samen in een zin --> om aan te geven dat iets gebeurde (past simple) terwijl er al iets aan de gang was (past continuous)

I was waiting for the bus when it started to rain. 
Nikki was doing the dishes when the doorbell rang
We were climbing the hill when one of us slipped and fell.

Slide 11 - Slide

Vul de juiste vorm van de past continuous in:
We __________ for the bus. (wait)

Slide 12 - Open question

Vul de juiste vorm van de past continuous in:
I __________ my room. (clean)

Slide 13 - Open question

Vul de juiste vorm van de past continuous in:
__________ football with your friends? (you - play)

Slide 14 - Open question

Vul de juiste vorm van de past continuous in:
Lidia __________ to the shop. (not - walk)

Slide 15 - Open question

I fell / was falling off the ladder when I cleaned / was cleaning the windows.
was falling
was cleaning

Slide 16 - Quiz

They did / were doing their homework when suddenly they heard / were hearing a loud bang.
were doing
were hearing

Slide 17 - Quiz

tag questions


Grammar 9 & GS 14 (p. 155, 156)
Als je bevestiging wilt of als je wilt weten of iemand er net zo over denkt als jij. In het Nederlands zeg je 'hè?', 'toch?', 'nietwaar?'. 

Slide 18 - Slide

Bevestigende zin
Ontkennende tag question
Snow is white, 
isn't it?
Ontkennende zin
Bevestigende tag question
You don't like me, 
do you?

Slide 19 - Slide


Hoe maakt je de tag question (aangeplakte vraag)?

Stap 1: Herhaal het werkwoord. 
Stap 2: Maak het werkwoord bevestigend/ontkennend.
Stap 3: Zet het persoonlijk voornaamwoord (afgeleid van het onderwerp) erachter. 

Rachel is so sweet, isn't she?   
Our neighbours couldn't hear us, could they?

Slide 20 - Slide



Stap 1, herhaal het werkwoord, geldt alleen voor hulpwerkwoorden (to be, to have got, can, could, will, should). 
Bij hoofdwerkwoorden gebruik je do/don't, does/doesn't of did/didn't in de tag question. 

Roy lives with his mom, doesn't he?   
Jill and Jess didn't like the joke, did they?

Slide 21 - Slide

Complete the sentence by adding the correct tag questions.
Your aunt and uncle live on a farm, __________ ?

Slide 22 - Open question

Complete the sentence by adding the correct tag questions.
She shouldn't worry anymore, __________ ?

Slide 23 - Open question

Complete the sentence by adding the correct tag questions.
Michael plays football, __________ ?

Slide 24 - Open question

present perfect 


Grammar 10 & GS 6 (p. 149, 150)
Je gebruikt de present perfect om: 
 - te zeggen dat iets in het verleden is begonnen en nu nog aan de gang is.
We have lived in this house since July.  
- te praten over ervaringen (in iemands leven) tot nu toe. 
I've never been on a sailboat in my life. 
- te zeggen dat iets in het verleden is gebeurd en dat je daar nu het resultaat van merkt. 
Bob feels sick. He has eaten too much. 

Slide 25 - Slide

have/has + voltooid deelwoord
I have played football since 2012. 
Rosa has won the first prize!
Have/Has + ondw. + voltooid deelwoord
Have you ever talked to your idol?
Has he lived here for three years?
has/have + not + voltooid deelwoord
I'm sad because I haven't passed the test. 
Regelmatige werkwoorden voltooid deelwoord = hele ww + -ed
to play - played
to study - studied
Onregelmatige werkwoorden voltooid deelwoord = eigen vorm, zie past participle/3e vorm in de rijtjes op p. 163

Slide 26 - Slide

Vul de present perfect in:
Someone ________ my phone! (steal)

Slide 27 - Open question

Vul de present perfect in:
They ________ to my message yet. (not - reply)

Slide 28 - Open question

Vul de present perfect in:
________ in London for three years? (you - live)

Slide 29 - Open question